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Infant feeding

Please tell me it gets better

29 replies

Chardeemacdennis1 · 18/12/2018 17:04

DD is 4 days old.

She latched really well in the hospital so I was given no advice or assistance with Bf.

Now we're home and I'm finding it really hard. On the right side I find it really uncomfortable, like she sucking too hard it's a tugging pinching feeling. Not relaxing or nice at all. On the left the sucking feels fine and quite relaxing but the boob is hard as sore. I've tried massaging out and expressing but it just goes hard again on the next feed.

I feel like the latch must be wrong but I can't see how. She sucking and pausing, she taking lots in her mouth it all looks fine but it's just not a nice experience for me at all.

At the moment I feel like I can't keep this going much longer. I'm sore and tired and dread feeding her.

Please tell me its normal for it to be difficult at the start and things will get better.

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cr1479 · 20/12/2018 08:46

I had so so many issues with breastfeeding for the first 3/4 weeks.
I think I was a bit blind to it all & it was a massive shock to the system when I realised how difficult breastfeeding would be.
I hated it if I'm honest and would say that I was going to stop pretty much every day.
I found it really painful. For me, it wasn't anything to do with her latch, it was just that my nipples had to get used to it. She's now nearly 7 weeks and it's much easier.
It is never painful at all.
I still don't love it as she is feeding very often, but it's much much better now that I'm pain free.
She does have a preference for my left boob. I've always struggled with my right & have to feed her in the "rugby ball" way for that side.
It will get easier so hang in there! But just do what works best for you & your baby.
Ps- the very frequent feeds are normal (or so I'm told) my DD is exactly the same.

cr1479 · 20/12/2018 08:49

Also, I know lots of people will tell you not to do this. But I started to introduce a bottle in the evening at about 2 weeks. This really helped me get some sleep & helped my nipples recover.
She's never shown nipple confusion and as of now it hasn't affected my supply.
I know this may not be what you want to do, but it has really helped me cope.

cupoftea84 · 20/12/2018 09:02

It gets better.

The midwife and health visitor should be able to check the latch etc. They can also suggest different holds/ positions.

I found it hard because I can't always see what latch baby has so my DH was told what to check by a midwife and so if latch is an issue I can ask him to help. If you dont have someone maybe use a mirror?

Also have you got a good breastfeeding cushion? So useful.

Chardeemacdennis1 · 20/12/2018 11:52

It's like an obstival course. I get one thing sorted and then a new problem arises.

We got latch sorted and it stopped hurting just a bit uncomfortable. Then my milk came in! My boobs are now so full she can't actually get a good mouthful. I seem to have sorted that by pinching my boob for her, but she's now not keen on the left side.

Oh and my god, the weight of these boobs. Not comftable when they fill up. This morning I was desperate for her to wake up and empty them.

Tried out a few cushions. The breastfeeding cushion was working well but now she seems too close so I'm just using a normal pillow. Started feeding her in a office chair with a foot stool which has also really helped.

It's definitely a roller coaster. Not like bottle feeding at all.

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