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Ideas for making Christmas fun for teenagers/older children?

28 replies

BaconAndBees · 03/10/2017 13:34

Does anyone have any?

Missing Santa's grotto etc etc. I think we need some more traditions!

OP posts:
snozzlemaid · 05/10/2017 18:17

I normally put a couple of lottery tickets in too. Or scratch cards. But they can't be scratched off until the end of the game.

MadamMinacious · 05/10/2017 14:20

Last year, following a thread from MN we made a "Drinks station" box full of Christmas mugs, hot drinks sachets, marshmallows, sprinkles, syrups etc. That was simple and was surprisingly popular.

Love this idea.

I was in the Poundshop today, bought a big hessian Christmas sack and 5 gifts, a mix of adult useful and silly/tacky as a start to Mean Santa and a large wooden dice - all put away in the sack. My dad is up for Christmas (and he is childishly competitive) so I think it will be amusing. I'm actually already a little excited for Christmas. I'm going for a mix of kids things/tacky joke things/useful and edible. I'm getting the higher end things from Boots 3 for 2 (lowest price end). Definitely going to get some bacon popping candy Grin

thekingfisher · 04/10/2017 21:40

I'm bookmarking this - love mean santa!

Serin · 04/10/2017 21:23

Last year, following a thread from MN we made a "Drinks station" box full of Christmas mugs, hot drinks sachets, marshmallows, sprinkles, syrups etc. That was simple and was surprisingly popular.

We also go ice skating at the local rink (once we made it to Somerset house) they always have Christmas music playing and loads of fairy lights.

Christmas Markets?

Forest for a Christmas tree? (which they have to cut down themselves and tie on the car roof!!).

Competition to make and ice a gingerbread house.

Make wreath for front door.

tootiredtothink · 04/10/2017 20:53

Another one going to do mean santa.

We usually do table presents after dinner so think I'll swap it for that. Cannot wait Grin

BerylThePeril44 · 04/10/2017 20:44

Loving mean santa! Played this game at a drunken adult event some years was hilarious x

ohanabanana · 04/10/2017 18:39

Oh and they like going to a big garden centre to see the decs plus a mince pie in the cafe

ohanabanana · 04/10/2017 18:36

I love the fire pit idea and also scratch card, I would never have thought of that!
My children have not been into visiting Father Christmas for years - even when they were little they weren't particularly into him! We still do similar stuff now their older though. Often National Trust or similar properties have a day where you can walk round their grounds, see the decorations and listen to Carol singers or hand bell ringers, that sort of thing. Kids also love a Christmas roast in a pub in the lead up to Christmas, followed by a show or film at the cinema. We have an evening of late night shopping, to see the lights and listen to the Salvation Army band. They also still love watching the old favourite movies such as Home Alone and Elf. The only thing they won't do anymore is go to the Christingle 😢

TinklyLittleLaugh · 04/10/2017 18:32

I'm loving mean Santa, definitely going to give that a go.

I have young adult offspring and we love a board game. Something silly goes down well too. One year we played that pie face game. Last year we got hand bells in crackers and youngest DC conducted us in some very shambolic Christmas Carols. Then clever musical DH took us through some rock tunes which we all tried to guess.

snozzlemaid · 04/10/2017 18:22

We play that game too. It's become a tradition for us. Everyone loves it, from kids to grandparents.
I buy a load of cheap tat from poundland and then a few nicer gifts that somebody might actually want.
My mum buys some to put in the sack too so I can play as well and don't know what everything is.
I think it may be my teens' favourite bit of the day.

Restingwitchface · 04/10/2017 18:18

How many presents for 5 people??

bastardlyandmutley · 04/10/2017 18:08

I love Mean Santa too. What a brilliant idea. I get to spend on a load of tat in Poundland too - win win!

MadamMinacious · 04/10/2017 18:02

Yep, bold fail there.

MadamMinacious · 04/10/2017 18:02

*I8toys Can I just say that game is the most fantastic idea and I fully intend on doing it. Thank you so much for sharing.

I8toys · 04/10/2017 12:46

Just random things - I got Christmas musical tie, pug measuring tape, back scratcher, bacon popping candy - stuff like that. Go to Poundland!!

Restingwitchface · 04/10/2017 12:23

I am so excited about Mean Santa Grin

anything i see thats a pound or less is going in my trolley

ImNotReallyHere · 04/10/2017 12:22

I'm loving the mean Santa idea. What sort of things do you put in except the royal wedding fridge magnet?
It's just me, DH, DS 13 and DD10. And maybe DM 78

BaconAndBees · 03/10/2017 19:08
  • they have one
OP posts:
BaconAndBees · 03/10/2017 19:07

I think we should make the royal wedding fridge magnet compulsory! They have as one in Amazon!

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I8toys · 03/10/2017 14:51

Forgot about JibJab - where you add your photo to musical Christmas scenes. Loads of fun when there are a few kids together.

pallisers · 03/10/2017 14:35

My teens are really into the christmas food. Thanksgiving is coming up and they are already asking me when we are going to start making and freezing the stock for the gravy!

We've gone to the sun for a few years which was lovely with older children. We always do christmas stockings for everyone (I do them) with funny gifts etc. Always do a walk in the woods with the dog. Then have a big dinner and play a game afterwards - right left and centre dice game is brilliant if played for decent money.

I'm going to steal nearly all of 18toys ideas! thank you

steppemum · 03/10/2017 14:31

we have changed the timing of our day as kids got older.
Lie ins and lazy day more the order of the day now.

we usually play a board game together after dinner, which gets very silly (not monopoly!)


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BaconAndBees · 03/10/2017 14:17

I8. Thank you so much - love those ideas - both fire pit and game. Emailing this thread to myself for December!

OP posts:
I8toys · 03/10/2017 14:09

Yes - you can smell, feel and rattle them but have to guess what you think they are.

Restingwitchface · 03/10/2017 14:07

Love that game! So you take the presents and don't unwrap them until they are all gone from the pile? My only issue with this game is dd2 who is so boringly competitve she might actually strop

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