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How to tell my son on a plane he's a daddy?

81 replies

6grandc · 12/06/2019 15:02

My son is on a plane dashing to Athens where his partner has gone into labour 16 days early. The baby has been born whilst he's airborne. My daughter has tweeted the airline with no result. Is there a way to get a message to him. Would be lovely and might make up for him missing the birth!

OP posts:
Honeyroar · 12/06/2019 16:26

It’s such a quick flight and difficult to get information to whoever needs to know etc, so it’s unlikely to happen, plus, as this thread has highlighted, some people may grumble that the father was told by someone other than the mother of the baby, so the airline probably won’t get involved. It’s probably best if whoever meets him has a banner and a bottle of champagne or something.

BlingLoving · 12/06/2019 16:28

I really hope your DIL wants this to happen rather than sending him a whatsapp with a picture for him to receive on arrival.

Justaboy · 12/06/2019 16:29

Can't you just text him and say call home now important news?..

SomeDyke · 12/06/2019 16:31

@SomeDyke if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all

You try telling my cat that, then I might consider it!

But seriously folks, lines of communication between ground and planes in flight not really for news, are they? I'm amazed that the damn things stay up, to be honest, and I certainly don't want any of the people obviously magically keeping them up there to be distracted by fripperies, however well-meant. Not appropriate.

Jonette · 12/06/2019 16:31

I'm sure his partner, the mother of his new baby will want to be the first to tell him.

OP, I'd keep out of it and don't ruin her moment to tell him he's a Dad.
It's not really your place.

arigina · 12/06/2019 16:36

Jesus, let him find out at the hospital...unfair to do it before.

6grandc · 12/06/2019 16:48

Right... he has landed and saw all the messages on family WhatsApp from his wife's sister so he knew as soon as he landed. The sister became her birth partner and had tried calling the airline that end as the mother of the baby wanted him to know.
No I did not want to give him the news in fact we wanted to delete all the chatter on WhatsApp but he was admin so couldn't! Anyway this was his response:
"Fuck! Just landed! Happy they're both well"
He's on his way now with his father in law who was never not going to tell him. The Greeks find our British nuclear family quite weird. When we said a quick hello after baby number 1 was born to "let them be a new little family" they thought we were very odd and asked where the family accommodation was. In Greece it seems everyone rallies round and a whole long line of cars escorts them home from hospital so it's all cultural and perception. Also the mother is a queen and is allowed to do no work except look after her baby (so there are advantages).

All is well that's the main thing. I just thought it might have been rather lovely to hear it en route from a steward/ess not on a public announcement. Haven't been on here in a while and had forgotten how much mothers in law and grandmothers get bashed. Some of us are quite human you know and remember having babies. Some of us even had a wonderful relationship with our own delightful mothers in law!

Thanks to those of you who understood. Off to raise a glass to our new grand-daughter!

OP posts:
saraclara · 12/06/2019 16:51

Congratulations OP!

ilovecatsabittoomuch · 12/06/2019 16:54

Congratulations OP!!

Ignore the negative comments and bashing- absolutely no idea who people bother writing negative things lol!

Enjoy your new arrival Smile xx

louise5754 · 12/06/2019 16:54

My husband was in Afghanistan when I had our first. I could have tried to get a message to him however I just waited for him to call a day later.

JonSnowsFurCoat · 12/06/2019 17:03


And what? If you could get a message to him, why did you wait?

louise5754 · 12/06/2019 17:08

I wasn't sure if I could and I didn't waver I make a drama out of it.

teta · 12/06/2019 17:16

But he's a daddy already !
This isn't his first. Or does this new ( no less exciting than the first) baby have some special significance to your family?
I'm a bit puzzled by the premise of this thread.

alligatorsmile · 12/06/2019 17:23

Ahhh, glad it all went well. Congrats on your new baby GD!

cdtaylornats · 12/06/2019 17:27

Donkey - the airline is capable of talking to the aircraft without ATC.

cdtaylornats · 12/06/2019 17:29

Hearing the news en-route will save him a suicidal high speed drive trying to get to the birth.

Notnownotneverever · 12/06/2019 17:34

Everyone’s different but I would be upset to have the info via a stranger / twitter or any other method than by family. I would just leave it to his FIL to be able to tell him.

EuromumAussiekid · 12/06/2019 18:14

So you really need to ask? Just phone him and tell him of course

Honeyroar · 12/06/2019 18:18

As a stewardess I would be sooo embarrassed and nervous of his reaction to be asked to deliver such personal information. Ive never heard of it happening. On the other hand, if he told me he'd just found out before getting on the plane I would be over the moon for him and make a fuss of him.

Jonette · 12/06/2019 18:26

Well there's nothing nuclear English about you wanting to be the first to tell him, so I'm sure you fit in very well .

Fucktuates · 12/06/2019 18:26

@teta you’re right. Hate it when people say ‘going to be a daddy again’ it’s something you can only become once.

Backinthebox · 12/06/2019 18:29

Flying over Europe is a high workload environment and a line has to be drawn somewhere about what kind of messages a pilot should be taking and passing on to passengers. There are several ways for a company to contact an aircraft but all would come to the pilots the pilots’ priority is to fly the aircraft, not pass on messages. In 20 years of flying I’ve never been asked to pass on a personal message to a passenger.


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Wellandtrulyoutnumbered · 12/06/2019 18:30

I remember telling my friends DH that he'd missed the birth as he dashed for the first train out of Paddington. It was a real mixture of relief and disappointment

user1474894224 · 12/06/2019 18:36

Congratulations. GinFlowersBrewWine Happy new grandchild.

Ginger1982 · 12/06/2019 18:57

@Fucktuates that tends to suggest the second child isn't as important as the first 🤷🏼‍♀️

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