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ideas for 4 year old boy pls

12 replies

verybusyspider · 12/11/2011 23:16

for grandparents - budget about £30

big brother (5.5yrs) is having a camcorder,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1366&bih=533&wrapid=tlif132113978436910&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9328953167239627109&sa=X&ei=Qf6-TpiFH4Go8QPGotSwBA&ved=0CF4Q8wIwAA#

little brother (2.5 yrs) a battery operated brio train and some more track

I know ds2 would love a camcorder too so trying to think of something similarly techie for him

we already have vtech digital camera and leapfrog tag reading system from other birthdays...

OP posts:
leftmydignityatthedoor · 16/11/2011 17:07

I'd reccommend imaginext too - ds is * year older but is getting the imaginext t rex.

HappyAsEyeAm · 16/11/2011 15:30

For the budget (£30), what about Fisher Price Imaginext things? They do a huge range, and I think their T-Rex is supposed to be the big things for little boys this year.

The Playmobil aeroplae is reduced to less than £30 in lots of places too.

pramsgalore · 16/11/2011 15:04

what about lego or even the same camcorder as brother, they can have fun recording each other, my ds got a camcorder last year at 4 and loved it, still does

pramsgalore · 16/11/2011 15:02

Hmm hexbugs eat batteries, so you have to keep reminding them to switch them off when finished with, which my ds was not good at doing, but saying that i did and they needed new batteries with in a day or two and they are the little button batteries

verybusyspider · 16/11/2011 14:49

I have 3 boys so we have a marble run and ds2 is getting the playmobil hospital from grandparents for his birthday (its the week before Christmas!) playmobil is brilliant we are getting quite a collection, leap pad looks ace but out of price range...

Off to look at Imaginex - he plays with friends space shuttle and know he loves that...) and hexnano's (not heard of them!)

Thanks - anymore?!

OP posts:
Bonnemaman69 · 16/11/2011 13:24
SoundTheOctoalert · 16/11/2011 13:20

ds1 was 4 last year and got hexbug nanos, he totally loves them and we've been adding to it at birthdays etc!

anchovies · 16/11/2011 13:13

My ds's loved anything Imaginext and they still (at 7 and 5) love Matchbox Megarig. The space shuttle is half price at tesco at the moment.

mrslaughan · 16/11/2011 13:05

Anything Playmobile - they should be able to get a car or helicopter for that, I would have thought.

AngryFeet · 16/11/2011 13:02

My 4 year old DS is getting a Leap Pad, Geomag kit, Talking Woody doll and a pretend electric guitar from ELC.

verybusyspider · 16/11/2011 12:59

thanks groak for ideas


only other thing so far that might be exciting is this helmet for a bike and fancy dress mad almost 4 year old

we're seeing grandparents on boxing day and they want to give their presents then, worried he'll just be wanting to take ds1's camcorder off him

OP posts:
groak · 12/11/2011 23:25

we've ordered ds (3) these from santa:


thinkl they'll make a nice change from all the plastic tat!

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