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Thoughts on Margot

88 replies

applepi3 · 17/02/2018 20:48

Is it too old fashioned?

OP posts:
Catinthebath · 26/02/2018 18:33

Re Edith, I have a young neighbour who is Edie, lovely make

Catinthebath · 26/02/2018 18:33

I have a friend who is Margaret and I call her Margot. Her husband who has passed on used to call her Marguerite in the broadest Yorkshire accent Smile

NebularNerd · 26/02/2018 18:29

I really like it 😀

user1492365675 · 26/02/2018 13:27

Beautiful name! Go for it.

TroubledLitchen · 26/02/2018 13:27

A reference to Despicable Me perhaps? The girls are called Edith, Margot and Agnes. Can’t say I would have thought of it myself though, in fact Edith and Margot were both on my list for DD. In the end we used neither but it would never have occurred to me not to put them together.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 26/02/2018 13:19

I was wondering that, Buxbaum!

Buxbaum · 26/02/2018 11:07

Why would having an Edith preclude having a Margot?

TheLastMermaid · 26/02/2018 00:28

Just watched an old episode of the Durrells (can't remember what the prog was called, but based on 'My Family and other Animals') and the sister is called Margo. Without the final t.

Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

Kittykatmacbill · 22/02/2018 14:50

Love it, but I have an Edith! So it not for us...
Greta is nice though.

user1499786242 · 22/02/2018 14:30

I think just because a name is popular on mumsnet does not reflect every area in the 'real world' it certainly doesn't where I live!
I've never ever come across a Margot in real life, adult or baby
I don't even know anyone who knows of a Margot!
It's still number 186 in the charts so I don't think it will ever be as popular as an evie or Ella for example!
Stunning name

Mclaren37 · 22/02/2018 01:08

Love it. Our Margot is two. I haven’t come across any other small ones yet, but I hear (on here) that it’s on the rise. (The Penelope Keith reference is all positive in my mind. Her and Barbara were style icons!Smile).

TulipsInABlueVase · 21/02/2018 22:29

Love it but it's very popular on here at the minute

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 21/02/2018 17:58

I think Margaret may be better than Margot. What about Marguerite? There are so many other variants too: Margarita, Rita, Greta, Maggie, Mags, Meg, Meggie, Margery, Marjorie, Margie, Margo, Margot, Pearl. (The last one comes from the Greek meaning of the name.)

MikeUniformMike · 21/02/2018 17:34

Margarita is nice too. Margaret would have seemed a little old fashioned in the 60s but I know of a few born in around 1970.
Maggie is popular on MN.
Meg and Greta are nice too. Margot is probably way more popular than people realise. Something to do with a certain actress perhaps?

pipilangstrumpf · 21/02/2018 17:28

Margaret is much nicer than Margot, especially outside of France. Why choose a French name over an English one, do you love it so much more?

Or how about Margherita (Italian) or Margarete (German)?

aRespectableBureaudeChange · 21/02/2018 15:30

Margot - surprised to say I'm coming round to liking it.

Now long enough since "The Good Life", but you will get comments from over 50s commenting and maybe asking "where's Jerry"?

HuskyMcClusky · 21/02/2018 15:22

I actually prefer Margaret to Margot. A very niche view, I know!

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 21/02/2018 15:20

You're in a tiny minority, MUM! I'm not that keen on it myself, to be honest. Grin The associations with our erstwhile PM did it no favours for a long, long time, but it was already going out of fashion even in the 60s when I was born, especially in England. I'm Scottish and most of the women in my family in the generations above mine were Margaret, Elizabeth or Anne/Annie, with the odd Euphemia thrown in for good measure.

mrsfuzzyboots · 21/02/2018 14:21

Adeline I don’t dislike but don’t love it like Margot! Margo looks so so wrong to me but then again I’m part French so I don’t think I get an opinion there. You could go like Margaux Hemingway and spell it like the wine Grin

MikeUniformMike · 21/02/2018 14:18

Are you a Margaret, Gasp? I think Margaret is a really nice name and suspect it is becoming very popular.

pipilangstrumpf · 21/02/2018 14:07

Outside of France I would also spell it Margo (assuming you want that pronunciation)

pipilangstrumpf · 21/02/2018 14:06

Adeline is like Sandrine Confused


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MsHomeSlice · 21/02/2018 13:17

Adeline is not is like Sandrine, a really pretty name for an industrial solvent. ;)

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 21/02/2018 12:39

I would go for Margo because my blood pressure would suffer from (English-speaking) people pronouncing the final t, and I bet that does happen.

As names go, it's OK. I have a name not dissimilar to Margot, and it's already been trashed on this thread. Grin

SpringHen · 21/02/2018 12:22

Love it!

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