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If he likes Harry Potter ...

29 replies

Sloegin2 · 06/12/2018 22:41

My 9 year old (reluctant reader) has really got into Harry Potter.
He’s got all my books that I saved from when they first came out. Can anyone recommend anything similar that will catch his imagination?

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andmypointis · 07/02/2019 08:33

My son is a very reluctant reader I can't really get him to read fiction. I found a book on Amazon that has the difficult words expalined on the page for kids like a dictionary. He liked the cover and it seems to have got him interested because he can look up the words so it has that non-fiction feel to him that he likes. It's called The Cadwaladr Quests Tangled Time, adventure set in Wales

leanneormandy · 02/02/2019 10:46

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OohMrDarcy · 15/01/2019 21:18

My DS is 9 too and loved HP.... he's now working his way through all the Percy Jackson and associated books - anything by rick riordan as far as I can tell! He loves the mythology in them.

CountFosco · 15/01/2019 21:16

DD and I went on to Narnia after HP which she really enjoyed and we're now reading His Dark Materials. But having just read the fight between Iofer and Iorek last night I'd say it was much darker than even the last HPs.

BillywilliamV · 15/01/2019 18:36

Lockwood and co, my DD and I LOVE them

Limaloma1 · 14/01/2019 22:16

My 10 year old loved Harry potter, he enjoyed The Hobbit and is reading Lord of the Rings at school. He said The lord of the Rings has been quite hard to get into though compared to The Hobbit.

Bought my DS the set of Alex Rider books and he wouldn't even look at themHmm

I read on here about The Ranger's Apprentice series being a good book series to read. My DS judged the book by its cover and didn't want to read it, so i started reading to him a couple of chapters a night. By chapter 5 he took book away and finished it in a couple of days! He is just waiting for the 4th book to arrive from Ebay now. I wish he wasn't so hard to find books he might enjoy.

strawberrypenguin · 08/01/2019 15:20

Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage. Starts with Magyk

LuggsaysNotaWomen · 08/01/2019 15:11

The Sea of Trolls trilogy - mythical and funny (better writing than HP IMO too).

imip · 08/01/2019 15:05

Yy to Percy Jackson and also try Alex Rider. Dd also love Nevermoor and mortal Engines as mentioned above.

CasanovaFrankenstein · 08/01/2019 14:54

Second the Dark is Rising sequence and also The Giant in the Snow. Also as PP said, the Worldquake series, I’ve read Dragon’s Green and it was excellent.

Philip Pullman - various titles including Sally Lockhart series.

Jonathan Stroud - not sure if this might be a bit too scary for now but Bartimaeus and Lockwood series are great. They are scary though!!!!

genius1308 · 07/01/2019 20:39

My 10 year old (reluctant reader) got enthused about reading through the Tom Gates books. This was the first time bed actually chosen to read anything himself and in whizzed theough them in no time. He then moved onto Diary of a Wimpy kid which he really enjoyed (typical boy humour!). He's just finished the Skullduggery Pleasant series, which he loved and also The Spooks. He tried The Hobbit, as he loved the film, but found it hard going and gave up half way through. He's just started The Maze Runner series which he is enjoying but he said it is a bit more difficult than the other books he's read.

Beamur · 07/01/2019 20:39

I'd also recommend the 'How to train your dragon' series too. Audiobooks voiced by David Tennant too which are great.

mamaduckbone · 07/01/2019 20:37

Gregor the Overlander - written by Suzanne Collins who wrote The Hunger Games but for a younger audience. I wouldn’t recommend The Hunger Games for a 9 year old personally.
Percy Jackson - very similar premise to HP but with an Ancient Greek twist.

purplebunny2012 · 07/01/2019 20:31

Darren Shan

Needcoffeecoffeecoffee · 07/01/2019 19:22

Ds loves Harry Potter and then races through the how to train your dragon had already read the worst witch and is currently enjoying 'the train to impossible places'
The series with 'my brother is a superhero' and the 13 storey tree houses also went down well with his age group
strawberrie I loved nervermoor. I bought it for ds then worried it maybe scary so read it first. There is a new one due in May so hoping the start of many. Only thing is that its a bit of a spoiler if you haven't read the first

PinkOboe · 07/01/2019 19:18


PinkOboe · 07/01/2019 19:18

The dark us rising trilogy (Susan Cooper)

mrwalkensir · 07/01/2019 19:04

Mortal Engines?

spiderlight · 07/01/2019 19:02

Another vote for Jenny Nimmo's Charlie Bone series.

strawberrie · 04/01/2019 11:42

Try Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend, I loved that one myself and feels influenced by HP - there's a child with a curse, a mysterious evil force..

BlueChampagne · 04/01/2019 11:37

How to Train your Dragon
Maudlin Towers books by Chris Priestley. Imagine Molesworth with artwork by Charles Addams ... (though I'm warned his other stuff is proper scary).
Archie Greene is in the Harry Potter vein

hels71 · 30/12/2018 17:09

The Charlie Bone books by Jenny Nimmo. Also The Crestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones.


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BoogleMcGroogle · 27/12/2018 17:39

My 9 YO is really enjoying the Who Let The Gods Out? Series and is a great HP fan.

Timeforabiscuit · 26/12/2018 17:37

"I am number 4" was a big hit, as well as the "hunger games".

Cooroo · 26/12/2018 17:34

Skulduggery Pleasant books by Derek Landry are great and like Potter they get darker as the series go on.

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