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How to tell my son on a plane he's a daddy?

81 replies

6grandc · 12/06/2019 15:02

My son is on a plane dashing to Athens where his partner has gone into labour 16 days early. The baby has been born whilst he's airborne. My daughter has tweeted the airline with no result. Is there a way to get a message to him. Would be lovely and might make up for him missing the birth!

OP posts:
6grandc · 12/06/2019 21:37

Quite Ginger!

It's all good, she is 7lbs 9ozs, they've met and we are just trying to work out how we can get there sooner than 13th July when we intended to go for grandson's birthday! Very happy all round.

OP posts:
Footle · 12/06/2019 22:41

Congratulations. Sorry you had to run the gauntlet of strange people making it their mission to rain on your parade for no discernible reason. If you can have a rainy parade inside a gauntlet.

Hecateh · 12/06/2019 23:39

@6grandc what a fab MIL you are.

Reading the crap on here it seems a rare thing that you are so empathic and realising that your SonIL should be the first the see his new DD

Hecateh · 12/06/2019 23:41

sorry that is your DS rather than you as very DGP

bestbeforedateexpired · 13/06/2019 00:45

Where was the MIL bashing? I just saw lots of comments advising caution. Seems like OP wanted to tell her son before he was inevitably told by his FIL waiting for him at airport.

Butterflycookie · 13/06/2019 01:04

Am confused...surely you’d wait until he landed to make contact. The airlines are so busy, why would they make an announcement on a plane. Surely only important information gets sent to the pilot. Just seems bizarre.

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