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Children's books

If he likes Harry Potter ...

29 replies

Sloegin2 · 06/12/2018 22:41

My 9 year old (reluctant reader) has really got into Harry Potter.
He’s got all my books that I saved from when they first came out. Can anyone recommend anything similar that will catch his imagination?

OP posts:
CountFosco · 15/01/2019 21:16

DD and I went on to Narnia after HP which she really enjoyed and we're now reading His Dark Materials. But having just read the fight between Iofer and Iorek last night I'd say it was much darker than even the last HPs.

OohMrDarcy · 15/01/2019 21:18

My DS is 9 too and loved HP.... he's now working his way through all the Percy Jackson and associated books - anything by rick riordan as far as I can tell! He loves the mythology in them.

leanneormandy · 02/02/2019 10:46

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andmypointis · 07/02/2019 08:33

My son is a very reluctant reader I can't really get him to read fiction. I found a book on Amazon that has the difficult words expalined on the page for kids like a dictionary. He liked the cover and it seems to have got him interested because he can look up the words so it has that non-fiction feel to him that he likes. It's called The Cadwaladr Quests Tangled Time, adventure set in Wales

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