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Ouch I think I'm in labour (SpawnChorus).

31 replies

SpawnChorus · 23/09/2009 06:10

Woke up at 12.30am with mild contrax every 7 mins. Lay in bed for a couple of hours. Pain became more intense, but mins. Got up at 3.30ish and contrax became more frequent (every 4/5 mins) but less painful. Went back to bed at about 4.30 and pains became more intense but less frequent again (7 mins)

Am now bouncing on ball as it is too uncomfy [understatement] to lie down.

Just had another feeling a bit sick.

OP posts:
StealthPolarBear · 25/09/2009 11:49

How did I miss all this??
Congratulations SpawnChorus He sounds lovely, enjoy your newborn haze

Deeeja · 25/09/2009 11:52


Deemented · 25/09/2009 12:16

I'm still at the size!!! And to think you did it all with just gas and air!!! And no stitches!!!

You are a bloody inspiration, woman!!!

travellingwilbury · 25/09/2009 16:00

Congratulations , fab name and your description of him makes me all teary eyed .

Well done , that is an amazing size , I bet behind his knees are just gorgeous

mrswee · 25/09/2009 17:03

Congratulations to you and your wee big baby!

Are you glad you got to go to st johns? I am secretly hoping the royal is too busy when our time comes, st johns just sounds so much calmer/nicer!


ILikeToQuickstepItTangoIt · 25/09/2009 17:18

Ah-ha, I've found you! I've been thinking about what was happening - I'm not a stalker, honest!

What a beautiful name and what a whopper

Many, many congratulations

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