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135 replies

starlight125 · 20/01/2017 13:19

Any other mums out there who are overdue?

Im 40+4 with my 2nd. Only went 2 days over with my DD. Had loads of twinges and braxton hicks last week which have now settled. Feeling like I just need a moan! lol

OP posts:
AButterflyLightsBesideUs · 26/01/2017 11:43

Massive congratulations to jack and manhowdy! I winced at the image of that car journey though... ouch. I remember how bloody painful it was travelling in at 5cm with DD. Sounds hideous. It all sounds impressively fast though, top work!

Had my check this morning and cervix is soft and central which is apparently good but she could only get 1 fingertip in so couldn't sweep. Not painful at all though which was a relief. Baby head 4/5 palpable still. Booked for a sweep attempt #2 on Sunday morning and been sent home for sex and stair climbing. 40+3.

Has anyone tried taking evening primrose oil? I was reading that is supposed to help the cervix soften and efface. I've taken it in the past to regulate periods & PMS and found it fabulous for that and wondered if it's powers might really extend to baby eviction!

lelepaletute I feel for you and so understand everything you write. I hope it helped a bit to put it all into words. It's such a strange time isn't it and horrible to have no idea what awaits you and therefore be totally unable to mentally prep and get your head round things. I just wanted to say please please don't feel you have failed in anyway at all. It's not in your control so how could it possibly be your "fault" if you have a difficult time and need help to get started/get the baby out. I really hope it doesn't come to that and your labour kicks off in the next couple of days Flowers

AButterflyLightsBesideUs · 26/01/2017 11:47

BH by the way are painless and mainly IME just feel really odd. The bump, or the lower part of it goes randomly hard all over (and if you are lying down you'll notice it becomes more prominent) for a matter of seconds or up to a minute and then it goes back to normal. I find they happen with exertion, eg as I get up off the sofa or as I reach the top of the stairs, or lift something heavy. Also they happen instantly after an orgasm for me which was very disconcerting the first couple of times and I refused to have sex for ages in the 2nd tri because it totally freaked me out!

lelapaletute · 26/01/2017 11:48

Thanks Butterfly - it really did help actually, I find it hard to articulate to friends and family due to the "healthy baby" focus - which obvs is the most important thing but not the ONLY important thing!

I've been taking EPO morning and night btw - just for a few days though so can't say if it's doing any good. You're meant to be able to apply it,charm, directly too by inserting the capsule, which I'll apparently dissolve and release he oil onto the cervix - but in scared to do that in case of infection. Raspberry leaf tea, dates, curry, fresh pineapple, sex... I swear every dubious home stimulant in the book has been through me this last week and naff all result :p

lelapaletute · 26/01/2017 11:51

That's a great description of BH, thank you! Like MrsH I think that has been happening - but I took it for baby sticking her bum out! I get really pointy sometimes whilst lying in bed - looks WEIRD - but as it didn't feel like anything, and certainly not anything uncomfortable, didn't think of it as any kind of contraction!

Wonderflonium · 26/01/2017 14:56

I could have written EXACTLY the same lelapaletute I only have tonight left to be able to have this baby on my terms and then tomorrow at 9am I'm getting on board the induction train.

At first I was really scared, then sad and then angry at myself but now I've got to "fuck it" which feels a bit more healthy. Fuck it.... It might be ok.

One thing that helped get to "Fuck it" was reading "Tell Me a Good Birth Story" induction stories. Even the ones that are my total worst case scenario seem to be okay when the mother felt more in control and part of the decision making process.

All the congrats manhowdy and jack ! Yay.

SJ how are you doing? That sounds so bloody frustrating, hope you're doing ok.

sj257 · 26/01/2017 15:27

I'm still here 😔 can't stop crying today, thought I'd have had him by now, I'm missing my children so much

Wonderflonium · 26/01/2017 15:30

Oh no, sweetheart :( BIG HUGS This is a proper emotional rollercoaster. You will definitely have your baby soon. He's coming.

AButterflyLightsBesideUs · 26/01/2017 20:45

Oh you poor thing. That sounds totally rubbish and it's completely ok to be worn out, fed up, gutted and upset about it. What have they given you so far and do you know what the next step is?

sj257 · 27/01/2017 00:07

I had the propess for 24 hours, it didn't do a thing, so had the prostin gel at 9.15 (Thurs am). I was meant to be checked and given the second gel at 3.15 but doctors kept getting called in to emergencies. I started getting mild contractions about 4.30pm. So at 9pm I was finally examined and the doctor said it'd be possible to break my waters, so now I'm just waiting on a bed in birth suite. I am so shattered, 3 hours sleep since I've been here because of an inconsiderate cow in my bay talking on the phone all last night. Can't sleep though because of the pains 😕

manhowdy · 27/01/2017 05:03

This has got to be the biggest issue with labour wards/delivery suites. Often being too busy to manage continuous care pre active labour. My MW warned me about this re induction in our nearest hospital which is very very busy.

I can understand why you're exhausted sj, even without the thoughtless woman on her phone. Hope this is all over for you soon. Fingers crossed it's even over now and you have your baby.

If it's any consolation I am up being wee'd on and puked on (by DD not my other half).


MrsH87 · 27/01/2017 05:26

It sounds like you're having a horrible time SJ. I'm so sorry to read it. I hope things have progressed. Flowers

JackandBump · 27/01/2017 06:24

I'm sorry Sj fingers crossed for you. Congrats manhowdy, on the baby - not the puke!

Wonderflonium · 27/01/2017 06:49

I got some regular contractions last night 5-8 minutes for like 2 hours. I thought that the baby might have a decent sense of irony... and then it just all stopped. Induction today. See you all on the flip side.

MrsH87 · 27/01/2017 08:08

Hope it all goes swimmingly Wonder! Remember "fuck it" - you'll be great!

manhowdy · 27/01/2017 09:16

Hopefully this means only waters need breaking today then wonder. Good luck!

lelapaletute · 27/01/2017 10:07

Poor SJ :( Sounds awful... Hope that things get going soon and you can get your own room and lovely baby!

Wonder, wish I could get to 'fuck it' - well done you for the psychological fortitude! Good luck today, I hope you're already propess'd and contracting like a goodun. Today's the day - in 22 hour's time I'll be lined up with the other late mummies for a propess'd outpatient induction :-(

Based on SJ's experience, if they want to get me in a bay in a ward they'll have to fecking strap me down. I would rather wander the corridors, or just discharge myself than be stuck listening to someone elses mindless phonecalls while I'm preparing for the biggest challenge of my life!

Good luck to everyone and their little ones!

AButterflyLightsBesideUs · 27/01/2017 10:11

Good luck wonder, fingers crossed those contractions have done something helpful and it will be a quick job.

sj what a crap time you are having Flowers It's so infuriating when they can't keep your meds topped up, you think what chance have you got?? The same thing happened to me when I was being induced with the baby I lost a year ago - I was supposed to be having drugs every 3 hours, so I would buzz after about 2hr45 to remind/ask/check they were coming and they were always late. Each time I felt my contractions fade away whilst waiting for more meds, - made an upsetting time really maddening. I hope they are more on it today and you are progressing. Throw a strop if you need to. Would you consider going to a CS instead?

canihaveacoffeeplease · 27/01/2017 12:19

SJ that sounds so awful, thinking of you Flowers

How's everyone else getting on today?

41+1 and had period type pains since sweep 2 days ago but nothing else and feeling seriously disheartened today. I'm actually seriously considering castor oil- someone put me off, please!

I'm getting desperate, so so tired and fed up and achy. At least it's another nice day, so DH is coming home half day from work to take me and toddler out for lunch and a walk around a lake. Lovely smooth flat paths, and the farm shop do great cake, I feel I need cake!

AButterflyLightsBesideUs · 27/01/2017 12:48

40+4, achy, bored and shattered here. My DH is also coming home shortly to do his duty and have sex with me as per MW orders because he works short Fridays. Looking forward to some company. I'm sick of sitting around waiting for pregnancy to be over. I've had pelvic pain for months so I've found the whole thing very limiting, I just miss mobility and getting out and about, the house is starting to feel a bit like prison.

I've been doing a load more stair stomping this morning and necked some more evening primrose oil capsules. Here's hoping a shag will help...

Enjoy your lunch & cake out coffee that sounds so civilised!

wonder and sj thinking of you both & hoping things are happening.

lelapaletute · 27/01/2017 13:39

Hahahaha Butterfly, got my fella on this too - can't say in my state of hugeness that I feel very tempting, but it's something to do I suppose :P

AButterflyLightsBesideUs · 27/01/2017 14:40

No, I'm not feeling my most attractive I must say, but he likes my bump. And it's a last chance or two to enjoy sex without worrying about getting pregnant! (I have a worrying track record in that respect and it will be a major stress again very soon...)

Newboots86 · 27/01/2017 21:40

Hello ladies, may I come and wait with you? I'm 41+1 so same as you I think coffee? DC 2, had DD at 40 +5 so I'm now in unchartered territory.
Had a sweep at 40+1, was at 1 cm and although cervix was posterior it was soft so MW gave it a good go. It was painful, mind you! Lost plug with red blood 2 days after. Second sweep on Wednesday at 40+6 which was not painful. Again I was 1cm stretching to 2cm and soft but still posterior. Had another show/plug loss yesterday. Have had sporadic period pains, cramps, BHs etc but mostly have just felt normal. Spent most of the day in tears yesterday, mostly through frustration I think! That and im just so bloody bored of this! Have been engaged since 36 weeks and have had everyone saying that this one would arrive early. Feel very blue about the whole thing as I have an induction booked for Tuesday which is the day before DDs 2nd birthday. Also trying for a VBAC so have all of that extra (totally self imposed) pressure as this was supposed to be my redemptive natural birth. Sorry for the long post, trying to keep it together in real life when all I want to do is not talk to anyone and sit at home googling things.
I hope that the inductions that are underway are going ok, sending my best wishes to you all.


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Mumchatting · 28/01/2017 01:35

Congratulations to all the ladies who had their babies!
41+3 today. .....
A bit of bloody mucus this morning and cramping. Really was having hope something was gonna happen today. Well, blood stopped this afternoon and cramping is only from time to time.
I hope baby will be here soon.
Know how you all feel it's emotional time.
Newboots I'm also a vbacer.
Hoping for natural birth this time.

sj257 · 28/01/2017 01:45

Hi ladies, finally I had my boy today 💙(well yesterday as it's now the early hours). I didn't have a very pleasant time,.waters were broken which then somehow tailed off my contractions, I had to have the syntocin drip, so then decided on an epidural because I was shattered from no sleep on induction ward. While I was having my epidural put in my husband collapsed so went to the other hospital in an ambulance to get checked out. My epidural failed so I felt like I was dying and my husband missed the birth. I feel a bit traumatised 😞. My boy was 10lbs 13.5oz. Managed to only need a couple of stitches. I'm now on post natal Ward crying because I've had the grand total of 6 hours sleep in 3 days and the lady opposite is snoring louder than anything I've ever heard 😞

AButterflyLightsBesideUs · 28/01/2017 08:22

Oh congratulations sj I'm so glad he's out & it is done and wow what a chunk! You've had such a grim time, I really feel for you. Any news on your DH? That sounds terrifying and such awful timing. Hope you can get out of there today and get some rest in your own home. I felt very shocked after DD's birth and something that helped me a little was to ask the MW's to bring me the birth notes so I could read them through myself and get it a bit straight in my head. Might be worth considering to help you make some sense of it all?
Flowers to you, I hope it all gets much easier from here on.

Welcome newboots

40+5 this morning and the sex/curry/stairs combo from yesterday has done precisely FA. Sweep tomorrow.

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