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Was your second labor quicker than first?

29 replies

Justcurious000 · 14/01/2017 23:03

My first labor from first twinge of anything to birth was 3hr 20. I've been told by my consultant that it's likely this birth will be even quicker. That scares me slightly now I have a toddler, a family who work and a husband who works at least an hour a way.

Has this been the case for some of you?

OP posts:
Artus · 22/01/2017 22:46

No! But I believe I am unusual.
First - active labour about 5 hours
Second - active labour about 12 hours - put pushing stage 1 push

hoolabaybee · 23/01/2017 12:39

Mine's a mix:

DD waters broke Saturday, had her following Thursday (was prem so didn't induce me) first bad pain at 2.00pm had her at 4.40pm

DS1 - waters broke, induced next day 6 hours start to finish

DS2 - 2 hours from first bad pain

moobeana · 23/01/2017 13:36

My first was 3hours, second was 55mins.

I was worried, like you are, about who would look after my dd.

I had a schedule of who was on rota for looking after her at short notice!

I basically begged and people were more than happy to sign up for a 'shift' or two. In the end I was booked for induction so it was easy.

Planning is your friend!

Aquamarine1029 · 24/01/2017 05:09

Subsequent labors are very often faster than the first. I was in labor for 4 hours with my son, (most of which I wasn't even aware of), less than 2 with my daughter.

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