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What to buy 7 year old neice who has everything?

28 replies

Rtfairy · 22/08/2014 07:23

Actually looking for birthday ideas but would like to get xmas pressie too. She seems to have so much, doesn't know what she wants, dsis no help at all. Really struggling for inspiration!

OP posts:
Fcukfifa · 22/08/2014 19:45

I usually but girls a scrapbook from paper chase , and write a message about filling it with memories. They have loads of different designs, or the plain Manilla type to decorate with washi tape or similar

Rtfairy · 22/08/2014 19:40

Thanks for all the suggestions in the end I went with some crafty jewellery making kits found on amazon. Next task will be Christmas, only person I struggle to buy for as dsis gets her everything!

OP posts:
enderwoman · 22/08/2014 11:18

Cinema ticket (you'll need to buy at least one adult one too)

BellaVida · 22/08/2014 11:11

At that age my DD loved

  • secret diary or pretty stationery, novelty erasers, scented pens
  • craft kits with gems, key ring making, clay modelling, soap making etc
  • pictures, door plaque, bean bag or something else for her room
  • books, factual and fiction
  • jewellery box
  • CD player
  • headbands, pretty scarves, novelty pyjamas/onesies
  • magazine or web site subscription
marne2 · 22/08/2014 11:06

My 8 year old loves:

Loom bands
Craft kits
Build a bear
Eating out ( so pizza express voucher?)
Music or any kind
Hama beads

ChilliMum · 22/08/2014 10:57

My daughter is 8 so a year ahead but she has grown up so much over the last year. Biggest change has been pop music. How about a cd, cd player or we got our daughter a second hand ipod from ebay and cheap ipod dock about 2 years ago which has been a great success!!!

Other than that I absolutely second craft stuff but check with her mum first as they often require quite a bit off parental input.

Heels99 · 22/08/2014 10:50

Book voucher? Mine love choosing new books
Frozen pjs

Nothing that requires adult involvement eg baking or craft sets

pilates · 22/08/2014 10:45

How about a voucher for build a bear?

Notso · 22/08/2014 10:36

I would get the voucher or day out type thing with a big box of 'grown up' chocolates.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 22/08/2014 10:33

Craft kits always go down well with my DD and at this age they can progress onto more adult things. She likes things like colour by numbers as well. Also she likes books teaching her to cook, sew, knit etc too.

I think loom bands are probably heading out, we were on holiday the other week and half the sunloungers had boxes of loom bands poking out of the bags next to them but no DCs actually doing them, the interest lasted about a fortnight for my DD.

elvisola · 22/08/2014 10:31

Lego Friends is always a hit with my DD7 and her friends.

FamiliesShareGerms · 22/08/2014 10:29

Look on NotOnTheHighStreet for quirky ideas.

A voucher

trice · 22/08/2014 10:27

I would get her something 'real'. Like a cookie making set with all the ingredients, or some decent binoculars. Good art equipment is always well received too.

RiverTam · 22/08/2014 10:23

an experience of some kind? Tickets to Singalonga Frozen or somesuch?

elQuintoConyo · 22/08/2014 10:22

A box to put everything in?

jamtoast12 · 22/08/2014 10:01

Personally I'd avoid vouchers, days out or anything non physical, mine would be more excited with something they can use on the actual day I think.

jamtoast12 · 22/08/2014 10:00

I wouldn't get looms, I have two dds and there isn't a single child in their age ranges who doesn't already have them! I expect they'll be over by Xmas.

I'd go for anything crafty. Amazon has load of stuff such make your own headbands or gelarti sets. I've also previously bought nice Disney handbags and shoes from the Disney store which always go down well. At that age they move on from the normal fancy dress stuff into more grown up stuff like play wigs, grass skirts, fancy leotards, feather boas, fancy shoes etc so a couple from there!

Depending on budget I don't think you can go wrong with an argos design a friend or lego friends.

NickNackNooToYou · 22/08/2014 08:15

I agree with those who suggest a day out. The cinema is always a winner for my DCs Grin

Herecomesthesciencebint · 22/08/2014 07:48

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

marriednotdead · 22/08/2014 07:47

Sorry about your tricky night, fingers crossed for a better one tonight Flowers How about swimming lessons for your niece?

fairyfuckwings · 22/08/2014 07:47

Is she "crafty"? My nearly 7 year old loves the craft kits you can get. It's something you can't really have too much of as once the projects done - it's done! Argos has them and they're in the sale at the moment.

CoteDAzur · 22/08/2014 07:45

I second the box of looms.


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Rtfairy · 22/08/2014 07:43

Thanks for the suggestions! Also I do know how to spell niece! Don't know how that happened, I will just blame it on my rough night with my poorly baby!

OP posts:
mausmaus · 22/08/2014 07:32

agree with day out

DeathMetalMum · 22/08/2014 07:30

Take her out for the day? Cinema, bowling, local attracion or something explain it's for her birthday.

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