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Ouch I think I'm in labour (SpawnChorus).

31 replies

SpawnChorus · 23/09/2009 06:10

Woke up at 12.30am with mild contrax every 7 mins. Lay in bed for a couple of hours. Pain became more intense, but mins. Got up at 3.30ish and contrax became more frequent (every 4/5 mins) but less painful. Went back to bed at about 4.30 and pains became more intense but less frequent again (7 mins)

Am now bouncing on ball as it is too uncomfy [understatement] to lie down.

Just had another feeling a bit sick.

OP posts:
ILikeToQuickstepItTangoIt · 25/09/2009 17:18

Ah-ha, I've found you! I've been thinking about what was happening - I'm not a stalker, honest!

What a beautiful name and what a whopper

Many, many congratulations

mrswee · 25/09/2009 17:03

Congratulations to you and your wee big baby!

Are you glad you got to go to st johns? I am secretly hoping the royal is too busy when our time comes, st johns just sounds so much calmer/nicer!


travellingwilbury · 25/09/2009 16:00

Congratulations , fab name and your description of him makes me all teary eyed .

Well done , that is an amazing size , I bet behind his knees are just gorgeous

Deemented · 25/09/2009 12:16

I'm still at the size!!! And to think you did it all with just gas and air!!! And no stitches!!!

You are a bloody inspiration, woman!!!

Deeeja · 25/09/2009 11:52


StealthPolarBear · 25/09/2009 11:49

How did I miss all this??
Congratulations SpawnChorus He sounds lovely, enjoy your newborn haze

LionstarBigPants · 25/09/2009 11:46

Congrats SC to a fab bouncy boy, and gorgeous name.

Hoping my time will come soon, but frankly am a bit terrified of that kind of weight!

mummy2t · 25/09/2009 11:37

wow, congrats, fab name!!!!!!!!!!!!

SpawnChorus · 25/09/2009 10:12

Thanks all

TeaandCake - playlist completely unplayed I didn't even listen to it afterwards as I was too bewitched by the sound of him breathing

OP posts:
Pinkjenny · 25/09/2009 10:07

at 11lb 8oz. You're a bloody hero!

Lizzylou · 25/09/2009 10:01

Wow, what a wonderful name and (ouch) at 11lb 8oz!
He sounds divine congratulations

Disenchanted3 · 25/09/2009 10:00

Wow Congratulations!!

Your post made me well up! (Not sure if it was the such obvious love for his little rolls of chub and his smell or the fact he was 11 lbs 80z, but still )

Well done!

BunnyLebowski · 25/09/2009 09:56

OMFG 11lb 8oz !!!

Good woman yerself Spawny!!!!

Love his name and he sounds beautiful!


TeaandCake · 25/09/2009 09:46

Well done Spawn, he's a big 'un!!

Did you use your fab playlist in labour?

Mine was a work of art but ipod stayed in the bag throughout labour in the end!

Neon · 25/09/2009 09:18

OMG Spawn! Many congratulations! Great account too. 11lb 8oz?!?! Hope you manage to get some rest today..

iateallthecreameggsyummy · 25/09/2009 04:33

wow 11lb 8oz well done you and congrats on the arrival on your baby Solomon he sounds beautiful!!

Doyouthinktheysaurus · 25/09/2009 02:48


11lb 8oz

No wonder he took some pushing.

WouldntTouchThemWithYours · 25/09/2009 02:37


Fantastic name and another at 11lb 8oz!

Deemented · 25/09/2009 02:34

Wow!!! Congratulations!!!! 11lb 8oz!!!!

And what a stunning name

LedodgyDailyMailstinksofpoo · 24/09/2009 22:34

Huge Congratulations and at 11lb 8oz!

SpawnChorus · 24/09/2009 22:31


I've just got back home...with my gorgeous baby boy Solomon

Phoned Edinburgh Royal just after posting on here and was told that they were full and we had to go to another hosp (St John's at Livingstone) . Contrax were about 6 mins apart, so we decided to leave then rather then leave it any later.

At the hosp my contrax were coming fairly regularly (every 5 mins) and were really quite painful, but I was still only 2 cm dilated. The MW was sooooo nice, and said it was entirely up to me whether I went home or stayed. She gave me some paracetamol and showed me to a sitting room with beanbags, balls etc etc and I tried to watch a bit of TV. I was feeling quite overwhelmed by the pain though and really tired. She brought me some portable gas and air, which helped quite a bit - I felt more normal and less anxious between contrax.

About an hour later I told her that I was worried about how tired I was feeling, and that I didn't think I was coping with the pain v well. She offered to break my waters, which was something I'd originally been quite anti, but she really inspired trust - she was really experienced and kind.

So at about 10.30 my waters were broken. I was only 2-3 cm dilated at that point. There was quite a bit of meconium in the water, so I had to be monitored. The contrax started coming much more frequently an intensely and after 45 mins or so I was 7cm dilated. The next 15 mins were a bit of a blur. V hardcore contrax...a lot of desperate gasping on gas and air. I started feeling a pushy urge, so she got me up to kneel over the back of the bed.

The pushing took about 25 mins...It was SOOOO hard and intense. Much more so then with DD or DS. I can't convey how much work it was to get his head out! Then his shoulder got a bit stuck, and a whole gang of MWs rushed in to help him out. His heartrate had dropped quite considerably. I was manoeuvered onto my back and generally stretched and pummeled until he came out. He was rushed off out of the room to be suctioned (because of the meconium), bit was absolutely fine and back in my arms within a few minutes.

He is 11 lb 8 oz and has rolls of downy chub. He smells heavenly, and I'm going to have to put the laptop down so I can go and snuzzle him some more.

Thanks for thinking about me!

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sarah293 · 23/09/2009 15:51

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Neon · 23/09/2009 15:46

Any news on SC?

LionstarBigPants · 23/09/2009 11:30

Sounds promising SC, fingers crossed for a speedy delivery.

I remember from my first labour that the cx were MUCH stronger when lying down and tailed off when I stood up - seemed very counterintuitive.

MmeLindt · 23/09/2009 11:29

Fab. How are you doing now? Crossing my fingers for you.

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