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43 replies

Alisvolatpropiis · 26/12/2012 18:36

Thoughts on Alaric? It means "ruler of all" and I've become rather taken with it.

I'm not pregnant btw. Just curious.

OP posts:
AmandaCooper · 31/12/2012 06:14

I'd also assume you were a massive Vampire Diaries fan.

Beaditsback · 31/12/2012 15:18

What about Aric? Is it the old English and much nicer version of Eric?

Bumpstart · 01/01/2013 23:32

Love it.

JazzAnnNonMouse · 05/01/2013 20:18

Reminds me of celeriac. I don't like celeriac.

ChippingInLovesChristmasLights · 05/01/2013 20:20

Sounds like a vegetable - good job you aren't pregnant Xmas Grin

JaxTellerIsMyFriend · 05/01/2013 20:26

I love Celeriac - the veg, dont like Alaric as a name. Too Vampire Diaries.

I can imagine a lot of DAmon, Stefan, Matt, Alaric etc etc being in the top 10 most popular names in a few years.

bruffin · 05/01/2013 20:31

I immediately thought of the Katherine Kurtz deryni books.

YoSaffBridge · 05/01/2013 20:44

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BetaGammaDelta · 06/04/2013 19:13

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MacCrackles · 07/04/2013 16:30

I met one yesterday as it happens. Aged maybe early thirties. He carried it off well. I did have to ask for his name to be repeated though. I usually find that people do that with my name too though.

Alisvolatpropiis · 07/04/2013 17:59

I've just come back to this and am intrigued by the deleted comments!

I do like the Aric suggestion. And laughed at the "Ricky" as a nickname! Grin that's just hilarious!

OP posts:
thermalsinapril · 09/04/2013 11:09

I quite like it. It's unusual but then so are quite a few names which have sprung into fashion recently - Atticus, Orlando etc.

lisianthus · 10/04/2013 00:06

I love it, but then I really like names with Norman associations like Alan, Hugh and Alaric

ThePathanKhansAmnesiac · 10/04/2013 00:10

Eric's nice.

jackjacksmummy · 10/04/2013 00:19

Sooooo OP...are you a TVD fan?

Like it on a man, doesn't sound right on a child though (IMO)

KittenOfDoom · 10/04/2013 02:33

I like it. Absolutely fine for a child - there are obvious built-in diminutives if they suit him better.

Mind you, I love celeriac.

thermalsinapril · 10/04/2013 09:47

Celeriac would make a great name, only problem is that it isn't one Grin

KittenOfDoom · 10/04/2013 13:31

No, but it's fabulous roasted, mashed or made into oven chips Grin

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