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So apparently... (rips and tears)

56 replies

FrizzBombDelight · 20/12/2016 21:30

So apparently modern women are more prone to rips during labour because no one squats to shit anymore.... does anyone out there know anything about this or have any experience?!

OP posts:
Anetheron · 31/12/2016 21:54

I gave birth in June to my first and had a 3rd degree tear. I labored in a birth pool up until about 10mins before the birth (midwife got me out of the pool as the head was taking too long to come out) and gave birth lying on my back. I'm pretty fit in general, walk alot and was still very active before giving birth, was drinking raspberry leaf tea (fwiw), had a very easy-going pregnancy....but still ended up with a 3rd degree tear. They couldn't even tell me why it happened, baby's arm wasn't above her head or the like during birth...
I would have to agree with what others have said on the thread, think it just comes down to your personal make up.

sj257 · 31/12/2016 23:23

Had two very large babies, second degree tears both times, healed well both times, no lasting effects Smile

Justnapping · 31/12/2016 23:31

Honestly tearing was a huge fear of mine. Had 2nd degree tears with both babies and it's not a big deal. At the time you are not even aware of it happening! Healed up great. Please try not to worry about it.

happy2bhomely · 31/12/2016 23:33

I've had 5dc. One was 11lb. All vaginal births. Not a single tear between them.

No special tricks. Just lucky.

OnTheUp13 · 31/12/2016 23:37

It could be a complete coincidence but I do a lot of heavy weights so I squat a lot and when I gave birth I didn't tear? Hadn't really made the connection until reading this thread

However I do have horrendous piles? Confused

Bubbinsmakesthree · 31/12/2016 23:38

I don't think drs should still be using forceps in the UK. Ventouse perhaps but not forceps. They should really be intervening before baby is severely compromised. Women's long-term health should matter more

I had a forceps delivery and episiotomy. We were being closely monitored throughout labour. DS was doing fine up until the point he wasn't, at which point he had to be out sharpish - forceps was the best option. Am very grateful the team were able to respond quickly to secure the best outcome for DS. My recovery from the delivery was fine.

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