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72 replies

fanjodisfunction · 08/12/2015 22:29

What do people think of Darwin.

OP posts:
MaddieAnna · 09/12/2015 17:41

It's not to my taste, but I don't hate it!

Branleuse · 09/12/2015 17:43

I used to know a Darwin. I think its a great name.

I also know a Gulliver, and I think thats a great name too.

Lolimax · 09/12/2015 17:45

A yes from me! Never heard it used as a first name but really like it.

Bingletthebellsringout · 09/12/2015 17:47

I love it. We named the dog it though and I regret it now as I would have used it for potential DS!

LibrariesgaveusP0wer · 09/12/2015 19:01

I'm not usually a fan of the more surname names, but I actually quite like this one!

As long as the surname is ok. Darwin Smith is fine. Darwin Fish or something would be a disaster Grin

MamaLazarou · 09/12/2015 19:03

A bit wanky, sorry.

Laquila · 10/12/2015 09:12

I like it. We had a reading at our wedding that was a piece of writing by Darwin ("just to balance out the fact that it was in a church", as my husband said...)

I would think most people's immediate association would be with the scientist, then maybe with the city in Oz. I wouldn't personally have thought of the Darwin Awards.

FWIW, I like Gulliver too. Do you mind ne asking what the boy's name you've gone off is?

TempsPerdu · 10/12/2015 09:50

Not usually a fan of surname names, but I like this one. It's a bit different without being weird, and Charles Darwin is a great namesake. I say go for it!

DeepBlueLake · 10/12/2015 10:03

I'm a kiwi so automatically think of the city in northern Australia.

No from me as it seems a bit too place namey for me.

SquadGoals · 10/12/2015 10:35

DBIL and SIL live in Darwin so I automatically think of that.

DH has vetoed my Aussie themed names - I love Adelaide, Matilda and Byron. He thinks it would be too much Grin

IncidentalAnarchist · 10/12/2015 10:38

I just love it; it was on our list
What are potential nicknames/shortened versions though?

MrsTrentReznor · 10/12/2015 10:51

I had a hamster called Darwin.

Burgatroyd · 10/12/2015 16:31

Horrible. I know one and it hasn't grown on me

fanjodisfunction · 10/12/2015 17:19

We have two names in mind


I want Darwin as it means the most to me
Dh wants Ronan, because of his roots, but our ds1 is called Lachlan, as dh is from Scotland (his family are of Irish immigrant stock)

We only have one name for a girl so we are OK there. Just have to see what it is, if it is a boy and has ginger hair I can see us going for Ronan but if not maybe it will be Darwin.

OP posts:
RiverTam · 10/12/2015 19:43

Ronan the Accuser?? (Guardians of the Galaxy) You want to name your baby after an alien psychotic war lord?? Well, each to their own Grin.

RiverTam · 10/12/2015 19:44

(I know it's an Irish name, I'm just joshing with you!)

villainousbroodmare · 10/12/2015 19:51

I prefer Ronan and think it goes better alongside Lachlan, but it's still a good name. I do think a lot depends on the surname.

zippyswife · 10/12/2015 19:52

Like it. Ds suggested it as a name. We thought Hmm initially but reading your post is making me like it! Good luck with the section. Let us know if you go for it!

HermioneWeasley · 10/12/2015 19:53

I love Darwin and had it in our list was overruled

zippyswife · 10/12/2015 20:05

I like Ronan too- it's on our shortlist. Can I ask what your girls name is (shamelessly copying your style!!)

HippyPottyMouth · 10/12/2015 20:09

I really like it. I'd use it if a good friend hadn't got there first.

zippyswife · 10/12/2015 20:11

would it sound a bit pretentious shouting it across a playground? I like the name indigo for a girl but it falls into the same category. Possibly a bit pretentious. Depends on where you live too probably.


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weasle · 10/12/2015 20:12

Don't like Darwin sorry. Charles is good!
Lachlan nice, very very popular in Australia so with Darwin a bit Aussie, if I met you and sons I'd assume you had a thing for Australia. Also they don't seem to 'go'. Ronan much nicer.

originalmavis · 10/12/2015 20:13

Darwin Awards (for stupid deaths).
It might sound good with a cool surname.

MadameJosephine · 10/12/2015 20:16

Darwin is an awesome name, I love it. I wanted either Darwin or Edison for DD is she had been a boy but both were vetoed by her dad

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