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Infant feeding

Breast or Bottle

72 replies

user4321 · 21/11/2017 21:18

Imagine a world where formula and breast milk were equally nutritious for newborn and the benefits of BF were unknown.

I’m wondering if this were the case, what the general opinion is on what is the easiest way to feed baby and which method is more likely to cause problems at the beginning, and statistically, which method would be better for a happy mother and baby?

OP posts:
sycamore54321 · 22/11/2017 18:46

I think you've misattributes your fight quote to me?

For the person who liked breastfeeding because you hold your baby in your arms, please do tell us how you picture bottle feeding? Delivered by robots? As I said, I combo fed and from a "holding" perspective I preferred bottle feeding as I could see the baby's facial expressions rather than mostly the top of the head.

I do think in an ideal scenario, a system that is entirely dependent on one individual to fabricate and deliver the food is a risky one. I was re hospitalised in a general acute hospital before my eldest was 3 weeks. For infection risk, the baby could not stay with me. I was very glad I knew other caregivers including my husband knew how to bottle feed, and that I knew my baby was happy to take a bottle.

user4321 · 22/11/2017 20:54

Yes apologies for the typo Sycamore, i misquoted the other username

OP posts:
Thirtyrock39 · 22/11/2017 21:00

Breastfeeding for having to stop and sit with your baby for long periods of time in the early days- it's hard at the time but really important for not only bonding but making sure as a new mum you sit down and stop while feeding ...bottle feeding is quicker and means other people can do it which means less chance to sit and stop holding your baby

BikeRunSki · 23/11/2017 18:07

...bottle feeding is quicker and means other people can do it which means less chance to sit and stop holding your baby

Juts because you don't have to sit and hold your baby, it doesn't mean you don't.

Spam88 · 23/11/2017 20:06

Hmm...I'm breastfeeding my 6 month old and now I would absolutely choose breastfeeding. It's so convenient and really appeals to my lazy nature... However, if there was no benefit to breast over bottle then I highly doubt I'd have stuck with it during those early weeks when I was crying with pain at every feed. In fact I may not even have tried breastfeeding because bottle feeding is more the norm in my family.

bue that made me laugh. I think having your hands free also makes breastfeeding ultimately cost more than FF - so much online shopping during the night feeds 🙈

ICJump · 23/11/2017 20:12

I’d breastfeed. It has less impact on the environment, it provides health benefits for me, it’s disaster preparedness (I live in country with lots of fires and have evacuated once). Breastfeeding was convenient.

ICJump · 23/11/2017 20:15

user4321 I’ll add I’m a breastfeeding counsellor and there is no way I would express long term. It’s bloody hard work, I found the little I’ve done so demoralising.
All power to the long term pumpers they work bloody hard

Anatidae · 23/11/2017 20:17

Whatever works for the individual Mum/baby.

Some struggle to feed. Some don’t want to breast feed. Some need to be back at work soon. Some want their partner to help with feeds, some want to do exclusive bf. Some babies have structural issues that make one feeding more more difficult. Some find bottles easy. Some find them a pita and get along great with breast.

You know what is absolute though? Whichever method they chooose, breast , bottle or a mix, 100% of mothers would prefer not to be judged by goady fuckers

So hope that helps.

windowSong · 23/11/2017 20:19

Bottle feeding so much easier because you can share the night feeds with your partner, plus you need to feed less often. Happy all 'round!

Sparklesdontshine · 23/11/2017 20:20

Formula 100%

emma1282 · 25/11/2017 19:21

Definitely breast feeding would always be better than bottle feeding.

eeanne · 26/11/2017 09:22

Breastfeeding. It was a great way to bond with my child, and I worked so expressed giving me the freedom to use bottles also. I was lucky that after the first few weeks of painful nipples etc it was very easy for me.

Justanewname · 26/11/2017 10:04

I have just loved breastfeeding so much I would absolutely have done it even if there were no health benefits. It's just lovely being able to roll over and latch baby on at night rather than messing around with bottles and boiling kettles. So much easier when out and about. And I would not fancy spending a fortune on milk and bottles. Although to be fair I've spent a bit on bras I suppose.

And it's just a wonderful experience watching my baby grow fat from my milk. Seeing her fall off the boob milk drunk and sleepy after a feed.

I couldn't care less how anyone else feeds their baby, but I think it would be nice for women to hear more of the good experiences of breastfeeding as well as being prepared for the potential difficulties.

BertrandRussell · 26/11/2017 10:09

Breastfeeding every time. Cheap, easy, convenient.

BertrandRussell · 26/11/2017 10:12

Justin is so in this up to his neck. There is no way he wouldn't have done his-what's it called - due diligence? on Melling Equestrian.

BertrandRussell · 26/11/2017 11:09

Sorry-I hunk that might be on the wrong thread!

FartnissEverbeans · 26/11/2017 16:48

Nobody talks about this but a recent study found that bottle fed babies smile more and cry less.

Bottle feeding was great for us. Easy peasy and I got plenty of rest to recover. I loved feeding DS and the first few days after he was born were the happiest of my life. I don't think I've ever felt so contented. He was the easiest, most chilled out baby who never cried for more than a couple of minutes per day and he slept brilliantly.

Of course now he's a toddler and that's all out the window!! Grin

BertrandRussell · 26/11/2017 17:11

"Nobody talks about this but a recent study found that bottle fed babies smile more and cry less"

Who sponsored the study?

Anatidae · 26/11/2017 17:53

Nobody talks about this but a recent study found that bottle fed babies smile more and cry less"

Citation please...

FartnissEverbeans · 26/11/2017 18:57

I knew mentioning that study would get me in trouble! Wink Obviously I was playing devil's advocate a bit when I mentioned it.

It was the university of Cambridge who carried out the study. The NHS choices website has a good explanation of the limitations of the study, including possible confounding variables. Regardless of how you interpret the results it's quite an interesting study.

eeanne · 27/11/2017 03:46

FartnissEverbeans a study of 300 infants over three years? That's TINY.

Anyway even if it's true, I would want to see what the long-term effect of a less smiley infant is. Because if it makes no difference, then I'll stick to the method of feeding that's free and natural if I have the choice.

AnnaT45 · 27/11/2017 08:24

Breastfeeding. I choose to do it because after those first 8 weeks it is the easier option for me. No faffing with bottles in the night or to take out etc. Plus the excuse to eat a bit extra was a win for me Grin


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Anatidae · 27/11/2017 09:16

I think the notion of a Smiley placid infant being a good thing is erroneous. Infants survive by being demanding. A decorative baby isn’t necessarily good.

The list of confounding factors is good - if add a few as well but I’d get flamed for adding them

EthelOnTheTown · 27/11/2017 09:17

Oh for goodness sake bf is easy and convenient for some and not for others.

Surprise surprise the ones that found it easy will say bf, the ones that found it difficult due to lack of support, physical problems, depression etc will say sterilising a few bottles was worth it for their sanity.

FartnissEverbeans · 27/11/2017 09:19

eeanne Well obviously its tiny. I think that's outlined in the link I posted.

I just thought it was interesting.

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