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Thoughts on Margot

88 replies

applepi3 · 17/02/2018 20:48

Is it too old fashioned?

OP posts:
pipilangstrumpf · 18/02/2018 07:52

It's ok in France where it's pronounced Mar-goh,

But in Scandinavia, Germany, Holland etc it is pronounced Mar-gott.

I think most English prefer the French pronunciation but be prepared for different pronunciations.

merrymouse · 18/02/2018 07:56

Love it.

Agree that popularity of Good Life made it unfashionable for a while, but that was too long ago to matter now.

user1499786242 · 18/02/2018 07:59

It may become slightly more popular as in you may come across one baby Margot every now and again
But it will never take over from Isla, evie, Elsie, Ellie Ella Ava who you are likely to meet at every baby group or nursery!!!

Stunning name and I plan to use it if I ever have a daughter! 😍😍

NotN0wBernard · 18/02/2018 07:59

Love it. Creative and timeless in my book. Think about whether you'd like it shortened to Marge though.

Jammycustard · 18/02/2018 08:02

Really like Margot. Know one under 5.

MadisonAvenue · 18/02/2018 08:03

It's horrible, a really harsh sounding name.

Buxbaum · 18/02/2018 09:03

Absolutely love it but it has had a dramatic spike in popularity and i think will only continue to climb.

Tessermee · 18/02/2018 09:20

Really don’t like it - quite an ugly sounding name imo like Margaret or Marge. So many far prettier names out there.

MsHomeSlice · 18/02/2018 09:37

I really like it, but it is also in Despicable Me....the girls are Margot, Edith and Agnes.

SmiledWithTheRisingSun · 18/02/2018 09:39

Sounds lovely but looks a bit like Maggot written down.

SmiledWithTheRisingSun · 18/02/2018 09:39

Could maybe spell it Margaux Hmm

Itchytights · 18/02/2018 09:43

I really like it Smile

FancyNewBeesly · 18/02/2018 09:43

I think it’s beautiful. I must say I worried about names like this a little bit, as when I hear the name I automatically think of a slender elegant classy woman and anything of my genetics is more likely to be short and dumpy. That’s just my weirdness though!

Snoopy90 · 18/02/2018 10:01

Love it

pipilangstrumpf · 18/02/2018 11:22

If in England, I'd spell it Margo. Your dd will find spelling her name so much easier when she learns to write.

Also avoids people mispronouncing it as Mar-gott

Esther00 · 18/02/2018 11:57

My daughter's name is Margot. I was initially worried about people mispronouncing it constantly. But I can honestly say the vast majority say it as intended, with the t being silent.
It's never been an issue. I would worry more that it looks like I had spelt her name wrong if it was spelt without the t!! Maybe it's a regional thing, but that's what people would assume where I live. After all it is a French name, and that's how it is spelt. People manage to pronounce the words buffet and merlot without any trouble.
If the odd person pronounces it like some countries do with a hard t then it really isn't a big deal to correct them. My experience is that most get it. I think it's a gorgeous quirky name and it seems a shame to dumb it down for the minority who may struggle with the t xx

Esther00 · 18/02/2018 12:01

Oh, and I love the good life reference. I think she is a wonderful character 💝

daisypond · 18/02/2018 12:37

No, not old fashioned. It's had a big renaissance recently. I associate it with Margot Fonteyn, the British prima ballerina, long before I think of Margot from The Good Life!

Cosmoa · 18/02/2018 12:51

I just think Margot.. Polo!

Cosmoa · 18/02/2018 12:52

(and I do know it's actually Marco Polo...)

NataliaOsipova · 18/02/2018 12:54

I like it. I too would think first of Fonteyn and then the Good Life character. But it's lovely!

HuskyMcClusky · 20/02/2018 06:48

I don’t like it. Harsh and looks like maggot.


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namechange2222 · 20/02/2018 06:55

Immediately think of that dreadful snob ( though really quite lovely!) Margot in The Good Life

17caterpillars1mouse · 20/02/2018 13:12

Its nice enough, it's becoming quite hipster

bridgetreilly · 20/02/2018 15:38

Prefer names to be spelled how they are pronounced 'Margo' instead I see 'Margot' as Mar-got.

That's not really how English works. Things can be pronounced in all kinds of weird ways. It must be very limiting to only pronounce things 'how they are spelled'.

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