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Son bitten at nursery

36 replies

govind123 · 08/08/2014 17:55


my son (18 months) has been bitten a few times at a child care nursery.
Happens at least once a week, if not more, for the past few weeks
Everytime, the staff assure us they are taking appropriate steps, they are shadowing the problem child, keeping a close eye on my son, asking for expert help, etc etc. But obviously whatever they are doing is not working.
They even told us they have spoken to the other child's parents
At this age group(18 months) not sure if they can be advised or understand right from wrong

So far there has been no broken skin, only deep bite marks.
I am at my wit's end & not sure what to do? Thinking of shifting my son but no places in the other child care nurseries near my place

I pay a huge amount as fees, and yet I dread when I get a call saying he's had another accident and got bitten

Can anyone advice?


OP posts:
MorphineDreams · 10/08/2014 03:31

Sorry - and if the child has additi

MorphineDreams · 10/08/2014 03:32

For gods sake!

And if the child has additional needs it is not the problem of the child being bitten or his family. The nursey need to address this themselves.

tohotnot · 10/08/2014 03:52

I work in a nursery and in this situation management would get extra staff in so the biter is on a 1-1. It is not fair on the other children to keep getting bite all the time. A one off yes ( most children bite at sometime or another) but if your child is being bitten every week it is up to the nursery to sort this. Speak to management. Ask them what action has been put in place to assure this doesn't keep happening to your child.

It's hard on the staff in the room as they will all have a role to do, ie creative, bathroom ect they need an extra member on a 1-1at this time.

Lovelydiscusfish · 10/08/2014 09:01

My friend's son bit (a lot) at nursery, and eventually the nursery apparently applied for, and got, funding for 1:1 support for him - but shortly afterwards she chose to move him as she felt the nursery staff didn't like him very much. I well remember how stressful it all was for her. Therefore I think the comment up thread about a muzzle is a bit off - the biter is just a baby, after all!
Now, on the occasions that I am called into the office to discuss an incident at my dd's nursery, I am just grateful that dd has so far always been the bitten and not the biter, as I actually think, as a parent, this is the lesser of two evils!
None of which helps the OP, who is clearly in a very difficult and upsetting situation with her son. OP, I guess the nursery would be unable to prevent the child biting your ds in the short term, unless they can provide 1:1 support for him, which they may be unable to, or unless they keep the children apart, which given that they are friends might be a bit cruel. All you can control really is whether to move ds to a different setting - for this I would try to assess the situation overall - is he otherwise very happy there? Is the biting upsetting him as much as it is you? Etc. Also what are the alternatives available to you like, overall, in comparison to his current setting?
Good luck - really hope it works itself out.

TenMinutesEarly · 10/08/2014 09:08

I would say move to a childminder or nanny. Some kids go through a biting phase, one friends son was expelled from nursery! He's now a lovely 14 year old.

Pico2 · 10/08/2014 09:24

Hurr1cane - Mumof3xox started with the additional needs point, which other than for funding purposes is irrelevant to the OP, who just needs to keep her DS safe.

StercusAccidit · 10/08/2014 11:10

LDF sorry i didn't mean to offend, it was a lighthearted comment.. i've got four children, they've all been bitten or hit and i know its just luck that none of them have been biters, i would be mortified and i've also seen helicopter parenting of biters where the mums couldn't relax at playgroup because the biting would seem to just 'happen' - they often said they could see the lead up to the incident if they watched closely.

But it doesn't change the fact that its not the problem of the op or her child and needs to be stopped. Its often not easy to move care facilities as there are often not enough places available as it is.

BotBotticelli · 10/08/2014 14:34

My DS has been bitten twice at nursery in 8 months. I accepted that its upsetting but shit happens when there's 8 rambunctious toddlers playing in a room together.

I am not precious about these things.

But I would be more concerned if it was happening every week - definitely set up a meeting with the manager, and say whilst you're aware biting is part and parcel of being in a nursery, you're NOT convinced they're doing enough to prevent it, cos it's slipped from being a one off occurance to a worryingly regular one...

govind123 · 11/08/2014 18:16

Had a meeting with the manager today
She has promised a personal monitoring and extra support to the toddlers room
Also promised to update me regularly on the new strategies being put in place to prevent further biting incidents

Giving them one last opportunity before I take it up with their Head Office

OP posts:
Pico2 · 11/08/2014 22:16

That sounds very positive, though I am not sure why it took you to having a meeting to get this out of them.

murphy36 · 12/08/2014 11:37

I'd consider letting head office know it's come to this and what the local management has committed to doing.

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