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Was your second labor quicker than first?

29 replies

Justcurious000 · 14/01/2017 23:03

My first labor from first twinge of anything to birth was 3hr 20. I've been told by my consultant that it's likely this birth will be even quicker. That scares me slightly now I have a toddler, a family who work and a husband who works at least an hour a way.

Has this been the case for some of you?

OP posts:
Aquamarine1029 · 24/01/2017 05:09

Subsequent labors are very often faster than the first. I was in labor for 4 hours with my son, (most of which I wasn't even aware of), less than 2 with my daughter.

moobeana · 23/01/2017 13:36

My first was 3hours, second was 55mins.

I was worried, like you are, about who would look after my dd.

I had a schedule of who was on rota for looking after her at short notice!

I basically begged and people were more than happy to sign up for a 'shift' or two. In the end I was booked for induction so it was easy.

Planning is your friend!

hoolabaybee · 23/01/2017 12:39

Mine's a mix:

DD waters broke Saturday, had her following Thursday (was prem so didn't induce me) first bad pain at 2.00pm had her at 4.40pm

DS1 - waters broke, induced next day 6 hours start to finish

DS2 - 2 hours from first bad pain

Artus · 22/01/2017 22:46

No! But I believe I am unusual.
First - active labour about 5 hours
Second - active labour about 12 hours - put pushing stage 1 push

Wolfiefan · 22/01/2017 22:27

First. 10 1/2 hours.
Second. Less than an hour!

MrsBungle · 22/01/2017 22:24

Yep! First: 52 hours, second: 1 hour 54 minutes!

chatnanny · 22/01/2017 22:20

First was 16 hours, second 5 hours.

soundsystem · 22/01/2017 22:08

This is all making me nervous! First labour was 4 hours from first twinge to holding the baby. The midwife at the time said to plan another home birth if I had a second. DH has been briefed by the midwife on what to do if it looks like this baby is going to arrive before she does!

moonbeamdream · 21/01/2017 09:49

First labour was 4 hr 30 mins, got to
Hospital at 7 had DD1 at 11:06pm

Second labour 2 hr 30 mins, Got to hospital at 5pm had DD2 at 5:42pm


TresDesolee · 18/01/2017 22:58

Probably stating the obvious OP, but see if you can organise some back-up and have people stay over if your DH is away. Can you have a home birth? My friend has very quick labours and her midwife practically ordered her to have a home birth for the second and to phone the midwife the minute she felt a twinge.

Scattymere · 18/01/2017 22:48

Yup me!nGet ready OP- 1st labour- 5 hours second- from waters breaking to baby arriving- just under 2hours. Almost gave birth in the car in race to hospital. Be totally ready from month before!

Trulyamnearanear · 18/01/2017 17:44

Is this just when dc1 was vaginal birth. I'm wondering?

MissCalamity · 18/01/2017 09:23

I started having pains with both about midnight.
DC1 born at 1.40pm
DC2 born at 6.15am

As another poster said DC2 was so much quicker but hurt a lot more! Shock
Good luck!

Seeline · 18/01/2017 08:47

Yes , 1st 29hrs, 2nd 13 hrs - still far too long for my liking Grin

NickyEds · 18/01/2017 08:45

Yes, ds about 30 hours and dd was 5 hours.

DustyMaiden · 18/01/2017 08:38

1st 48hrs in delivery room. 2nd 4 minutes.

ohidoliketobe · 18/01/2017 08:34

Oh god yes. When people tell you its faster don't just smile and nod and secretly eye roll like I did. From first twinge to baby born:
1st: 21 hours
2nd: 4 hours
I only just made it into the delivery suite with DD (DC2). I didn't go to hospital sooner as I thought I had 'a while to go yet' and contractions weren't too bad. Then suddenlyfelt the urge to push. Luckily we only live 10 mins drive from hospital. Like you I had a toddler and DH works an hour away- I went into labour in the night (4am) and PIL live locally so DH dropped DS off there at 6.

It would certainly be a concern if/ when we consider a 3rd. I bleed - post partum haemorrhage of over 1 litre each time so planning for a home birth is not an option, I don't know what grounds I'd have for ELCS, and would never consider an induction because everyone I know who had one has resulted in either EMCS or forceps (with post parturition complications). I'd probably just loiter around the hospital from 37 weeks!

OllyBJolly · 18/01/2017 08:17

First : 26 hours
Second: 20 minutes from first contraction to birth. (Waters had gone about 10 hours before)

happypotamus · 18/01/2017 08:10

Yes. My first labour was 6hrs from waking up when waters went at 3am to holding her. Afterwards the MW told me that second labours are usually quicker and to get to hospital quickly if I had another. Second labour was 3hrs from waters going to birth. We did go in as soon as possible when waters went after sorting out someone to look after DC1 but it was before contractions started so I was sent home. We pretty much turned round and went straight back, but only just got there in time.
How far away is the hospital from you? I was lucky that it was only about 10 minutes drive. Is a home birth an option for you? Then you wouldn't have to worry about time to get to hospital, dropping your DC1 off or waiting for someone to collect them etc.

BackforGood · 14/01/2017 23:27

Dc1 27hrs
Dc2 about 20mins


Shadowboy · 14/01/2017 23:23

Yes!! First was 21 hours from waters breaking to arrival. 2nd was 5 hours from first twinge (felt like period pains/gas) to arrival

MumOfTwoMasterOfNone · 14/01/2017 23:22

Yep both induced and 20 hours to 5 hours.


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Justcurious000 · 14/01/2017 23:19

Seems it is usually the case then with them getting quicker! I just hope to god its in the middle of the night or a weekend so I'm not alone.

OP posts:
deadlegs · 14/01/2017 23:18

According to my notes, on paper, my second (1 hr 50mins) was longer than my first (17 mins!!), but as far as I was concerned i'd say the second was quicker from start to finish. I knew after the first that I'd have to get to hospital quickly but it was a close call!!

Daffydil · 14/01/2017 23:15

My first, from waters breaking (first sign of anything happening) to birth, was just under 3.5 hrs.

No 2, from first twinges to baby being born was just under 3 hours. She arrived 4 mins after we got to the hospital.

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