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What are you getting DH/DP this year?

60 replies

Theimpossiblegirl · 29/10/2013 19:41

DH is hard to buy for and when I ask him what he wants he's not very helpful. Any ideas gratefully received.

OP posts:
Anja1Cam · 29/10/2013 22:00

C&P from their web site:
How do gift subscriptions work?
You buy a 12 week or 24 week subscription for some lucky so and so.
We then send you an email with a link and a special code.
You forward that link and code to the person you have bought the gift for.
The link sends them to // where they give us their details.
We then send them some beer.
The beer comes as a 12-bottle case (all different) and the web site has a bit of blurb every week on which one the beer sample that week and forums to discuss it with other drinkers (optional, dh didn't engage with this, but drank the beer properly spaced out)

Glimmerberry · 29/10/2013 23:06

The raspberry pi is a very basic, hands on, infinitely programmable computer. DH is a computer geek and dreams of programming everything around the house: lights, music, heating etc. I know he's been covetting one (or several) for a while. He's having an EA with Maplin :)

Glimmerberry · 29/10/2013 23:08
OneLittleLady · 29/10/2013 23:35

Sorry, missed the name but to whoever was thinking of getting their Dp a nexus, they are brilliant. I got my DP one last year and he loves it. They are really good for the price and there's loads you can do on them.

dementedma · 30/10/2013 07:24

I also have a nexus and love it

Angrybudda · 30/10/2013 07:41

Marking my place, to steal ideas.

bebopanddoowop · 30/10/2013 07:45

My DH helpfully pointed out you can look up other people's Amazon wishlists! So I have got a few books and records off there. I wish I could afford what he really wants though, which is an omnichord!

AutumnStar · 30/10/2013 07:53

Lots of good ideas here!

Can someone link me to this bargain thread or tell me where to find it?

DearDinah · 30/10/2013 08:04

Whoever put 1to1 rock climbing tuition, thank you!!
DH so hard to buy for, biggest passion is weight training but goes gym for that, rick climbing would be perfect!

DearDinah · 30/10/2013 08:04

Rock! Lol not sure he'd wanna climb rick!

MissBeehiving · 30/10/2013 08:26
Splatt34 · 30/10/2013 09:37

DH already dropping hints for a kindle.

tootssweet · 30/10/2013 09:45

I am really stuck for DP this year - I would like to get him a nexus or similar but I fear that he would never speak to me again as he would constantly have his nose in it! Will be lurking for inspiration.

MooseyMoo · 30/10/2013 15:08

So far I have bought:

Beer52 craft beer (x8 bottles of beer for £14.99)
Le Tour 100 Book
Paul Hollywood Bread Book
Atul's Curries of the World Book
Monty Python 40th Anniversary Collection DVD
ITunes £25 (for £20 at Sainsbury)
Body Shop Coconut Shower gel

The most successful present I have bought him last year was the Spicery Subscription.

MooseyMoo · 30/10/2013 15:13

If your DH/DP watches Game of Thrones, I can highly recommend the books. I bought them for me DH for his birthday and he's really enjoying them. I got the set for £28.99

Theimpossiblegirl · 30/10/2013 15:14

I got him a Kindle Fire last year and he loves it, but feels no need for a new tablet. I just know it's going to be socks and pants, aftershave and a couple of tops again. He's very boring to buy for.

Groupon are offering a tequila experience which could be a good one to get, I'm waiting to hear about dates- no point buying if it can only be redeemed on a weekday.

OP posts:
Theimpossiblegirl · 30/10/2013 15:15

He loved the Game of Thrones books-they would be a great gift for someone.

OP posts:
RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 30/10/2013 19:08

What is a Nexus? Dim emoticon...

enormouse · 30/10/2013 21:59

So far I have bought DP
A new fossill wallet
A stark industries mug. He did request a new tardis mug, as his broke earlier in the year but I know he'll love this one.
A tardis keyring.
A Dr who poster.

I also want to get him
The 007 aftershave box
New pyjamas and socks
Some cufflinks
I'll also be renewing his subscription to empire which runs out next month.

He's a big geek and movie fan so is pretty easy to buy for as long as I steer clear of dvds. He tends to buy things as they come out.

Btw Does anyone know if you can buy a subscription/season ticket for odeon newbies?

Theimpossiblegirl · 30/10/2013 22:08

Ooh cinema gift vouchers are not a bad idea.

A Nexus is another type of tablet- a good one I think.

Lots of super ideas so far, keep them coming please.

(Wondering if I get the 007 aftershave will he turn into James bond....)

OP posts:
jenniferalisonphillipasue · 31/10/2013 16:24

Getting my dh a Sonos one. We already have a Sonos but he would like another one. They are brilliant and I would highly recommend:

I have already ordered a Raspberry pi for his stocking.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 31/10/2013 16:31

Thanks. Since I hardly know what a tablet is either, that didn't help much! I suspect dp doesn't want one!

He does need new PJs though. :)


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AutumnStar · 31/10/2013 16:55

I got DH's main present today - a GPS watch and heart rate monitor for his bike. Also got him a recipe book on burgers and some slippers (because he keeps stealing mine).

PumpkinsPieEyed · 31/10/2013 18:07

My dp is easy he wants a bottle of good whiskey and a new curvy shaped pint glass,everything else iv done/will do myself typical socks ,pants, dressing gown ,toiletries, arse face soap bar really for me to chuckle at miniature booze and his favourite chocs in his stocking.

He will get me exactly what I told him a pair of dance hoops,wine and my treat of choice.less than £40 spend for him.

DownstairsMixUp · 31/10/2013 18:11

I got my DH a pair of dr martens, pants, socks, a hot sauces set, a book on classic cars, a cook book, a book on picking your own food/growing it, a dressing gown (as he always nabs mine and looks ridiculous in my polka dot robe Hmm) a smellie, chocs and a bottle of gin. Yes I'm the most awesome partner Grin

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