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First shoes, what do I do?

14 replies

flowerybeanbag · 06/05/2008 21:40

DS is almost one, is cruising well and wants to 'walk' everywhere holding my hands. He has some very soft leather Robeez which he wears when we go out, to keep his socks on as much as anything, but they don't seem substantial enough for walking.

Am I right? Or are they fine for the moment? All his little mates have proper 'shoes'.

The other point is it's obviously getting very warm, so I was thinking he needs some sandals, in which case which kind?

Do I need to take him somewhere to be measured? Any I've seen on the internet just say the size now rather than the age, so obviously I have no idea what size to buy.

It's a minefield!

I did search for previous threads and found a lot of discussion about 'cruisers', but no explanation as to what these actually are, or where you get them...

I am feeling a bit at sea!

OP posts:
trouble18524 · 06/05/2008 22:52

How about "tot's pre walkers"?
They come in handy for little ones who want to walk out in the park etc.
Bare feet is best at all other times tho.

tori32 · 06/05/2008 22:13

I bought dd1 cruisers and then once she was confident cruising I got shoes. I think it helped her balance for walking because she had got used to the weight of shoes before she let go iyswim. Also they support the feet better than bare foot. I got mine from Clarkes because the staff are trained to measure properly.

mambach · 06/05/2008 22:13

Children should be walking unaided for at least 2 weeks (6 weeks I was taught, as a fitter), before putting any shoes, wellies etc near their feet. Even when you have first shoes, they should only be put on when needed. HTH xx

Twinklemegan · 06/05/2008 22:02

I agree to hold off for as long as possible. I think we waited until DS was around 16 months, when he'd been properly walking for a couple of months. When you do go for proper shoes though please do get his feet professionally measured. It's so important, and if you go somewhere like Clarks they won't try to sell you new shoes if the old ones are fine.

No shoes should be sold by age as their feet vary so much, in length and in width.

flowerybeanbag · 06/05/2008 21:58


OP posts:
flowerybeanbag · 06/05/2008 21:58

ooh that's so helpful thanks everyone!

Might keep him in his Robeez for the time being then, as he doesn't spend much time wandering through shards of glass... Gin

OP posts:
liath · 06/05/2008 21:53

When PFB started walking I took her to clarks and got her measured and fitted for a pretty pair of pink shoes at some ridiculous price.

Ds goes barefoot and has a very cheap pair of off the peg shoes for wearing at the park.

Clarks and startrite do quite decent canvas shoes which are considerably cheaper that their leather ones and are great for summer.

geisha · 06/05/2008 21:52

Hi, at my little old fashioned local Clarks shop, they advised to avoid buying shoes for as long as possible. The reasons given was that shoes are just for protection, not for balance so to leave them off for as long as possible. HTH!

cockles · 06/05/2008 21:52

The only ' first shoes' I would buy for new walkers are startrite jellytots; they are much thinner of sole than clarks, and so (apparently) better for flexible feet. No sandals yet.

Yorky · 06/05/2008 21:48

DS is 15 months and was bought his first proper shoes a couple of weeks ago when he took off and kept walking. He never had cruisers - and I kno what you mean about everyone else having shes but he went everywhere in his socks. They are expensive and after throwing a complete wobbly in the shop at having these things on his feet - he started pushing his buggy and hasn't stopped since!

misdee · 06/05/2008 21:48

his current shoes are fine for toddling/cruising. cruiser shoes are a rip off IMO, they are exactly the same ones that dd1 had for her first walking shoes 8years ago. they have just made them smaller and remarketed them.

unless of course your ds is walking through glass or sharp areas.

best thing for walking in uis act7ually bare feet.

PeaGreene · 06/05/2008 21:47

Cruisers alwasy struck me as an opportunity to sell more shoes. If they're wandering around inside, they don't need shoes, and if they're wandering around outside, then surely they need shoe shoes, not flimsy things.

Aaaanyway, it is a minefield isn't it, and Clarks do do sandals in tiny sizes - cost a fortune but I do like the service in our local one.

wrinklytum · 06/05/2008 21:45

Hi FB I think cruisers are soft shoes done by Clarks for an exorbitant price

If his soft ones still fit I'd leave him in those unless he is walking miles.

(You'll soon get fed up of forking out £££££ on shoes that they are in for 5 minutes )

andiem · 06/05/2008 21:43

flowery have just bought my ds2 some cruisers from john lewis they are clarks they need to be measured for length and width
the cruisers are softer than normal shoes but not as soft as the little leather ones so they are better for walking outside etc

I kept ds1 first little cruisers

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