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Is this a proper name?

27 replies

monkeyandguitar · 14/05/2012 22:26

Ellery? I really like the sound of it but don't want a name that sounds made up. I know Eleri is the Welsh version and a proper name but what about Ellery? And how would you pronounce it - Ella-ree? Any more suggestions of similar names would be much appreciated.

OP posts:
littletomato · 15/08/2012 20:13

I've met a female Ellery (granted, she was american). She was a lovely, gracious person, and I think it's a gorgeous name.

Frikadellen · 16/08/2012 10:17

If you like it then go for it. The name is not that common people will have a issue with it supposedly being a different sex name. (and they soon enough unisex other names)

Imo Ellery looks more like a girls name anyway Smile

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