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Mud kitchen

19 replies

purpleme12 · 01/11/2019 22:17

Can anyone recommend any mud kitchen in particular? Not sure where to start!

OP posts:
wowsaidtheowl · 02/11/2019 15:07

Look on Pinterest! There are loads of great ideas there.

purpleme12 · 02/11/2019 15:33

I don't have pinterest.i just thought people might have recommendations but perhaps not

OP posts:
AppleKatie · 02/11/2019 15:34

Honestly? This is where nursery comes into it own 🤣

purpleme12 · 02/11/2019 15:49

If she wants to play with mud that's ok with me

OP posts:
onedsrightnow · 02/11/2019 19:02

We bought ours in aldi in may so not much help to you! look pretty good! They are easy enough to make if you have the time and are DIY orientated.

LostMyRubySlippers · 02/11/2019 19:15

We bought one a couple of years ago from Studio, pretty basic but think it was only ÂŁ50 or so. Was easy to assemble iirc & gets played with quite a bit

mrswx · 02/11/2019 19:35

Ikea have a good wooden kitchen, which is nice and sturdy. Argos also have a mud kitchen reduced to ÂŁ80 just now.

wowsaidtheowl · 02/11/2019 20:03

Surely if you have access to Mumsnet you can look on Pinterest? Am I missing something?
Get a table, some pans, a pot of utensils and a large container of mud. Tah dah!

TellerTuesday4EVA · 02/11/2019 20:12

DD has the Chad Valley one from Argos that a PP mentioned is reduced above... its brilliant, she got it for her birthday in the summer & absolutely loves it

TellerTuesday4EVA · 02/11/2019 20:12

This one...

Mud kitchen
INeedNewShoes · 02/11/2019 20:15

Are we no longer allowed to ask for recommendations of things if they might be found on Pinterest? Hmm

AthollPlace · 02/11/2019 20:16

I don’t see the point of a mud kitchen? Surely you just give your kid a spoon and dish and stick him in the flower bed?

purpleme12 · 02/11/2019 20:21

Yes she does play with mud at the minute but I would like a proper mud kitchen. I think it's the kind of thing she'd like.

Thank you to all the suggestions I'll have a look

OP posts:
SailorGirl3 · 02/11/2019 20:27

Try your local Facebook selling pages. Lots of people are making them and selling on there at reasonable prices (or they are in my area).

TrixieFranklin · 02/11/2019 20:33

Sorry just realised someone already showed you that one!

debbiewest0 · 02/11/2019 23:45

We have the tp muddy madness one. It has the oven and hob and a mini water butt and a sink. Bugger to build but looks great and daughter loves it. Very sturdy and has taken a beating but still looks great.
We got it from very to get a discount offer as new customers though they have it on amazon

purpleme12 · 03/11/2019 00:00

Ah thanks I'll have a look - and get someone else to build it!!

OP posts:
debbiewest0 · 03/11/2019 00:10

Yes you’ll need two to build it and some time!

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