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Probability of stitches 2nd time round?

59 replies

skiingmummy · 26/10/2004 20:27

I've 13 wks to go before no 2 arrives and am starting to seriously stress about the prospect of having stitches again. The experience of being stitched after no 1 was far worse than the entire experience of labour (induction with gas and air for pain relief). Even with local anaesthetic and gas and air I felt every single stitch going in and as it took 3 threads and over 1/2 hour (the longest of my life) to put me back together this was not an experience I'm looking forward to repeating.

Just wondered what experiences other Mums have with no 2. Am I likely to tear badly again or do you tend to find everythings a bit more stretched and pliable 2nd time round?? Any comments and good or bad experiences gratefully received!! I just feel that if I know what to expect I'll be better equiped to deal with it!! I hope!! Thanks!

OP posts:
dibooth · 29/10/2004 22:30

Hiya, it's funny it all comes back to you just before no 2; no 3 etc arrive isn't it?!

I was cut for no 1, then no 2 was big so I tore - big time - 9lb 6oz as 38 weeks induced! Anyway the midwife told me that was becasue he was so big and not because of the scar tissue. So, I don't think you should worry. Most of my friends and family have had no tear or anything second time even after a cut or tear the first time!

I've seen docs use mineral oil in the US to help stretch, but it doesn't seem like a practice over here - perhaps if you have a chat with your consultant he/she may do something to help you.

Best of luck!

skiingmummy · 10/11/2004 08:33


Just thought I'd let all you clever people know that after talking to the midwife on Monday shes going to review my 1st labour notes then come and see me at home(!) to go through them with me!!! Feel sooooo relieved that she didn't think I was making a fuss and was actually quite supportive. Even if she doesn't manage to find out exactly why it was so painful the first time round at least I'll understand a bit better about exactly what happened!! She also said that she would write in my notes for this time that I need proper pain relief if I need stitching!

Just wanted to say thanks because I wouldn't have even thought about asking for my 1st labour notes to be explained to me!!

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prettycandles · 10/11/2004 20:30


BTW, you mentioned that you shook when you were stitched. Shaking is a completely normal and fairly common reaction to giving birth, though it is unnerving. I also shook so badly afterwards that I couldn't talk properly and was afraid to hold the baby in case I dropped him/her. Of course, the fact that you're shaking while they are stitching only makes it all worse!

Hope the chat goes well for you .

skiingmummy · 23/11/2004 11:44

Just need to have a minor whinge - sorry!! But....still haven't heard from midwife about her coming out to talk to me about my 1st labour notes. Feel really disappointed now after feeling so positive after my last session.

Couple of friends reckon I should ring up and hassle them about it but ... don't want to be seen as a troublecauser. I'm going to have to ring and make my 32 week antenatal appointment - hadn't bothered yet as I thought I'd be seeing the midwife this week anyway.What would you do?

I know they're busy but you shouldn't say you're going to follow something up and then not bother should you? Am I being overly sensitive do you think? (Can't tell these days - too many pregnancy hormones rampaging around )

OP posts:
prettycandles · 23/11/2004 14:46

Definitely chase it up. A woman in your condition () shouldn't be made to wait on tenterhooks like this. It could after all be just an innocent administrative goof - but you need that meeting!

Angeliz · 23/11/2004 14:49

skiingmummy, ring to remind them!

I know what you mean about worrying incase you're being too sensitive, i'm constatntly saying to dp, "AM I OVER-REACTING???"

dazedandconfused · 23/12/2004 15:14

I am worried about this too as DS1 was 10lbs and had a 2nd degree tear. I've read that the following things help:

-If you can help guide the head out on delivery
-Being in warm water
-Being upright

Don't know if any of these will be possible for me but am going to try!

Good luck! I'm sure it will be much easier 2nd time around.

skiingawhitexmas · 23/12/2004 20:58

Hi D&C (was that a deliberate choice of nickname?!?)
Thanks for your message! A few people had recommended the water to minimise tearing so I'm hoping to be able to sit in a warm bath for a long while this time. I was induced the first time so getting in the bath wasn't an option. If you're interested I eventually got my meeting with the midwife 2 weeks ago about what went wrong the first time round and I also had a chat to one of the anaesthatists at the hospital. It seems that even tho it was quite an experienced midwife who stitched me up she either hadn't put the local in the right place and/or she hadn't given me enough. Having discussed it with 3 of my 'team' of midwives they're all aware of my fears of being stitched this time around and will make damn sure I'm numb before they start any repair. I think the midwife who stitched me must have just been having a bad night - she'd only just come on duty and it was a different midwife to the one who delivered ds.

Anyway, upshot is that I'm feeling a lot more confident in myself - I'll be shouting stop if it hurts anywhere near as much as last time - and I'm feeling a lot more confident in the team looking after this part of my care properly - apparently they should test the numbed area for sensation before starting to stitch as well as leaving the local for a good while first to allow it to take effect - neither of which they did 1st time round.

Good luck with your no 2. Hopefully neither of us will need stitching this time round.

HappyMumOf2 · 24/12/2004 19:50

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