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67 replies

UnimaginitiveDadThemedUsername · 27/07/2012 08:25

I'm starting to really like this name. And of course it always was a girl's name (the car being named after someone's daughter).

But is it actually possible to get past the whole car business? Would you be subjected to a lifetime of uninformed people hoiking up their judgey pants?

OP posts:
LRDtheFeministDragon · 27/07/2012 12:41

Fair enough, I only asked about nationality as it does have a bearing on it!

usualsuspect · 27/07/2012 12:41

No one would bat an eyelid at the name Mercedes where I live.

If you like it, use it.

shimmy0 · 27/07/2012 12:41

I would have suggested Lambourghini myself. If that's the way it's spelt

scottishmummy · 27/07/2012 12:42

nice c&p of what I said for those who can't read 8 posts back!
it's still a car name as most have said
lol, given your initial indignation thought I'd better clear it up for you

usualsuspect · 27/07/2012 12:43

I know a girl called Porsche

scottishmummy · 27/07/2012 12:44

Portia is a name (merchant of Venice)
Porsche is car
confusing both is indicative of fuckwittery

LRDtheFeministDragon · 27/07/2012 12:48

I'd never thought about the fact they're homophones.

usualsuspect · 27/07/2012 12:48

I don't think Porche's mum is a fuckwit.

Shes a very nice lady .

UnimaginitiveDadThemedUsername · 27/07/2012 12:50

you were the first to be rude about assuming anyone who didn't like your name choice was 'uninformed'!

What's rude about 'uninformed'? It's a perfectly natural state of affairs to not be aware of some things. We can't all know everything, you know.

If I'd wanted to be rude, I'd have written 'fuckwits'.

OP posts:
scottishmummy · 27/07/2012 12:52

did mum intentionally chose the car spelling
or did she not know the name spelling
sorry its up there with shardonnay a soundalike name

scottishmummy · 27/07/2012 12:53

are you addressing usual suspect op?
for her use of fuckwits
you see I said fuckwittery, different

StunningCunt · 27/07/2012 12:55

So the naming your child after a brand of car thing is not going to well, amirite OP?

Maybe a motorbike?

scarlettsmummy2 · 27/07/2012 12:57

I don't like it.

usualsuspect · 27/07/2012 12:58

She just liked the name I guess.

usualsuspect · 27/07/2012 12:59

Some nasty comments on this thread, as per

UnimaginitiveDadThemedUsername · 27/07/2012 13:01

Get over yourself scottishmummy - it's not all about you.
Ever heard of crossposting?

OP posts:
MammaTonic · 27/07/2012 13:02

I think it's one to avoid. The connotational values of the car will filter through to the person with the name. The meaning of Mercedes cars are too entrenched in our collective bank of cultural knowledge (same with names like Lolita). So, the girl names Mercedes won't be able to live up to the name.


StunningCunt · 27/07/2012 13:02

Nasty comments are entirely apt, what's going to happen when Mercedes S-Class is at school? Better to be told now.

LRDtheFeministDragon · 27/07/2012 13:02

Hmm, I thought 'uninformed people hoiking up their judgey pants' was quite a nasty description TBH. But I accept you maybe didn't mean it that way, and tone is hard to get over the net.

Look, if you love it, use it. If you don't and are wavering, I guess there's various reasons not to use it and inevitably one of those is to do with the cars. You can compile lists of reasons not to use any name someone picks - what matters is whether those reasons convince you.

usualsuspect · 27/07/2012 13:03

Everyone knows only old lady names are acceptable on MN.

Try asking about Gladys OP, the baby namers will wet themselves.

LRDtheFeministDragon · 27/07/2012 13:05

mercedes is an old lady name! It's as a modern name that anyone might have reservations, usual.

marge2 · 27/07/2012 13:05

Would it be pronounced Merced-ez or Merced-eez?


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shimmy0 · 27/07/2012 13:10

I just want to add that depending upon the school she goes to I can see all sorts of jokes being thrown at her like "Mercedes I bet you like to be taken for a test drive" etc.
Someone else just hit the nail on the head, let these comments be a warning for what might come.

UnimaginitiveDadThemedUsername · 27/07/2012 13:11

I suppose MammaTonic is right - it is too entrenched in our collective bank of cultural knowledge.

Which is a shame because it is a nice name.
As is Candida, but let's not go there.

OP posts:
usualsuspect · 27/07/2012 13:13

True, it is an old name.

I'd use it OP if you like it.As I said maybe it depends where you live, because no one would bat an eyelid where I live.

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