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Feel like I am going to be the first woman in history to be pregnant FOREVER

60 replies

BotBotticelli · 28/07/2015 17:59

Am 40+4 with ds2.

MW tried to do a sweep this afternoon but cervix was totally posterior, high, hard to reach and she couldn't tell if it was favourable or not - but presumes not as she couldn't reach it!

Ds1 was born at 41 weeks exactly (incidentally, 4 days after a sweep with the same midwife!) - I don't know why but I expected this time to go into labour earlier/easier and totally fed up.

Please can someone reassure me that the odds are in my favour of a spontaneous delivery, having had one before?? Really not keen on induction .

OP posts:
waitingfornumber2 · 05/08/2015 08:50

Bot, Guy, Penguin any news?

Nothing here and now 40+8 so v impatient. Sweep yesterday showed minimal change in cervix from last week.

Penguinandminipenguin · 05/08/2015 11:13

Congratulations Muddy!

Nope, no news here! 40+5 and literally nothing. No cramps, no bh, no loss of plug...noooothing. I really do think I'm gonna end up having an induction. Another day of bouncing on the ball!!

You never know though waiting, the sweep might have done something. Any niggles since?

Guyropes · 05/08/2015 11:55

Congratulations welly! So glad you've got your baby safely born. Hope you're recovering well.

Waiting, what did they say about stAying in mlu?

No shift here. Plenty of gut ache due to antibiotics, but no labour.

Was happy to read that the risk of still birth doesn't increase until after 42 weeks, as I had been worrying.

So I guess I'm thinking my due period is not up til 14 August now!

Hope you're all feeling ok today. I'm tired.

waitingfornumber2 · 06/08/2015 02:37

Should name change as s I'm no longer waiting. Have my beautiful boy asleep on me after a pretty swift delivery.

Looks like that sweep worked...

I'm pleased as got mlu as in my hospital you have to go on clu even with the pessary.

theshooglypeg · 06/08/2015 17:47


Guyropes · 09/08/2015 13:49

Hi waiting, congratulations! Glad you got spontaneous,swift delivery in mlu like you wanted.

I've got my little treasure too! But not the hands off delivery I hoped for. It was meconium stained waters rupturing which made them put me on a drip to induce Labour. That drip is horrible! But it worked, and Labour was swift, a d my boy arrived safely, which is the only important thing in the end!

Hope that bot and penguin are doing ok.

nolongerwaitingfornumber2 · 09/08/2015 19:12

Thanks both!

Congratulations Guy on your brand new beautiful ds. Once they are in your arms the birth does seem a bit irrelevant doesn't it? xx

Guyropes · 10/08/2015 19:45

Thanks nolonger,
Yes, the method of birth fades very quickly! Although I guess not so much if you are really traumatized or have a tough recovery.

Hoping to hear that bot and penguin delivered safely after their long waits.

lindsay982 · 12/08/2015 20:58

I'm 40+1 and was kinda feeling daft about feeling guilty for not having gone into labour totally ridiculous! Up here in Scotland they book you in for your induction when you get to 40 to go in at 40+13 so mw booked it yesterday and it made me feel rubbish. Sweeps start at 41.

fingers x-d I don't need any of it!

blowinahoolie · 02/09/2015 10:47

"Am 40+4 with ds2. "

That's nothing!!! I was 11 days over with DC1, and 10 days over with DC2!

I am currently 8 days over with signs yet! Getting induced at the weekend.

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