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Where are you buying your turkey (or other meat) and how much is it?

36 replies

PeppermintLatte · 15/11/2012 19:57

I do an asda savings card all year, but i've looked on the website & can only find frozen turkeys for about £10.

I'm after a boneless crown that's pre stuffed, i've found one in the sainsbury's brochure. It's £30. I resent paying it as i've saved with asda, but never mind.

Where are you buying yours & how much is it?

OP posts:
SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 17/11/2012 20:57

We have goose, as dh hates turkey - and we got a frozen 5kg one in Sainsburys today, for £32.

Clothilde · 17/11/2012 20:53

I spend around fifteen quid on a big organic chicken, which I prefer to turkey and is a lot cheaper.

Binfullofgibletsonthe26th · 17/11/2012 18:58

I've already had to buy mine, as i live overseas, and they have a limited range of French Turkeys in the shops for American ex-pats at this time of year for Thanksgiving dinner. So when I saw the frozen ones on sale, I bought one straight away.

Last year I ordered one from the supermarket butcher, nothing special, another french one, and it was nearly 100.

It was about 28 euros for an 8 kilo bird. It has filled the freezer shelf though!

The thing is, I brine mine every year, so even a frozen turkey with breast like a tyre seems to turn out moist and delicious.

I recommend brining highly.

insanityscratching · 17/11/2012 10:47

We have a turkey butterfly from the local butchers, we order it every year it will be around £30. Dd who works for M&S part time will pick up another turkey on Christmas Eve when the shop shuts for about £3 (this will go in the freezer)

gregssausageroll · 17/11/2012 09:40

We are having beef and it is ordered at the butchers. I am not a massive fan of turkey but if there is one at a good price on 27th I'd probably buy to make pie, stir fry and soup.

wonkylegs · 17/11/2012 08:41

When we cook Christmas dinner it's from the butcher down the road (free range local farm) and costs about £60
MIL is doing it this year & I think she also gets it from the butcher.
Although this is expensive - we get a lot of 'free' meat over the Xmas period as BIL is a farmer so it's nice to be able to support local shop rather than always Tesco.

ExasperatedSigh · 17/11/2012 08:36

There's only me, DH and the DC (both under 5) and we're going to family either side of the day itself so not much need for leftovers. I'm thinking of buying the happiest local chicken I can find and splashing out more on cheese Grin

Fluffy1234 · 16/11/2012 14:15

I'm getting mine as part if a package from M&S for £100. I did the same last year and was very impressed with the range of veg, potatoes, trimmings, pudding and cheese board that were included. I have also ordered a buffet selection for boxing day also for £100 and will pick them up Xmas eve.

wheredidiputit · 16/11/2012 12:30

Don't like turkey to spend £££ on it. But have ordered a 4kg Rolled Rib of Beef online from Jimmy's farm for £39. So that will give us plenty for Christmas day but also I will freeze leftovers for either sandwiches or quick roast dinners.

Ragwort · 16/11/2012 11:44

I've also tried every option including fresh, organic from local butcher. The best-ever turkey I have cooked is the frozen butter-ball one Grin.

Decided to have beef this year for a change, not sure where I will get it yet. probably Sainsbury's.

Treats · 16/11/2012 11:40

My DM is buying ours from her local butcher. If they're charging her the same as our local butcher would have charged us, it'll be £75..... She offered to pay for it and wants to get it from there, and I've only asked for enough to feed 10 of us for Christmas lunch (no leftovers), so I don't feel TOO guilty.

But if she wasn't buying it, we'd get one from Sainsburys with our Nectar points and pay about £55 for the same size.

I've decided that it's not worth buying a huge monster turkey and spending hours cooking it on Christmas day just for the sake of having leftovers to eat on the other days. For one thing, nobody really enjoys the leftovers after a while, and - for another - if you're paying £10 a kilo for turkey (Sainsbury's prices), it's far cheaper to buy a smaller turkey and a couple of quiches for Boxing Day. And you have to spend time on Christmas Day stripping the turkey of all its remaining meat to put in the fridge, as opposed to just chucking out the carcass and sitting down with a sherry.

ArbitraryUsername · 16/11/2012 08:59

We'll be having chicken because turkey is horrible. I'll buy a free-range one in sainsbos, or maybe the local butcher if I remember.

I had to emergency cater Christmas for me and DS1 one year (supposed to be going to family but an outbreak of scarlet fever in one of my nieces meant that I had to make excuses. I was pregnant but not planning to tell anyone til 13 weeks). They had loads of turkey crowns etc going cheap in M&S but I didn't bother. Instead I bought some pigs in blankets, stuffing and veg/potatoes to go with it. DS loved it.

ApplesinmyPocket · 16/11/2012 08:38

I've done every kind of turkey going over the years, from a hand-reared monster from a friend's farm (ridiculously over-priced) to local butcher ordered in advance (ditto) through the (very nice I must say) M&S crown - right down to where we now are - a £20 Tesco Bronze frozen. I don't have it delivered with my online order order but choose in person at the store so I can get the largest available in the weight range.

We've had it a few years running now and it's fine. It's only one meal and turkey is pretty dull.

ceeveebee · 16/11/2012 08:36

Smithfield meat market do a boneless crown that would feed about 15 adults (9lb all meat) for £20 and that's what we'll be having

DilysPrice · 16/11/2012 08:18

I pay £££££ from poncy butcher because a) I can afford it b) it tastes much better c) if you break it down to cost per person per meal it's a bit less Shock (ours feeds 6 people for 3 meals).

But the first year I wasn't prepared for the bill and spent the whole of Xmas eve in a state of Shock "HOW MUCH?" Shock

BlameItOnTheCuervHoHoHo · 16/11/2012 08:14

We get ours from the butcher in the market, is gorgeous (and I don't really like turkey) we get the whole bird (I like the leg) about 10lb, for £40-45. Its worth it though.

PenisColada · 16/11/2012 08:13

I usually play turkey roulette and hang about Waitrose to get a half price one.

Last year I had to pay full price but the the turkey was lovely.

I have never lost turkey roulette yet.

Shodan · 16/11/2012 08:08

I get a frozen, free-range one from Sainsbury's. It's very good.

I did do the fresh Bronze whatever whatever turkey one year, but discovered that I'm bizarrely squeamish when it comes to removing the last of the bits of feathers. Plus it cost, like, a gazillion quid.

So frozen from now on for me.

Northernlurker · 16/11/2012 07:52

I'm getting one from the local farm shop. It will be about £50-55. Worth it.

girlywhirly · 16/11/2012 07:48

We have a 5lb free range chicken from the butcher, which does 8-10 portions, and costs around 20 quid. DH prefers it and as it's just for us we get lots to do imaginative recipes for the leftovers.

usualsuspect3 · 15/11/2012 22:28

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bedmonster · 15/11/2012 22:26

We don't like turkey so usually have a goose. One that is big enough for about 8 costs us around £80 from a farm about 10 miles away. There are no leftovers, but that's fine because the next day we go to MIL who does a huge rib of beef.


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neddle · 15/11/2012 22:23

The last three years I've managed to get a half price turkey crown at coop on christmas eve.
I'm kind of playing a game really, I don't want to pay full price and I've managed to win so far Wink

usualsuspect3 · 15/11/2012 21:29

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germyrabbit · 15/11/2012 21:27

i'm going to win it at the local meat raffle

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