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'Oh I'll never spoil mine at Christmas' well behold, under our tree there will be......

77 replies

WellErrr · 20/11/2016 12:08

A fucking horse.

Is it some kind of Christmas madness?? Does anyone else get gripped by it?

I am usually pretty tight and determined to not have spoilt children. I don't know where this has come from.

Anyone else?

OP posts:
cowssheephens · 20/11/2016 12:32

If you can afford it why not? You obviously know how to look after horses and imagine their little faces.

HerRoyalFattyness · 20/11/2016 12:32

Grin the image of a pony under the bed has me in fits of giggles.

Garthmarenghi · 20/11/2016 12:32

Section A or a shitland OP?

WellErrr · 20/11/2016 12:35

A teeny tiny A. 10.3hh!!

OP posts:
WellErrr · 20/11/2016 12:36

I went to great lengths to NOT buy a Shetland..!

OP posts:
Garthmarenghi · 20/11/2016 12:36

Oh delicious! Grey or palomino?

ememem84 · 20/11/2016 12:37

Could you put some glass on its back and use her an a table? Kids wouldn't notice would they?

unlimiteddilutingjuice · 20/11/2016 12:38

Lucky kids!
But it's not spoiling them. They will learn the responsibility of caring for an animal. That's the opposite of spoilt.

DearMrDilkington · 20/11/2016 12:41

Train the pony to hide when you ring a bell. Then whenever the kids are coming you ring the bell and the pony will hide under the table or behind the curtainsGrin.

Maudlinmaud · 20/11/2016 12:43

Well best christmas I ever had was when santa brought me my pony. Your kids will love it I'm sure!

FayKnights · 20/11/2016 12:43

Lucky kids! Do not feel bad about it, they are only small for a while - enjoy it!
I see threads on here about things we coverted for Christmas as children (mine was a Mr Frosty BTW) and loads of people wanted ponies, so the only thing to feel bad about is that your children will not be able to join in that kind of conversation! Grin

SoupDragon · 20/11/2016 12:43

Wouldn't want it shitting in the sitting room

But shitting in the kitchen is OK?

Oh, and you have to gift wrap it!

'Oh I'll never spoil mine at Christmas' well behold, under our tree there will be......
NoTractorsAtTheTable · 20/11/2016 12:44

Any chance you want to adopt a slightly older child, OP? I'm very well-behaved, honest...

As a pony-mad, but pony-less, kid, I woke up one Christmas morning to a gift-wrapped headcollar.

Just the headcollar. I howled Blush

totally over it now, obviously

paddypants13 · 20/11/2016 12:44

I wouldn't say buying them a present that will provide joy, exercise and teach them about responsibility is spoiling them. Buying them loads and loads of stuff that they barely glance at and buying everything they want immediately is spoiling them.

(I wonder if I could con dh into letting me buy a dog "for the children" this Christmas... Grin)

SoupDragon · 20/11/2016 12:45

I see threads on here about things we coverted for Christmas as children (mine was a Mr Frosty BTW) and loads of people wanted ponies, so the only thing to feel bad about is that your children will not be able to join in that kind of conversation!

Well, unless what they really wanted was a Hatchimal. "... and my bloody mother bought us a sodding pony FFS! I never got my

DartmoorDoughnut · 20/11/2016 12:45

Spoil me spoil me!! I promise to not shit in the kitchen or the sitting room Grin

CoolCarrie · 20/11/2016 12:48

Lucky dc! Buy a little model of a pony for each child and wrap those up, and put them under the tree, get them to open them at the same time and then say something like "would you like to see a bigger version"? They are only wee for a short time and it you have given the pony a good home.

Fluffsnuts · 20/11/2016 12:50

One of my favourite Christmas memories is our neighbour (we lived on a farm) banging on our door Christmas day morning screaming "it's a horse, it's a horse, Santa brought me a horse!" Her mum had taken her to try it a few weeks earlier but had told her they couldn't afford it. They'd actually had it delivered Christmas eve whilst they were out and had come round to tell us (well me, I was her friend) not to tell her if I saw it!

She was so frickin happy!

I think it's lovely.

I also had horse and hope to again soon.

2kids2dogsnosense · 20/11/2016 12:50

Spoil me spoil me!! I promise to not shit in the kitchen or the sitting room

I can't make any such promises (IBS is a bugger!), but I would still like a pony. Please adopt me.

I have gin and chocolate . . . .

CremeBrulee · 20/11/2016 12:51

Can you get a super long spool of ribbon and tie one end to her halter and the other end to a little model pony that looks like her? Then wrap up the model pony leaving a the end of ribbon sticking out and put in under the tree.

1happyhippie · 20/11/2016 12:51

How lovely. What lucky kids!

But, wellerrr, how you gonna top that next year? Lol

AlpacaPicnic · 20/11/2016 12:52

Can we see a picture of the horsey?


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SoupDragon · 20/11/2016 12:53

You could put antlers on it and say that one of the reindeer must have got left behind in your garden.

WHSmith used to run a Win A Pony competition when I was small. I never bloody won :(

IcedVanillaLatte · 20/11/2016 12:53

A fucking horse…

Is that like a rocking horse for pervy grown-ups?

SootSprite · 20/11/2016 12:55

I think there's a big difference between spoiling your kids and them being spoilt. Our old ndn's eldest dd was the biggest, nastiest spoilt brat I've ever met and she didn't have a lot of stuff brought for her. My dd is spoiled in that we buy her whatever we think she will like, but she isn't spoilt, she is appreciative, lovely and doesn't expect any of it.

So spoil away x

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