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6 yr old excellent reader but reluctant to read books?

28 replies

Irritationcity · 17/04/2017 19:51

Son is great reader, does really well in school, but I can't seem to coax him into reading. He likes bedtime stories but although we venture into easy level chapter books, he just wants to keep going back to picture books.

He's 6. I know he's young. But I'm a huge reader, so I hope we share the same interest. Is there anything I can do to encourage or leave well alone?

OP posts:
Astro55 · 18/04/2017 10:32

Mr gum is good read

DS also like the high school diarys

wonkylegs · 18/04/2017 10:36

Maybe try him on horrible science or horrible history books which have chapters but are more factual stories or get him a subscription to that kids newspaper. As long as he's reading it doesn't really matter what. I suspect it will change with time so you may find he naturally evolves

NotCitrus · 18/04/2017 10:44

It took ds until 8.5 to get into longer books. It's a bit of a confidence thing - also if the first paragraph doesn't have a 'payoff', a book would be deemed 'boring'.

At 6 he worked his way through all the Mr Men, Elmer, loads of picture books, but also Lego magazines, RSPB magazine, CBeebies magazine, Darth Vader cartoon books... Dinosaur and nature books and Octonauts went down well.

It's odd what captures their interest - libraries and second hand books are the way to go. Ds is now churning through Asterix but also begged me to buy all of Milly-Molly-Mandy!

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