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I pooed, did you?

89 replies

joanna0211marie · 10/07/2013 12:27

I pooped in labour and had no idea until dh kindly let me know a few days later, I know I peed because I asked the midwife if it was my waters, nope just pee! This was all at the pushing stage though so I can be forgiven

OP posts:
GoshAnneGorilla · 23/07/2013 16:54

I pooped. Only a little rabbit dropping, but as I was pushing out a very chunky Dd, I did not care. The midwife discretely wrapped it in some paper towel and threw it away.

gaggiagirl · 23/07/2013 17:44

I didn't but DD pooed all over me when she popped out it was that black tar like stuff and was a nightmare to get off.

EugenesAxe · 23/07/2013 17:48

I definitely pooed both times. MW said I hadn't the second time but I saw it in amongst all the blood and gunk on the sheet she removed.

No-one with a delicate constitution should be reading this!

Secretswitch · 23/07/2013 17:54

I did with my second child. I birthed at home in bed. Midwife wrote in notes " diorhhoea x2". I would not have known otherwise as she and dh had grace not to mention it to me.

Msbluesky32 · 23/07/2013 18:27

Yes, after two hours of pushing every two minutes its a darn miracle my bowel didn't appear along with it!

sweetkitty · 23/07/2013 18:38

Pooed with nos 1 & 2, DD2 was a home birth DP cleaned the poo up. Nos 3 & 4 I didn't poo but I didn't actively push them out, it was more like my body expelled them in 2 contractions no bearing down and pushing.

ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 23/07/2013 18:40

I did.

And someone stuck their finger up my arse.

They never said why.

Msbluesky32 · 23/07/2013 18:54

Imtoo they did with me too...and I asked...turns out I'd given myself piles and they popping everything back in. Nice.

sweetkitty · 23/07/2013 21:16

Do they not have to check for tears/damage in your rectum?

First time round they stuck painkillers up my arse.

ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 23/07/2013 21:17

Ahh. I see.
It was a bit of a shock, I tell you that!

Lutrine · 27/07/2013 03:36

Only little bits as labour had begun that morning with a really good clear out! I put this down to the curry I'd had the night before until I realised the cramps were regular ha ha! My poor husband cleaned the pool we'd hired out and has not once mentioned its contents though!

chubbychipmonk · 27/07/2013 23:11

Yep, both times.

Wasn't aware first time until DH told me.

Second time I knew I had done it & the poor student midwife who was obviously instructed to just quietly remove it & not make a fuss stood with it in her hand & a look of horror on her face! Shock

DanceLikeJohnTravoltaNow · 27/07/2013 23:15

I assume so, I felt the midwife wipe my arse anyway. Oh the shame, although I didn't care at the time!

audweb · 27/07/2013 23:30

I'm pretty sure I did, mostly because I could hear the student midwife asking the midwife something about wipes/cleaning, and she replied, in case of/or for the faeces. I didn't care at the time, but I really wish they hadn't had that conversation because it made me and my OH aware (he was up the head end!)

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