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Feeling weak today.. i need my dad and he's not here....

3 replies

ASorcererIsAWizardSquared · 16/08/2015 10:54

Such a selfish bloody reason for missing him.

My family is going through hell right now, and he used to be the family rock, but now i am, and i'm struggling..

I dont feel strong enough to shoulder the burden today, some days i'm fine, but other days i just really wish he was there to fall back on, to lean on, and he's not and i need him and he's not here....

How am i supposed to keep everyone going when there is no-one to support me?

OP posts:
LuckyBitches · 18/08/2015 15:40

OP you sound very un selfish to me. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling Flowers

MrsEvadneCake · 16/08/2015 22:08

Another who understands. Flowers

There is always an ear to listen here if it helps.

Lozy79 · 16/08/2015 22:05

I'm not much help, but I wanted to say I understand. I've been going through a tough time and I just want my Dad. He made me feel safe and I don't get that from anyone else. Thanks

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