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Tamsin or Imogen

58 replies

HeinzSight · 31/07/2009 21:21

We need to decide v soon!! Or any other suggestions

OP posts:
franklymydear · 01/08/2009 15:15

I have always detested the name Tamsin - it sounds like Tasmin mispronounced and the only person I knew with that name was a vapid wannabe sloan which always colours names. I also think it isn't pretty because it doesn't naturally flow

Imogen is pretty

LittleMissWorryHead · 01/08/2009 15:42

Imogen...Much nicer than Tamsin imo

englishpatient · 01/08/2009 16:43

I don't like Imogen much, probably because I have only come across it as the pretentious friend of Katy in "What Katy Did"!

I like Tamzin (with a z), though again I have never met one, but she is in some books I love, pony stories by Monica Edwards.

Not so keen on Tamsin with the s.

gingerbunny · 01/08/2009 16:50

my friend is tamsin and she hates it cos she got called tammy.
Imogen is lovely.

itbird · 01/08/2009 16:58

I have an Imogen who is 13, she is called Ims, immy and imogen of course, not come across many only know of one other in the schools she has attended. Havent come across any Tamsin either so there you go. I am biased on Imogen of course and havent regretted calling her it although she was supposed to be a joshua with blonde hair and blue eyes and we got Imogen suntan (jaundice) masses of dark hair looked like she had been on holiday - that was a surprise lol

ScummyMummy · 01/08/2009 17:04

Imogen is much better than Tamsin, imo. Agree with your friend that Tammy is a dreadful shortening, ginger.

HeinzSight · 01/08/2009 20:34

Someone is RL said if I called the baby Tamsin it would get shortened to Tammy, NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Still torn.

OP posts:
MrsMattie · 01/08/2009 20:37

Both nice, but despise the name 'Tammy', so would choose Imogen over Tamsin.

Thunderduck · 01/08/2009 22:44


NoFitState · 01/08/2009 22:53

We had our Imogen 3 weeks ago. Never met another one! And all our friends love it. Were on the south coast so not popular here.

boodleboot · 01/08/2009 22:57

I know a lovely tamsin but i don't really like the name if honest. I do like Tansy tho which is similar....Imogen is nice - i like Gen {jen} as NN...

sunnylabsmum · 10/08/2009 12:47

i have an imogen aged 6. the only other one we have met happened to be in her very first class. i chose ut because i think it is a name she will grow into and as a teacher it would be easier to learn to write than anything with an s in it. she is called im or 'migin' which was a friends childs attenpt at the name.

mrswoolf · 10/08/2009 13:50

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Loulou73 · 10/08/2009 13:59

Definately bias toward Imogen as that is DD's name, she is almost 8. The only other one that I know of is the year below at school.

We call our Imogen Mo or Mojo and of course Imogen. Her friends call her Imo which she doesn't like and has now decided that she wants to be called Jen! The other Imogen is known as Jo.

123jenna321 · 18/08/2009 18:57

tamsin but i prefer it spelt like this: Tamzin. no offence but i think Imogen is an ugly sounding name.

HerHonesty · 18/08/2009 19:05

not tamsin. she will get called tammy the tampax.

RhinestoneCowgirl · 18/08/2009 19:09

I am a Tamsin (I am sniggering at the 'chav' comments) and no one has ever called me Tammy...

...well, not twice anyway. Maybe I'm just a bit fierce!

Raahh · 18/08/2009 19:21

Both of these were names I would have had for DD. Imogen is still my fantasy "will never happen, sorry dh!" name. We liked the idea of a nn Imp! Never considered Tamsin remotely 'c' wordy- but then to me Tamsin, is Tamsin Greig (fantastic actress from Black books and Love Soup), which is a great thing, imo.

JeanLouiseFinch · 24/08/2009 00:55

Imogen is top of my list. Also like Tamsin

zazen · 24/08/2009 01:29

We nearly had a Tamsin. But when she was born, she didn't look like one, even less so like a Tammy. So as I was filling out the form I chickened out putting it first.

Tam isn't too bad as an abbreviation, but Tammy...

I quite like Imogen - I know a few 'Imo's.

Sometimes it's best to see what your young un looks like, then decide..
Good luck with the birth etc

seeker · 24/08/2009 05:47

Tamzin is a lovely name. And Tam is quite a cool short.

She'd have to have long plaits and a pony called Cascade, though!

Arcadie · 24/08/2009 09:04

Tamsin - please Tamsin. We have an Imogen who we thought we were being terribly original for having only ever heard of Imogen Stubbs the actress. Now every third girl everywhere is Imogen...


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MrsBarbaraKingstanding · 24/08/2009 09:10


(notice how many poele on this threas have an Imogen or want an Imogen)

MrsBarbaraKingstanding · 24/08/2009 09:10

What are your boys names?

ohnelly · 24/08/2009 19:13

Imogen is lovely, im considering that if I have a girl this time. Dont like Tasmin though at all

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