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6 yr old excellent reader but reluctant to read books?

28 replies

Irritationcity · 17/04/2017 19:51

Son is great reader, does really well in school, but I can't seem to coax him into reading. He likes bedtime stories but although we venture into easy level chapter books, he just wants to keep going back to picture books.

He's 6. I know he's young. But I'm a huge reader, so I hope we share the same interest. Is there anything I can do to encourage or leave well alone?

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NotCitrus · 18/04/2017 10:44

It took ds until 8.5 to get into longer books. It's a bit of a confidence thing - also if the first paragraph doesn't have a 'payoff', a book would be deemed 'boring'.

At 6 he worked his way through all the Mr Men, Elmer, loads of picture books, but also Lego magazines, RSPB magazine, CBeebies magazine, Darth Vader cartoon books... Dinosaur and nature books and Octonauts went down well.

It's odd what captures their interest - libraries and second hand books are the way to go. Ds is now churning through Asterix but also begged me to buy all of Milly-Molly-Mandy!

wonkylegs · 18/04/2017 10:36

Maybe try him on horrible science or horrible history books which have chapters but are more factual stories or get him a subscription to that kids newspaper. As long as he's reading it doesn't really matter what. I suspect it will change with time so you may find he naturally evolves

Astro55 · 18/04/2017 10:32

Mr gum is good read

DS also like the high school diarys

CoffeeChocolateWine · 18/04/2017 09:23

My son is 8 and is very similar. He's always been a very good but reluctant reader. But he loves stories and being read to. For a long time the only way I could get him to read (it's part of his homework so he has to do it) was if I read a couple of pages then he read a couple of pages.

I would still say he isn't a massively keen reader but we have come across a few books that he loved reading himself. The Treehouse books mentioned by pp were the ones that turned things around. He reads them from cover to cover in one sitting! And generally books that are broken up with a lot of cartoon pics. He also loves the Wimpy Kid books and Tom Gates books. He is also re-reading all his Dinosaur Cove books and Jack Stalwarts which might be good for your son.

tessiebear4 · 18/04/2017 09:10

I can tell my parents are a bit disappointed that I rarely read fiction, and I'm in my forties! The fact that I am perfectly successful in my career, have a wide range of interests etc seems to have passed them by.

They still buy me books for my birthday that are very interesting - to them. He will find his own way in the world.

By the way, every now and then I discover a brilliant book and really enjoy it. Just not every day.

Astro55 · 17/04/2017 23:12

It's just as important to read to them - get some good children's fiction books

Faraway tree wishing chair brother Grimm

And read too him so he can hear new words and grammar etc

scotjls · 17/04/2017 23:06

I second the Treehouse books, overnight transformation here too.

The Usborne Beginners books are really good too. Factual on a wide range of topics (e.g. dinosaurs, volcanoes, the Vikings, ballet, frogs & tadpoles....), and the inside covers show all the other books in the range so they can choose what they fancy reading next. You can buy them individually on eBay.

My daughter is also really enjoying 'The Week' which is a kids newspaper. You can subscribe online and get 6 week free trial.

Imaginosity · 17/04/2017 22:57

My 7 year old son can read very well but is happiest reading comics like the Beano -

consciencemakescowards · 17/04/2017 22:06

I don't know how DD2 is such a good reader and as it turns out, creative writer. She rarely looks at the 100s of books in her room. Not that interested. I loved reading as a child so it has been hard to accept that my children just aren't that into it!

They have lots of other ways to entertain themselves. In the 1980s, for me it was read a book or do nothing at times!

Comics, magazines, etc as long as age apt are fine in my view. As long as they are reading something.

Agree that some children just prefer fact type books rather than following a story. Maybe my children just don't have that sort of concentration i.e. to follow a novel.

user1471558436 · 17/04/2017 21:52

He beano

user1471558436 · 17/04/2017 21:51

Follow his interests book wise. The most important thing is that he's engaged and develops a reading habit. Don't push him out of his comfort zone but do keep introducing new types of books. So mystery, comedy. You actually might find that the beans is a nice halfway house between image and words.

Muddlingalongalone · 17/04/2017 21:49

It's not reading but in terms of exploring fiction/imagination have you seen Rory's story cubes?
I got them at Christmas for dd and she loves them & the creative element.

gojettersgo · 17/04/2017 21:48

Irrationcity- I do wonder if I'm projecting- DH has got perfectly through life without reading, but it's one of those simple pleasures in life. I guess it's more nature than nurture. I'm going to keep gently trying though, as you say they're too young to write off.

All,suggestions welcome!

Sittinginthesun · 17/04/2017 21:47

DS1 has never really enjoyed fiction, other than Harry Potter, and a few other random favourites. From 6-10 years he read mother other than history books, and Horrible Histories. He still prefers non fiction - going through a Bill Bryson thing at the moment (if it reassures you, his English results at school are very good).

DS2 reads tonnes, but his passion is the Beano. He'd rather read that than anything else.

Irritationcity · 17/04/2017 21:40

Gojettersgo - that's v similar. He reads all the time, just not books. I'm a fiction writer - it makes me sad to think he won't get immense pleasure from reading fiction. But a) he's too young to write off b) pushing him won't get me far c) this is probably about me more than it is about him

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gojettersgo · 17/04/2017 21:28

My DS1 is 6 and exactly as you describe. So a bit of empathy from me rather than any suggestions. He reads horrid Henry at a push but not much else. I'll catch him reading papers, magazines, letters etc though, which is good as it exposes him to different styles of writing and vocabulary, which is more important. I do feel however that he is missing out on expanding and exploring his imagination, narrative writing styles and the sheer pleasure of getting lost in a book by not enjoying fiction.

Hopefully, he will improve but I would be a little disappointed for him, as I am a real bookworm.

Irritationcity · 17/04/2017 21:22

Yes, I think I need to sit back and let him get on with it

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Yika · 17/04/2017 21:17

Does it really matter if he goes back to picture books? He's still within the age range for them. I would tend to leave well alone and let him find his own interests.

confusedaboutthis · 17/04/2017 21:13

These 'Science Quest' books were a real hit in our house:
There are others in the series as well - history, maths etc.
You have to follow clues and flip back and forth through the books, answering questions in order to solve each mystery. They are good at expanding vocabulary, without being as overwhelming as a chapter book.

Muddlingalongalone · 17/04/2017 21:08

My 6 year old dd is exactly the same. Capable of reading short chapter books but prefers to stick with picture books to read to herself & have chapter books read to her.
Sometimes she'll read a couple of pages/a chapter while I'm reading to her or tell me off when I paraphrase for not reading what it says.
I have decided on the laid back approach - I'd rather she was picking up a Mr man/little miss book for pleasure than refusing/hating being forced to read something she doesn't want to

anotherdayanothersquabble · 17/04/2017 21:08

The Phoenix Comic is worth looking at ...

My now 8 year old liked the idea of reading chapter books but took a long time to actually get into reading them. We worked through the Flat Stanley books, Stink series, Beast Quest and some others where he started and we carried on...

Irritationcity · 17/04/2017 21:03

Yes, that's what I'm afraid of Tessiebear. I need to be careful.

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tessiebear4 · 17/04/2017 21:02

I wouldn't push it. I was an extremely able reader, but was pushed and pushed by my parents and by school, and I now will do anything rather than read a book.

Irritationcity · 17/04/2017 20:53

Thanks Lost. I've just bought one online. It looks good!

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LostInTheColonies · 17/04/2017 20:46

You could try the Treehouse books (Andy Griffiths). Fiction, but lots of cartoony illustrations, and funny. These were like flipping a reading switch for my DD at 6, who went from competent but unenthusiastic to complete bookwork overnight. Was lovely to see Grin

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