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Stressed and breast feeding!!!!

34 replies

JordTyler · 28/06/2008 21:27

Hi there. Where to start? Ds is 4 weeks to day and i want to give up!! which would be alright if i didn't desperatly want to breast feed! I'm worried what he's getting, about his latch, has he got nipple confusion from dummy. I'm just getting negative thoughts every day and can't get rid of them. To top it all i don't have supportive partner! I know that i need to belive but i just can't shift bad bits. Only actual problem i have is ds will not feed from 1 breast for more than 10 minutes and then refuses to go back on, but will be swapped, i think its to do with flow but not sure. Maternity assistant thinks he's not comfy cos i don't use any support? Anyone have any ideas at all, about anything!!

OP posts:
flubdub · 04/07/2008 12:40

lol thanks

TheProvincialLady · 04/07/2008 12:07

Oh no I have really messed it up. It is

e1375_a at hotmail etc

What a pregnant idiot I am!

TheProvincialLady · 04/07/2008 12:06

Oh yes I had forgotten about the _a that comes after that bit Am off in about an hour and will pick up a couple.

flubdub · 04/07/2008 11:35

Hi TPL - Iv just tried emailing you, but it said it had failed. is this right for the first bit;

TheProvincialLady · 03/07/2008 20:55

flubdub it looks like you can order them from the LLL book sales website (which is currently down or I would link) but not download. They currently retail at 50p If you email me at e underscore 1375 at hotmail dot com with your address I will send you one.

flubdub · 03/07/2008 13:38

Hi, TPL, Do you know if you can download those leaflets? I would love to read one. Thanks

TheProvincialLady · 03/07/2008 12:09

Glad to hear you are feeling better and the weight gain is great too The La Leche League do a leaflet for dads about breastfeeding and new babies, let me know if you would like me to send you one for your DH as I will be going to a meeting tomorrow and could pick you one up.

tiktok · 03/07/2008 12:04

Jord, that's great news, and the only advice you need is to continue doing what you are doing 'cos you and your baby are doing just fine

JordTyler · 03/07/2008 11:58


OP posts:
Joolyjoolyjoo · 29/06/2008 00:16

I would add that if you can get out and meet some other bf mums it will really make all the difference. I went to a post-natal exercise class, and met some fab ladies (we are still good friends now, and our kids are going to school). It really gave me confidence to feed in public, when there wasa crowd of us doing it!

I'm not an expert, but I'm bf'ing no 3 now and know how scary it can be- even with no 3 I fretted a bit about whether he was getting enough! He did wehat you are describing, and I swapped breasts when he wanted to. He is a total chubby chubster now at 7 mths, and still hardly seems to feed much/ for any length of time. And I know it is frowned upon to use a dummy, but I did with all mine and it didn't seem to confuse them at all, and it actually helped me keep on bf, as I was nearly giving up with no 1, due to being a human dummy for 8 solid hours every night. You just have to have faith! I have tiny boobs (although better when bf !) and have had lots of people questioning my ability to bf a baby, but I have done it, and you will too!

Difficult when you don't feel you are getting enough support from your partner. My DH seems to get a bit embarassed when I feed in public (I've actually known him to stand in front of me like a human screen!!) and it's maybe a wee bit outside his comfort zone, but he has gotten more used to the idea- especially the fact that it saves us money and means he doesn't have to do night feeds (although it is still his job to get up and pass ds over to me!!) Maybe your partner just feels a bit weird about it, and a bit left out, but he will get used to it, hopefully, and as baby gets older he will be able to interact with him in other ways (DH is still scared of them when they are that small! Takes him a while to feel comfortable with the dc when they are tiny!) I hope this helps somehow.

tiktok · 28/06/2008 23:58

Jord - there is nothing wrong with you or your breastfeeding or your baby's feeding. Everything you have posted here shows everything is normal - I am assuming your baby is thriving and the issue is 'negative thoughts' as you say, and nothing more...start listening to people who will give you confidence (not maternity nurse who tells you the baby isn't comfortable 'cos you don't use any support - sheesh).

I'm a bit concerned here because while everyone is being supportive there is a lot of stuff here you can ignore! You don't need to increase your supply or drink more or get rest or express or anything like that ....because what you are doing now is just fine

(mummyrayjay - hope you won't mind me pointing out that milk and milkshakes does not help produce more milk )

slim22 · 28/06/2008 23:46

the more bay suckles the more milk you'll produce. Just remember this simple rule of supply and demand.
If you use the dummy, you interfere with that.
Leave the dummy for when YOU are desperate for a break after baby's been latching on non stop.

Also remember there will be growth spurts every now and then (typically 4-6 weeks) and you must let baby suckle little and often to increase your supply to new needs.
Typically that will be every 1 to 2 hours for a few days. This often leads us to think we do not have enough milk.
Just let nature regulate supply and demand by feeding on demand.

relying on the dummy to soothe a hungry baby will only create a vicious cycle where baby will cry in frustration/soothe with dummy/only to wake up a short while later hungrier.

take care of yourself and just sink into your baby's rythme. it's still very early days.

ilovemydog · 28/06/2008 23:42

your parter may not be supportive because he's out of his depth? He probably wants to be able to help, but doesn't know how!

slim22 · 28/06/2008 23:37

you are doing well. bravo. just continue like this.
Get as much rest as you can and just feed on demand rather than using a dummy.

In my humble opinion the partner who can not cope with a fretful 4 week old is a much bigger worry.
What next?

solo · 28/06/2008 23:17

Any type of fluids can be drunk, it doesn't need to be dairy. Just make sure you don't get dehydrated.

mummyrayjay · 28/06/2008 23:13

Jordtyler - I wanted to stop bf most days for the first 6weeks maybe even more.. But now ds is nearly 1 and we are still bf, if you want to bf I'm sure you will stick to it..

If you are worried about not having enough milk maybe you could try expressing some if you ever have a minute as that really helped my milk supply go up. (even tho when I expressed in the beginng I only got 1-2 once)

Also drink lots of milk or milkshake as itwill help you produce more milk..

All babies drink differently, maybe he can empty the breast really quickly and move on to the next..

If you are not getting enough support at home mumsnet is always very supportive day and night. Also ask your health visitor about local breastfeeding groups where mums meet for advice..

Good luck, I'm sure your are not doing half as bad as you think you are x x

JordTyler · 28/06/2008 22:32

Thanks every 1. great advice. gonna get positive tommorrow, stuff what every1 think. Will pop back tommorrow aswell, let ya all know how we are. thanks again all of you. Natalie xx

OP posts:
Olihan · 28/06/2008 22:12

When he's fretful, do you try to bf him before giving him the dummy? Ideally he could do with feeding more often than every 3 hours at this stage, if he will.

The fact that he is only pooing every couple of days may be a cause for concern, you really want him to be pooing at least once every day, probably more. Has he always been like that or is it a recent change? I don't want you to worry more but it could be a sign that your supply could be a bit more plentiful.

A bfc would be the best person to talk this through with, definitely give the helplines a call in the morning if you can. If nothing else they will be able to reassure you a bit.

tori32 · 28/06/2008 22:09

If you feed on demand you will have enough. My dd2 was 10lb and is ex bf, now 13wks she is 16lb 6oz!!!!LOL

tori32 · 28/06/2008 22:08

Try to explain to DH that its your babies way of communicating and crying will not harm him if he is consoled and reassured. Sometimes they just cry because they need to.
If he cries more in the evening try giving infacol or similar before his first evening feed, because it could be colic.

hellymelly · 28/06/2008 22:07

sounds totally normal to me-my baby did this too and is still feeding happily and nice and chub at 13m.I think you are doing brilliantly to be keeping at it without support,(which seems to be the key difficulty for you)Breastfeeding can be tricky and worrying in the first couple of months but you will get more confident,really!My first was a month old before she got back to her birth weight and other people can make you nervous about your supply,but you sound as though your baby is doing just fine and I agree with previous posters that a bit of support from someone like a la leche counsellor would be great for you.I found them just brilliant when I had problems and I have been feeding now for 3 and a half years with only a few weeks off between one stopping and the next birth.You sound like a lovely kind mum and you are doing great,stick with it girl!

tori32 · 28/06/2008 22:04

He may be getting overtired as well. Mine did this because she fed so often. Try to make sure he gets plenty of fresh air and sleep, even if it means rocking or patting at this stage. The more tired they get, the worse they feed I've found, so they take less, feed more often and it becomes a vicious circle.


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Olihan · 28/06/2008 22:03

The best piece of advice I was given on here was 'your body was clever enough to grow your baby, it's certainly clever enough to feed it'.

Did most of the people you know ff? I think it does make it harder if you don't have anyone around who has bf successfully because they don't really understand how bf works, hence comments such as 'are you sure you've got enough?'

Kellymom is a great site for finding out the facts about bf and use MN to get the support you need if you're not getting it in RL. No one on here will ignore you if you need help.

I'm still bfing my 17mo after giving up with my first 2 dcs thanks to all the advice on here. You will do it, we'll make sure of it .

tori32 · 28/06/2008 22:01

Much sympathy here You've done fab getting this far. If he is having plenty wet and dirty nappies he is fine.
Hows his weight gain?
If you have got a poor latch you will probably have sore nips- use lansinoh cream and contact an NCT BF consillor who will be able to help. Just go to their website for number.
10mins may be perfectly adequate but sometimes I found if my dd has trapped wind she comes off, wind him and try again.
I would use a pillow when you can or try crossing your leg - the one on the side you are feeding over the other to rest him on. If you aren't comfy it can affect the let down/flow.
If you think supply is the issue you can try expressing after feeds or when he is asleep to increase it.
Its really hard at first but it will get better.
Don't expect miracles- with dd1 I wanted 4hrly routine and complete structure which knackered my bf. Feed whenever he wants at this stage. My dd2 is now 13wks and has only just started getting into a pattern. You will look back in a year and realise how quickly he has grown
Drink plenty.

solo · 28/06/2008 21:58

Feel really pleased with yourself and don't listen to the negativities of other people. My Dd is 18mos and I'm winding the bfing down now, but I'm already missing the day time feeds and know I'll miss it all when it stops My Dp thought I should've put her on formula when she was 6 months old until I carefully told him of the positives for, don't feel down about it.
La Leche League are very helpful if you have problems, I've called them several times(and don't panic if a man answers, it's likely to be their Dh! their helpline number is 0845 120 2918. Good luck and keep up the good work.

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