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Totally outing myself but I have to share...

91 replies

kickingKcurlyC · 10/07/2012 15:35

A little girl has joined DD's nursery.
Her name is CUPCAKE.

I suppose it is nicer than Fishfinger, or Potato.

(Oh. If the mum is a Mumsnetter: Hello mum of Cupcake!
... cough...
...Are you going to the summer fair on Saturday? :))

OP posts:
winkle2 · 21/07/2012 17:39

Twinkle is a popular Indian name back in India!

So is Dimple.

vamosbebe · 21/07/2012 14:11

CUPCAKE? bloody hilarious!!

I met a guy in Spain called: Kevin Costner de Jesus Smile

BabyStone · 21/07/2012 13:56

are you actually serious?!?! this is stupid! I am actually a fan of unusual names but thats just cruel for the child! Its probably a nickname, theres a doll called Baby Cupcake so maybe its because of that?!

lastly LOL!!!!!!!

FrauGrau · 17/07/2012 21:07

Poppy, Pixie, Cherry, Pippa, Bunny, Dippy, Doppy, Dappy, all SOOOO much more acceptable!

BlackholesAndRevelations · 17/07/2012 20:56

Erm, teach, not trash!! (thanks autocorrect!)

BlackholesAndRevelations · 17/07/2012 20:55

MalmoMum- maybe I'm being thick but you're making no sense!

Re: names, all the children I trash have boring, normal ones! Alicia douvalls "shopping list" made me lol though! :-)

MalmoMum · 16/07/2012 23:11

I have had to ban talk of infinity, the largest number you can think of, how does it divide by zero, inifinty and beyond, my infinity is better than yours, my gillion is this big, take that zillion etc at meal times so My Head does not implode. So Zillion could have taken it to the back of the queue.

I am a girl with a maths brain and Grumpy Husband has a Phd in satellite technology so I think he should supervise. When he is around planet earth...

purplepansy · 16/07/2012 20:08

One of my kids went to nursery with a child called Zillion. I still have no idea whether Zillion was a girl or a boy.

labelwriter · 16/07/2012 15:45

There is a Tinkerbell at DD's gymnastics class!

MalmoMum · 16/07/2012 15:39

I just posted this over on the unusual things not on your CV thread. It ties in here. Here goes:

I have one on names that ties a couple of the threads together in a previously unthought of way. Background: In Swedish Winnie-the-Pooh is called Nalle Poo (a nalle is a teddy). Can you guess where this is going???

Yep, there was a girl at DS1s kindergarden called Poo. I really could not think of a nice way to raise the subject. And I don't think you can change your name by deed poll over there with all the ID card stuff...

Shortly after DS2 was born I had some bed linen that had a sample of every single human bodily fluid on it. I could list them. I hadn't heard of Tracey Emin then so went and washed it rather than preserving it for the nation.

DontEatTheVolesKids · 15/07/2012 21:52

When I went to ceremony to become a nationalised Brit there was an Asian family there in lovely traditional dress (as we were invited to dress in national costumes, I refrained from wearing a baseball cap). Anyway, Daughter1 had a very Asian sounding name. But their DD2 had a name like Twinkle. "Twinkle" was read out by the Registrar in jolly "welcome to our country" voice, confirmed on her Naturalisation Certificate and all.

Twinkle. Twinkle Patasianhisunihari, or something like that.

timetosmile · 15/07/2012 21:47

I know Cupcake, Daughter of Fruitcake, no?

Booette · 15/07/2012 21:45

I'll out myself here too.

When DS5 went to playgroup there was a boy called Squidgey there too. It was labelled on his peg and drawers and I really did think WTF!

Anyway, I think that that was all he'd ever been called so he didn't actually know his real name (which I'm not putting on here as I've never heard it before, but there were 2 at the playgroup strangely!) So they started by calling him by his nickname and by the time he was ready for school he was used to his real name!

Maybe Cupcake is the same? I'm hoping Cupcake is the same!

Omelette · 15/07/2012 16:19

I once called a child in from the waiting room. The name on the form was 'Chanel', so I called out for "Shanelle" (phonetically) and got corrected by her irate mum, who told me "it's pronounced 'Channel'".

MrsHBaby3 · 14/07/2012 16:03

There's a boy in my sons class called Jumper. Cupcake is cute as a NN but even if the pregnancy hormones were playing up, why didn't the dad say NO!

MsIndependence · 14/07/2012 11:47

Heard a Mum in the park calling her 2 boys Ocean and Amazon. Realize these names may not be that unusual but they surprised me. If anything I could imagine more being used for girls!:)

Anonymumous · 14/07/2012 10:14

My husband taught a girl called Eccles. Nothing wrong with Eccles!

spongebrainfatpants · 14/07/2012 08:53

Child called Circle at a school near me.


dollydoops · 14/07/2012 08:49

WIVES!!!! hahahahaaha!

MB34 · 14/07/2012 08:45

My last message makes no sense! When I clicked on this thread just now it only had 24 replies. After I posted my reply, another 48 appeared Confused

So to explain - "cakepop" refers to squoosh wondering what is 2012's cupcake of choice back on page 1!

MB34 · 14/07/2012 08:38

@squoosh - maybe cakepop!?! lol!

HiggsBosonAteMyKitten · 14/07/2012 08:33

Overheard a mum calling to her child in local A&E recently

"Wives, come here"

should have minded my own business but had to ask "Wives....that's ... um.... unusual. where did you get the idea from?

"well, you know...Wives saint lorent" she said, looking at me like I was an idiot


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Clarella · 13/07/2012 22:41

Terrine's baby brother was proudly announced to me as TJ. It may have been Teejay but we also had a Mercedes, a French, a Dre, a Fawn and a Shakira (with a very normal, typical, uneventful English surname) so who knows. I asked her to repeat it several times and the class were puzzled by my puzzlement.

Horopu · 13/07/2012 22:15

I was in a classroom the other day with a list of children's names on the wall: one of them was listed as Joke.

Sorry, I know it is not cake related but I just had to get it off my chest. (MN was the only place I could tell people about the boy named Soul-Jah too).

dundeemarmalade · 13/07/2012 18:34

There's a boy at dd's nursery called Lord. Which makes cupcake seem quite sensible, imo.

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