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43 replies

Alisvolatpropiis · 26/12/2012 18:36

Thoughts on Alaric? It means "ruler of all" and I've become rather taken with it.

I'm not pregnant btw. Just curious.

OP posts:
KittenOfDoom · 10/04/2013 13:31

No, but it's fabulous roasted, mashed or made into oven chips Grin

thermalsinapril · 10/04/2013 09:47

Celeriac would make a great name, only problem is that it isn't one Grin

KittenOfDoom · 10/04/2013 02:33

I like it. Absolutely fine for a child - there are obvious built-in diminutives if they suit him better.

Mind you, I love celeriac.

jackjacksmummy · 10/04/2013 00:19

Sooooo OP...are you a TVD fan?

Like it on a man, doesn't sound right on a child though (IMO)

ThePathanKhansAmnesiac · 10/04/2013 00:10

Eric's nice.

lisianthus · 10/04/2013 00:06

I love it, but then I really like names with Norman associations like Alan, Hugh and Alaric

thermalsinapril · 09/04/2013 11:09

I quite like it. It's unusual but then so are quite a few names which have sprung into fashion recently - Atticus, Orlando etc.

Alisvolatpropiis · 07/04/2013 17:59

I've just come back to this and am intrigued by the deleted comments!

I do like the Aric suggestion. And laughed at the "Ricky" as a nickname! Grin that's just hilarious!

OP posts:
MacCrackles · 07/04/2013 16:30

I met one yesterday as it happens. Aged maybe early thirties. He carried it off well. I did have to ask for his name to be repeated though. I usually find that people do that with my name too though.

BetaGammaDelta · 06/04/2013 19:13

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YoSaffBridge · 05/01/2013 20:44

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bruffin · 05/01/2013 20:31

I immediately thought of the Katherine Kurtz deryni books.

JaxTellerIsMyFriend · 05/01/2013 20:26

I love Celeriac - the veg, dont like Alaric as a name. Too Vampire Diaries.

I can imagine a lot of DAmon, Stefan, Matt, Alaric etc etc being in the top 10 most popular names in a few years.

ChippingInLovesChristmasLights · 05/01/2013 20:20

Sounds like a vegetable - good job you aren't pregnant Xmas Grin

JazzAnnNonMouse · 05/01/2013 20:18

Reminds me of celeriac. I don't like celeriac.

Bumpstart · 01/01/2013 23:32

Love it.

Beaditsback · 31/12/2012 15:18

What about Aric? Is it the old English and much nicer version of Eric?

AmandaCooper · 31/12/2012 06:14

I'd also assume you were a massive Vampire Diaries fan.

FromEsme · 30/12/2012 19:10

Your husband thinks Alaric is pretentious?!

But that's MAD.

CelticPromise · 30/12/2012 18:59

I know of one, or OH does. His siblings also have (ahem) interesting names. All together they sort of sound like they were chosen from My Big Book of weird Unusual Baby Names.

I don't mind it, and I don't love it. If you love it why not? It shortens nicely.

notnowImreading · 30/12/2012 18:53

I know one - amazed that there seem to be so many of us who do. I wonder whether we know the same ones. He says that he had to be quite naughty at school and good at fighting to live down the name. Kind of like a boy named Sue.

delilah88 · 30/12/2012 18:50

I don't like this but think it'd be hilarious with nickname Ricky!


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vesti23 · 30/12/2012 12:45

Dislike the name

Lionsntigersnbears · 29/12/2012 18:34

I know 2 Alarics and they are both historians Smile

ripsishere · 27/12/2012 23:11

Sounds like garlic to me. Not what I'd choose. OTOH, I only have one girl. Had she been a boy, Duncan was what she'd have been called.

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