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Naming our baby girl Diana?

46 replies

Sophieontoastie · 18/12/2016 12:52

What do you think of it?

What nickname could I use?

It's my dearest grandmother's name - she is Gibalterian so no English connections to Princess Diana really, plus she's much much older than Diana was

Is it too 'queeny'?

OP posts:
Cosmicglitterpug · 20/12/2016 22:02

Diana is a great name.

Manumission · 20/12/2016 21:53

Diane is a a different name though. Wouldn't it be a bit unusual to have Diane as a NN for Diana (which is a much prettier name anyway).

MollyHuaCha · 20/12/2016 21:24

Diana is a nice name and the NN could be Diane.

Sugarpiehoneyeye · 20/12/2016 21:20

Simply Diana, don't spoil a beautiful name. 😄

MercuryInRetrograde · 20/12/2016 20:25

The World is ready for a Diana now.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 19/12/2016 07:38

Diana is lovely.

I've never heard of Athena outside of Greece.

SorenaJ · 19/12/2016 07:34

Diana is such a lovely name. Might not get shorted. It's fine on its own.

Same goes for Athena, it's very beautiful, and not popular the slightest. Only
1 in every 2,500 girl is named Athena. Statistically, you'd need 20 average sized primary schools to find just one Athena.

sugarplumfairy28 · 19/12/2016 06:58

To be honest I'm not keen on Diana, but if that is the name you love do it. As for a nickname, I don't understand the pre-selecting one, both my DC have nicknames, neither of which are in any way based on their names, they have also changed over time. My DD has gone from being Spudnick to being Tiddles.

I'd say go for a name you love enough to call her it every day, and then see how time provides you with a nickname.

BakeOffBiscuits · 18/12/2016 23:40

Diana is nice but Di and Deedee are dreadful. They would put me off using Diana as nuns are both nd to be used. I couldn't stand it if people were saying "di" at my child all day long.

Astro55 · 18/12/2016 23:40

Nick names are daft silly names - not a shortened version of a name -

They're are totally different

theconstantinoplegardener · 18/12/2016 23:35

I think Diana is a very pretty name, and quite unusual today. As PPs have said, you could shorter it to Dee, DeeDee, Dido, experience is that you can choose your child's abbreviation, as long as you introduce it early on (although my children are all still in primary - perhaps things are different at secondary). But it's not too much of a mouthful even if you don't shorten it, IMO.

RitchyBestingFace · 18/12/2016 23:30

Dee is a nice shortening.
Diana is gorgeous.

newroundhere · 18/12/2016 23:25

If you think Diana is a mouthful I'm confused that you think Athena is a better option, surely just as much of a mouthful....? Confused

Bibs2014 · 18/12/2016 23:18

As in Deedee

Bibs2014 · 18/12/2016 23:18

I know a Diana whose nickname is Didi.

00100001 · 18/12/2016 23:09

Stick with Diana

It's a great name

NNs should occur naturally.

You might not even find a NN for her.

NNs come and go too.

MummyJellyFish · 18/12/2016 23:08

That's my name! Please just don't call her Di. I really hate that.

Puppymouse · 18/12/2016 23:05

My DD's middle name is Diana after my DGM. Can't help on nicknames really as she never shortened her name. A few bravely insisted on calling her Di but it went down like a shit balloon Grin

Manumission · 18/12/2016 23:04


Or sausage.

Or squidge.

Or marbles.

Or whatever naturally develops.

SausageSoda · 18/12/2016 23:00

Diana is a name that I really dislike but I've only ever known one and it was never shortened - she was always just Diana.

You can't control what if your DD wants to give herself a nn in school when she's older or what her classmates will call her. The most obvious shortening is Di which I agree is awful.

Anna could be another shortening but you may as well just give your DD the name Anna if going with that option as it's a name in its own right rather than a nn IMO.

Other than Dee I can't think if any other obvious shortenings.

I prefer Athena.

Branleuse · 18/12/2016 19:42

i think its a strong name. I would use deedee for a nickname

SingaSong12 · 18/12/2016 19:40

Diana is a fine name but if you really don't want her to be nicknamed Di, probably at school then go for a different name.


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Pluto30 · 18/12/2016 19:35

I looove Diana.

The Diana I know has never had her name shortened.

MiddlingMum · 18/12/2016 19:34

I know a little Diana who really suits her name. She's not Di, she's always called Diana.

Sophronia · 18/12/2016 19:14

Diana is lovely. I don't think it needs a nickname, but you could have Dani or Ana.

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