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Agh Ideas needed please

12 replies

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 18/12/2011 17:47

Likes cooking but always on a diet
Doesn't really 'do' reading and not into fashion/beauty stuff at all
I seem to always buy her a cookery book but haven't found one I've liked the look of enough this year
Less than 15 pounds

Am completely without inspiration and, other than dp, she is the last person I need to buy for. Please help!

OP posts:
RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 18/12/2011 21:35


OP posts:
oreocrumbs · 18/12/2011 20:41

Joseph Joseph in Debenhams Theres a sale on too Xmas Grin

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 18/12/2011 20:30

Thank you. I think the Lorraine P books would be too simple for her tbh. I should have said that she's an ex-chef.

I think a sexy kitchen product of some sort is a good idea. No lakeland but we've got Debenhams and HoF.

OP posts:
oreocrumbs · 18/12/2011 19:51

I believe you can get josephjoseph products quite easily - I know Lakeland sell them if you have a store near you, or try a department store. Josephjoseph sell all kinds of kitchen/baking equipment in pretty styles, I would like them as a gift - as they are more expensive than I would usually pay for myself, but everyone raves about them Xmas Grin

The lorraine Pascal cookbooks mentioned are quite good, I have 2, the recepies are nice, and of a reasonable ability standard - not silly easy but certainly not too complicated!

joanofarchitrave · 18/12/2011 19:24

Ottolenghi this one is the right sort of price, but anything you can find by him in budget IMO.

mummymccar · 18/12/2011 19:22

I'm loving the new one from the primrose bakery team!

itsstartingtofeelalotlikexmas · 18/12/2011 19:21

The Lorraine pascale cookbook looks good

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 18/12/2011 19:20

How rude of me - I forgot to say thank you to you all. Sorry.

OP posts:
RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 18/12/2011 19:19

Every year I drop a hint that I'd like a Mason Cash bowl and every year dp looks at me as if I am insane!

Liking those Joseph Joseph worktop save thingies - are they available irl anywhere, do you know?

Or are there any really good new cookery books?

Need something I can pick up in town tomorrow and have most shops available to me.

OP posts:
LineRunnerCrouchingReindeer · 18/12/2011 18:22

Last year my DCs bought me a rack of spices from Next which has been fab.

Or BHS has some nice chilli oils.

All from about £5 - £12.

oreocrumbs · 18/12/2011 18:01
Lilyloo · 18/12/2011 18:00

How about a cookbook stand or this practical apron

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