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first tooth, do I have to go out and buy a toothbrush?

21 replies

MrsMar · 11/03/2008 19:15

My 6 mo has just got his first tooth, there's a couple of millimetres sticking out above the gum (explains his terrible mood today!) so do I have to start him brushing every day now? Should I wait for the tooth to be fully out, or start immediately. How on earth do you get a 6 mo to brush his teeth (tooth)?

OP posts:
lollipopmother · 13/03/2008 12:00

If you don't have any luck with ordering I work on the next road along from Wigmore St and am happy to pop in there and put it in the post for you.

PhDlifeNeedsaNewLife · 13/03/2008 07:59

that's it, thanks calsworld! (and birdy.)

shelleylou · 12/03/2008 22:42

well i was wrong then hehe

calsworld · 12/03/2008 20:54

PhD - is this what you are looking for?

BirdyArms · 12/03/2008 20:48

PhD - ds2 has that one, it's Wisdom. I got his in central London from a big chemist's on Wigmore St behind Selfridges. Don't go into town regularly or I would offer to send you one.

shelleylou · 12/03/2008 20:42

i have a feeling its macleanes but im not certain

MrsMar · 12/03/2008 20:40

hmmm sorry, I can't help you there. I hope someone comes along soon with a suggestion.

OP posts:
PhDlifeNeedsaNewLife · 12/03/2008 20:06

I bought a fab baby toothbrush from a chemist in a teeny tiny town in mid wales and ds is deeply, deeply in love with it. As a result it is well-chewed, full of lint, and has been round the floor of every room in the flat. Do I know what make it is to order a new one? Do I heck.

Its handle is a teething-ring, does that ring any bells for anyone?

shelleylou · 12/03/2008 20:01

well it wont harm him 2 chomp on the tooth brush a lil bit with him teething. Hell get there soon been brushing ds teeth for a year and now he knows to open his month and wil quite happily try himself

MrsMar · 12/03/2008 19:27

now that's a good idea! I just tried it in the bath this evening and there was probably more sucking the toothbrush than actual brushing, but I'll try your trick tomorrow shelleylou.

OP posts:
shelleylou · 12/03/2008 18:55

its ok, mite find it easier sittin behind dc so its same action as if u were brushing your own teeth if that makes any sense.

MrsMar · 12/03/2008 16:19

cool thanks shelleylou, got some in boots this morning.... toothbrushing here we come!

OP posts:
shelleylou · 11/03/2008 19:32

medium soft brush i was recomended by an oral health profesional. Ye macleans do a childs toothpaste called milk teeth which is good yes its got less flouride think milkteeth has 500ppm in it.

MrsMar · 11/03/2008 19:25

thanks everyone, I'll get one tomorrow. I guess a teeny children's one is the right one to get, and should I look for a soft one, or are all children's ones soft? I didn't know there was such a thing as children's toothpaste. I guess it's got less flouride in case they swallow it, I did read somewhere that children swallowing toothpaste was a big cause of tooth discolouration.

OP posts:
RUMPEL · 11/03/2008 19:20

Yep - I brushed DD's gums with a finger brush before she got teeth. She is quite good at brushing them herself now - 17 months old and 10 now. It gets them used to doing it and having it in their mouth.

callmeovercautious · 11/03/2008 19:20

Get him one now, have a quick go if you can a couple of times a day, let him play with it and chew it. It all helps them get used to the routine and helps hwen all of a sudden there is a mouthful and you really need to start brushing thoroughly.

BibiThree · 11/03/2008 19:19

get him a cheap toothbrush to chew on (under supervision obviously) so he gets used to the feel of one in his mouth

mishymoo · 11/03/2008 19:18

Yip - go and get that toothbrush! I'm sure my HV even recommended brushing my DS's gums (not that I did) before his teeth appeared!

It will also get him used to having his teeth brushed!

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 11/03/2008 19:17

Whoops, I got carried away there

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 11/03/2008 19:17

You brush it for him!

Make sure you also get some toothpaste for babies.

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 11/03/2008 19:16

You brush it for him!

Make sure you also get some toothpaste for babies.

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