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Totally outing myself but I have to share...

91 replies

kickingKcurlyC · 10/07/2012 15:35

A little girl has joined DD's nursery.
Her name is CUPCAKE.

I suppose it is nicer than Fishfinger, or Potato.

(Oh. If the mum is a Mumsnetter: Hello mum of Cupcake!
... cough...
...Are you going to the summer fair on Saturday? :))

OP posts:
Jux · 10/07/2012 18:45

I knew someone called Egg (a long time ago).

Badgerina · 11/07/2012 07:15

I hope she doesn't develop a weight problem or an eating disorder.

SherbetDibDab · 11/07/2012 07:25

You're all wrong, Cupcakes can become lawyers

WifiNappies · 11/07/2012 08:59

Wow Cupcake Brown had an interesting life

Coconutty · 11/07/2012 09:05

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SillyBeardyDaddyman · 11/07/2012 09:13


She'll be eaten alive at school.

Showmethemhappyfeet · 11/07/2012 10:30

Whoops just burst out laughing at my desk in work. 'she'll be eaten alive' hahahaGrin

squoosh · 11/07/2012 10:35

Ah yes sherbert Cupcake Brown! I've heard of her, she had a book out didn't she? That must be where the inspiration came from.

I wonder if the book was about overcoming a name like Cupcake.

Janoschi · 12/07/2012 20:10

I grew up with a little boy called Muffin.

Clarella · 12/07/2012 20:32

I taught a Terrine 9 years ago. I always imagined green spam when I wrote her name. Oh and an Ikea. Guess what you could see from the playground?!!

areyoutheregoditsmemargaret · 13/07/2012 12:59

There's a girl in dds' Brownies called Pashmina

marge2 · 13/07/2012 13:02

I think you should call SS - that's just cruel!

squoosh · 13/07/2012 13:02

Pashmina! I suppose it sounds like it should be a name. Umm, maybe. Pretty funny though.

It's like that Alicia Douvall person who named her daughter Papaya Coco Piri-piri. Sounds more like a shopping list than a baby.

AKMD · 13/07/2012 13:29

It is probably a nickname.

When DBro was 5 he insisted on being called James. It was on his handwriting book, coat peg, letters, probably register too, for the whole year of school. He then reverted back to his usual name.

There were quite a few children in my class at school who were of Asian origin and had 'home' names i.e. their birth certificate name, and 'school' names.

Solo · 13/07/2012 14:19

The world's gone mad!! Grin

sillybeardy I laughed at your last post! excellent!

I knew of a woman that apparently called her Dd Doily. You know! the paper things you put cupcakes on! maybe Doily is Cupcakes mum?! Hmm

StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 13/07/2012 15:49

But all children born this year whose parents want to follow the cake related theme need to pick either Soreen or Eccles. Less frivolous than cupcake. I agree, I am so not frivolous Smile

dundeemarmalade · 13/07/2012 18:34

There's a boy at dd's nursery called Lord. Which makes cupcake seem quite sensible, imo.

Horopu · 13/07/2012 22:15

I was in a classroom the other day with a list of children's names on the wall: one of them was listed as Joke.

Sorry, I know it is not cake related but I just had to get it off my chest. (MN was the only place I could tell people about the boy named Soul-Jah too).

Clarella · 13/07/2012 22:41

Terrine's baby brother was proudly announced to me as TJ. It may have been Teejay but we also had a Mercedes, a French, a Dre, a Fawn and a Shakira (with a very normal, typical, uneventful English surname) so who knows. I asked her to repeat it several times and the class were puzzled by my puzzlement.

HiggsBosonAteMyKitten · 14/07/2012 08:33

Overheard a mum calling to her child in local A&E recently

"Wives, come here"

should have minded my own business but had to ask "Wives....that's ... um.... unusual. where did you get the idea from?

"well, you know...Wives saint lorent" she said, looking at me like I was an idiot

MB34 · 14/07/2012 08:38

@squoosh - maybe cakepop!?! lol!

MB34 · 14/07/2012 08:45

My last message makes no sense! When I clicked on this thread just now it only had 24 replies. After I posted my reply, another 48 appeared Confused

So to explain - "cakepop" refers to squoosh wondering what is 2012's cupcake of choice back on page 1!


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dollydoops · 14/07/2012 08:49

WIVES!!!! hahahahaaha!

spongebrainfatpants · 14/07/2012 08:53

Child called Circle at a school near me.


Anonymumous · 14/07/2012 10:14

My husband taught a girl called Eccles. Nothing wrong with Eccles!

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