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Children's health

From eye test to oncology and MRI?!?!

113 replies

Bonkerz · 20/06/2018 16:18

Feeling confused. Avoiding doctor google. Don't know what to think!

Dd age 12 had her eyes tested at local opticians in half term. She left not needing glasses. Optician rang me 3 days later and said she had failed the peripheral vision test 4 times and as a precaution the optometrist wanted to refer to local small hospital for further eye tests.
A week later I had a call from county hospital (not small local) to attend an appointment yesterday (4 days notice).
Took dd yesterday for what we thought was eye tests but after an hour of dd being examined and being asked questions the doctor said she was from oncology and that she needed to speak to her consultant.
After 2 hours we were told dd needed an MRI scan and the word cancer was dropped a couple of times.
Even more scary doctor gave us a list of symptoms to watch for (tbh dd has had headaches and dizziness for months now but I put it down to weather and puberty!) and told if she got worse to go straight to A&E with her case open on oncology.
Got home and got call to take her tomorrow for MRI.

I'm really confused. Don't know how we got here. Are they being over cautious? Could the optician have seen something worrying?

OP posts:
Theworldisfullofgs · 21/06/2018 07:39

Hope you get some answers but knowing that waiting for them is a good sign.

Bonkerz · 21/06/2018 07:45

Thankyou everyone.
Scan is this afternoon. It will then be a nervous wait for the call which may or may not come.

OP posts:
BlackInk · 21/06/2018 09:27

OP, this all sounds scary and I'm not surprised you and your DD are worried. Will be thinking of you this afternoon and hoping it's good news.

When I was a teenager my Mum failed peripheral vision tests at a routine optician appointment, was rushed through to hospital tests and it was found she had a tumour on her pituitary gland, which was pressing on her optic nerve and affecting her peripheral vision. We were told at the time that pituitary tumours are rarely cancerous and that she's probably had it (growing v slowly) from birth.

She had the tumour removed and took a few weeks to recover from the operation, but has been fine ever since - over 20 years.

Everything crossed for you both x

fuzzyfozzy · 21/06/2018 19:19

Hoping things went well

sillyoldowl · 21/06/2018 19:22

Hope today went well

sweetboykit · 21/06/2018 19:34

Ds2 was sent to the hospital for hypermobility and he ended up having an X-ray and blood test!
I think doctors have to be really thorough now. It's something to do with funding. The appointment has to cover all possibilities to get money from the government.
I hope your dd is okay.

mummyhaschangedhername · 21/06/2018 19:38

Hope all went well today!

Bonkerz · 21/06/2018 19:44

Dd did fantastic in the scanner. We were there about 40 minutes. The doctor said they had everything the needed and now is the waiting game. If it's bad they will phone and if it's good we won't hear from them!

OP posts:
HollowTalk · 21/06/2018 19:48

Best of luck, OP. I hope you never hear from them again!

SluttyButty · 21/06/2018 19:53

We had this with my dd after an opticians visit. Things moved very rapidly with umpteen appointments amongst many specialties.
Honestly it was a frantic time but looking back now I'm glad they were so thorough.

What the optician had found turned out to be not the problem but something else was flagged up on the mri that needed surgery.

Fingers crossed your dd will have a good outcome from all this.

bluerunningshoes · 21/06/2018 20:02

if you don't hear from them please do chase the results up via the gp in a couple of week's time

Chewedupcucumber · 21/06/2018 20:04

Fingers crossed op!

BewareOfDragons · 21/06/2018 20:09

Fingers crossed for your DD, OP

Grobagsforever · 21/06/2018 20:09

There was an incredibly similar thread to this on here a few months ago, the poor OP was in bits because she couldn't attend the scan with her DD. Same story, opticians urgent referral. All turned out to be absolutely fine.

ZenNudist · 21/06/2018 20:11

I had an MRI for a potential pituitary tumour a few months ago. It was discovered after an MRI for back and neck pain. Waiting to go for the scan and then waiting to get the results was awful. You try and look on the bright side and you tell yourself that it's best that they investigate these things and if they do find something they find it early and they can treat you. But in your head youre just thinking oh my god I'm facing a cancer diagnosis. DH didn't want to talk about it and only wanted to be positive which I found worse then at least acknowledging that there could be something wrong. It was all very upsetting. Which makes me feel stupid because they didn't find anything of concern. Thank goodness!

Everyone I spoke to who'd had to wait for a test for something that could be bad appreciated that it's not a nice position to be in. Worse that it's your DD.

They test more people than they find cancer.


BuffaloCustardbath · 21/06/2018 22:04

Thinking of you OP, I hope you don't hear from them too quickly but that you do get to the bottom of what's causing DDs symptoms and she's feeling better soon.

LexieLulu · 21/06/2018 22:37

Keep positive OP, your daughter was brave cause you are showing her how to be xxx

Powergower · 21/06/2018 22:41

Hope it went well. Been through something similar myself and know how stressful it can be.

FuckingHateRain · 22/06/2018 08:16

Fingers crossed OP!

cestlavielife · 22/06/2018 08:19

If mri clear you still need to follow up blackouts with gp e.g. POTS

GetInMaBelleh · 22/06/2018 08:23

Fingers crossed for good results, they really can’t take any chances with kids so it’s likely all precautionary xx

bunnyrabbit93 · 22/06/2018 22:44

Hope it's all okay OP


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sillyoldowl · 27/06/2018 20:14

Hope everything is ok

woosey35 · 28/06/2018 00:08

Just seen this and hoping all ok OP?

steppemum · 28/06/2018 00:14

dd had headaches and the first thing they did was send her for an eye test.
initially I thought it was in case her she needed new glasses and the strain was giving her headaches.
Then I found out it is because the eye test can spot things at the back of the eye which can indicate a tumour.

It is good she is being fats tracked and you are getting the best help. As many others have said, it is just a precaution, and she is likely to be fine, but it is necessary for them to check everything given her headaches and the eye test results.

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