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Play station? PS 4? Xbox? Help!!!

31 replies

Johnogroats · 24/11/2014 11:59

Hi all,

I am totally ignorant about the above mentioned electronics. I know they cost about £340 and I know that my boys (8&10) want one for Xmas, but I have no idea of the difference.

Is there somewhere that sets out in simple terms what they are?

Is a PS4 the best option?

Thanks in advance!

OP posts:
Roobix04 · 28/11/2014 22:31

You can also buy it for just a month.

Roobix04 · 28/11/2014 22:30

To play online on the ps4 you'll need PlayStation plus. It's about £40 for the year if I remember correctly but you do get a month or two free when you buy the console. At least from Game you do.

outtolunchagain · 28/11/2014 20:57

Can anyone explain how the online subscription works for the ps4. Is it like xbox and you have to buy an annual subs

Merrow · 28/11/2014 20:41

The 360 is the older one, and if his friends have consoles they'll probably have that one. The 360 is not technically better in that the graphics etc aren't as good as the latest (xbox one) but I think it has a lot of advantages, especially for a ten year old. The big thing is that there's a massive back catalogue of games which are really cheap to buy, especially if you go second hand. The consile itself is also a lot cheaper, even new - £100 in Asda right now with 2 well rates games (although I'd double check they're suitable for 10 year olds)

aquawater · 28/11/2014 20:34

I'm also totally ignorant. My 10 year old is asking for a 360 rather than an Xbox 1. Is the 360 better? I'm so old and confused Smile

mumthetaxidriver · 28/11/2014 20:29

johnogroats I wouldn't worry too much about your dislike for FIFA - as time goes on you'll be pleased that your DC's are happy to stick with that. This is still the favoured game of my DS (nearly 17) and although I'm not keen on football I would much prefer it to many of the other games that parents seem to let their kids play at a rediculously early age.

Infinity8 · 26/11/2014 15:05

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Johnogroats · 26/11/2014 14:20

Just been to GAME at lunchtime. Apparently there may be lots of reductions on Friday.... I will see what's on offer, there and on amazon.

God suggestions Atticus.

OP posts:
atticusclaw · 26/11/2014 13:04

We've bought lego the hobbit, minecraft and disney infinity 2.0 marvel superheroes. Grandparents have bought the new skylanders trap team.

Four games will last my two the whole year!

Iamblossom · 26/11/2014 13:02

we are going for a PS4, my boys are the same age as yours.

They want Minecraft and FIFA 15.

Good shout about the second handset.

They have saved up half the money themselves.

Johnogroats · 26/11/2014 12:35

As with Atticus, our boys are very restricted on games in the week, and so not too concerned about the obsessive side. The 10 yo is very self disciplined; the 8yo is, erm, learning!

Really useful thinking PS4. They are not going to be getting loads of games, but another hand device sounds like a must.

So other than FIFA (yuck), perhaps minecraft might be a good choice.

OP posts:
atticusclaw · 26/11/2014 09:31

I think the discipline around screen time is a different issue altogether. Ours have had a wii since they were little but we only allow computers at the weekend and then only for an hour max each day.

Seriouslyffs · 25/11/2014 19:59

We have a Ps4 however ds was nearly 14 and apart from the occasional half day marathon in the holidays isn't very interested. I think if we'd got it when he the age your suggesting he'd have got a bit obsessed. Try and find out how long their peers play on it and decide whether you really want that for your sons. One disadvantage DS had was that he's the only one interested, big sisters and dad would play a little but is very self disciplined so your sons will perhaps moderate each other, but honestly I'd resist screens/ games/ tablets as long as possible.

atticusclaw · 25/11/2014 19:52

By the way theres a good value ps4 fifa package on amazon at the moment which gives you fifa15 for about a tenner.

atticusclaw · 25/11/2014 19:50

We have just had this dilemma and I spent ages researching it. The DSs are 7 and 9 and have a wii which is now out of date. No new titles are coming out on the wii.

We have gone for the pS4. Sales of the PS4 have massively outstripped the Xbox and as a result it will attract more titles. Xbox1 is widely regarded to have been a failure and to have lost the battle to the PS4.

Do not buy a PS3 now. Its the old model and the games are not forward compatible which means that they won't play on the PS4. Whilst they haven't withdrawn the PS3 yet, they will do and the titles that come out on the PS3 format will gradually reduce in number.

The games are the same price on each console (within a couple of pounds).

One thing that did annoy us was the fact that the PS4 only comes with one handset which is very annoying for the money and would have caused chaos on Christmas day had we not noticed and so factor into your cost another handset at about £40.

Roobix04 · 25/11/2014 19:43

Microsofts shares went down by about 8% when they announced the features of the new console while Sony's went up. I would go for PlayStation every time. If your friends have specifically requested a ps4 it probably means they like the games/spec better and that their friends have them. I have never noticed a difference in the price of games.

simpson · 25/11/2014 19:37

I guess I am lucky as DS just likes Minecraft, Fifa (any football game actually) & racing games/driving games so he doesn't have to have the latest console (yet!) so his Xbox 360 is still going strong Grin

Johnogroats · 25/11/2014 15:20

The more hijacks the better...I am finding out lots that I didn't know!

OP posts:
Nerf · 25/11/2014 07:40

Not so far I was promised this in Game but so far it doesn't appear when we go to the store. Although in Game he was telling me his gf loves Crash Bandicoot etc, so either I'm daft or he was telling promises!

fuzzpig · 25/11/2014 07:36

(Sorry for hijack BTW)

fuzzpig · 25/11/2014 07:36

Does anyone know if the PS4 has the back catalogue available now? I'd heard that the plan was to make old PS1-3 games available for download but I know it wasn't available straight away. TBH it would be the main factor in us getting one (would be next year if at all)

Nerf · 25/11/2014 07:36

Just had this and bought both ps4 and xbox1 to replace xbox360 and Wii. The xbox1 would be good if we needed to use it for films etc but I think it's underutilized as we have a pc and DVD and Netflix etc. It s impossible to us and I hate it although de (11) loves it. The ps4 is much Easier to us and has rechargeable consoles as standard. It's less aggressive seeming and the account is easier to manage. Compared to the Wii - plug and play - both are frustrating.


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Poolomoomon · 25/11/2014 07:29

It's worthwhile investing in the latest console rather than opting for an older model IMO. It's only a matter of time before the new games suddenly become incompatible with older consoles as they so often do...

DH says if you're a gamer (as he is) playstation is the one for you. If you're more interested in fancy features (like for example the fact Xbox one is speech activated) then go for Xbox. Also note that Halo is only for Xbox so if that's a game of interest it's worth noting.

simpson · 25/11/2014 00:22

My DS has an x box, worth checking out GAME for 2nd hand ones which still come with a years guarantee.

All DS plays on it is fifa games & mine craft, he loves it! I got it for his birthday in the summer for just over £100 (2nd hand).

Btw it is well worth getting one of the rechargeable hand controls (you just plug it in to recharge (into the front of the xbox itself) rather than spend £££ on batteries. It is an extra £20 or so IIRC but well worth the money/hassle.

NinjaLeprechaun · 25/11/2014 00:11

I asked my daughter her preference the other day, merely for the sake of curiosity not because I'm buying her one, and she said either a ps3 or an xbox ("none of this ps4 or xbox1 crap"). I have no idea what the difference between ps3 and ps4 is, other than price, but as a gamer it obviously made a difference to her. However, I don't think it mattered to her between xbox or Playstation - I think that most of the popular games have versions for either (and she plays Minecraft on her computer). As a pp said, it depends which their friends have if they're going to play online.

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