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Is this a nice name?

55 replies

DaenerysTargaryensDragonBaby · 24/02/2014 16:10


Thoughts please! DH and I are trying to decide on a boys name, finding it pretty hard..

If it isn't nice, suggestions are welcome Smile

OP posts:
MairyHoles · 24/02/2014 17:06

I like it. I considered hunter for a boy, I liked it cos it was strong, 2 syllables and also have one syllable surname. When my son was born strawberry blonde I didn't think it suited him and opted for a Scottish name, also 2 syllables but I still like Hunter!

DaenerysTargaryensDragonBaby · 24/02/2014 17:06

I like Bailey! Will ask DH (though I think we have discussed it and he vetoed)

Ah I think he doesn't like names that end in 'ay' (the sound). Same as 'den'; so kayley, hayley, bailey, dayleigh, or kayden, hayden, jayden et al.

Darwin is a bit too pretentious..

OP posts:
DaenerysTargaryensDragonBaby · 24/02/2014 17:08

I don't despise Jack, it's just very popular and I would like something a little more imaginative.

We don't particularly want american surname names, I hadn't realised Dalton was one. It sounded posh English to me, like something from downton abbey or enid blyton Blush

Mairy what scottish name did you go for?

OP posts:
fideline · 24/02/2014 17:08

Turns out the Bailey I was thinking of was Maya Angelou's brother. Not Scouts Blush

OP What else is on your shorlist?

yesnoyesnoyesno · 24/02/2014 17:09

NN Dolly or Dolt?

FrumiousBandersnatch · 24/02/2014 17:11

What about Byron?

florascotia · 24/02/2014 17:20

I second the suggestion of Darwin; it's unusual but not outrageous. Darwin was a great thinker, bold explorer and interesting character. A good person to be named after.

DaenerysTargaryensDragonBaby · 24/02/2014 17:20

I wondered about NN. Wouldn't be advocating for Dolly, tbh.

Don't like Byron, again I find it a bit pretentious.. then the only one I know is siblings with a Ptolemy. So pretentious.

OP posts:
fideline · 24/02/2014 17:27

Bramwell? As in Bronte?

MissHobart · 24/02/2014 17:29

My cat's called Darwin, he has extra toes Confused

Showy · 24/02/2014 17:40

You said you hated Jack, I was merely using your words to illustrate a point! Grin

Any others you like? I'm trying to get a handle on what sort of names you like. Not pretentious but something Downton/Blyton esque is okay? So nudging that way but not full on pretension? Not common but not weird? Strong?

Erm, Rowan? Leighton? Hugo?

Bloody hard innit? This is why we let dd name her brother after her favourite cartoon character. Grin

catwithflowers · 24/02/2014 17:42


catwithflowers · 24/02/2014 17:44

Showy, it's bizarre if you actually DO have a Felix as I only read the first page before posting!!!!

DaenerysTargaryensDragonBaby · 24/02/2014 17:47

Rowan I like but a friend has a Rowan.
Leighton I don't like, I like the sound but it sounds too feminine..
Hugo definitely not. Ruined by the Hugo on TOWIE.

It's so hard.

OP posts:
MarmiteChocolate · 24/02/2014 17:51

sounds like a pornstar stage name imho....

Artandco · 24/02/2014 18:05

The only Darwin I know is pronounced 'dar-vin'

LavenderFox · 24/02/2014 19:53

I like it - I think having an unusual (but not weird) name is a bonus. There is even some evidence to say it might help you when it comes to job interviews etc because you stand out from the usual Jacks and Lukes...

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 24/02/2014 22:02


MairyHoles · 24/02/2014 23:43

My partner chose Lachlan, it was his turn to choose (from my shortlist!). As well as Hunter, my shortlist included callan and Stanley.

RugbyWidow7 · 25/02/2014 20:08

Morton is actually an English name, meaning of the moor. I know as I have one and everyone comments on what a great name it is! We love it! Grin

thegreatgatsby101 · 26/02/2014 09:31

Never heard it and sounds American which usually I'm not a fan of, but this I like! :)

tearsofrobertsmith · 26/02/2014 11:51

Dalton was the name of Patrick Swaye's character in the ace movie Roadhouse!!!!! This fact is intended to encourage you and not to put you off!


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OnABabyDiet · 26/02/2014 13:24

Dalton makes me think of Dalton-in-Furness in the lake district... and tbh, it's not exactly a place I'd want to name my child after!

How about Ellis, Roman or Owen?

DaenerysTargaryensDragonBaby · 26/02/2014 14:13

I like the Patrick Swayze thing Wink

Ellis - we have a cousin called Ellis
Roman I think is awful
Owen is really plain and boring.. sorry

OP posts:
AngelaDaviesHair · 26/02/2014 14:16

Makes me think of Dalton Grant, top high-jumper.

I quite like it.

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