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Is this a proper name?

27 replies

monkeyandguitar · 14/05/2012 22:26

Ellery? I really like the sound of it but don't want a name that sounds made up. I know Eleri is the Welsh version and a proper name but what about Ellery? And how would you pronounce it - Ella-ree? Any more suggestions of similar names would be much appreciated.

OP posts:
Frikadellen · 16/08/2012 10:17

If you like it then go for it. The name is not that common people will have a issue with it supposedly being a different sex name. (and they soon enough unisex other names)

Imo Ellery looks more like a girls name anyway Smile

littletomato · 15/08/2012 20:13

I've met a female Ellery (granted, she was american). She was a lovely, gracious person, and I think it's a gorgeous name.

monkeyandguitar · 15/08/2012 11:51

FelicitywasSarca Ah! That helps - I didn't know about the El-air-ree proununciation before MN either so good to see it can be pronounced the way we prefer. Thanks

OP posts:
FelicitywasSarca · 15/08/2012 11:41

Yes she is. I never heard the el air e pronounciation before MN!

monkeyandguitar · 15/08/2012 11:38

Thanks for your replies. I'll try asking some people in real life what they think too. I'd use Eleri if the Ella-ree pronunciation was ok but from what I've gathered El-air-ee is the correct way.

FelicitywasSarca - is the Eleri you know Welsh?

Why can't I like a straightforward name!

OP posts:
doublecakeplease · 15/08/2012 11:17

I taught a boy named Emery last year - close and suited him :-)

BikeMedalsRunningMedals · 15/08/2012 11:12

Eleri is a proper Welsh name.

EdithWeston · 15/08/2012 11:07

Hilary is a unisex name - think of the TV doctor. I'd agree it's now dominantly female, but it's not clearly and inevitably so.

Some people do not mind unisex names; it wouldn't be my choice, especially one that hasn't really crossed over yet. But that might not bother OP.

It was Elwood in the Blues Brothers btw.

MiggleMoo · 15/08/2012 11:02

I like Elodi (girl) (pr like melody) means marsh flower in french

FelicitywasSarca · 15/08/2012 10:59

It's a boys name,

Although I do know a female 'Eleri' pronounced 'el er ree' which is nice IMO.

OneLittleToddlingTerror · 15/08/2012 10:59

Disclaimer. Have never heard of Ellery Queen.

OneLittleToddlingTerror · 15/08/2012 10:58

I think it's a rare enough name that people won't think of it instantly as a boys name? I noticed on the 2011 list from ONS that there are many baby girl Frankie. And I thought that's a boy's name!

I remember there was a poster Stephie here who wasn't quite happy about having a slightly masculine name. Too many people think she was a man just from looking at the name. Have you asked people around you if they think Ellery is a male or female name? How about a compromise with a obviously female form of the name, like Hilary?

WanderingOkapi · 15/08/2012 10:57

Isn't one of the blues brothers called ellery? Dim memory says so. Quite like it

EdithWeston · 15/08/2012 10:55

I have never come across it as a girls name, and think it's lovely for a boy (eg Ellery Queen).

mrstowers · 15/08/2012 10:55

It just makes me think of Ellery Queen Whodunnit but maybe I'm just showing my age Grin

monkeyandguitar · 15/08/2012 10:52

Hi everyone, I posted the above message some time ago about the name Ellery.

We keep coming back to this name and are strongly considering it for our DD. We dont want to use Eleri as we like the Ella-ree rather than the El-air-ee pronunciation.

Our concerns are that it may sound made up and people may think we've given DD a boys name e.g Ellery Handley - rugby player.

Does anyone know any female Ellerys? According to my baby naming book, it is both a girls and boys name.

Any general thoughts also appreciated as we really need to make a decision.

OP posts:
CallMeAl · 16/05/2012 23:34

"Ellery meaning and name origin

Ellery \e-lle-ry\ as a boy's name is pronounced EL-er-ee. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ellery is "alder tree". May be related to Latin Hilary meaning "cheerful". Literary: familiar since the 1930s due to the fictional detective Ellery Queen.

Ellery has 3 variant forms: Ellary, Ellerey and Elrey.

Baby names that sound like Ellery are Elroy, Waller and Wyler."

Eleri is a girls name, Ellery is a boys name.

butthatsnotfair · 16/05/2012 23:27

DD has a doll called Ellery. I thought she'd made it up Confused

RancerDoo · 16/05/2012 23:09

Ellory Queen sounds like a yacht.

sashh · 15/05/2012 11:04

Ellory Queen?

mathanxiety · 15/05/2012 05:20

There was an American fictional detective called Ellery Queen. (pr like celery).

Scatterplot · 15/05/2012 04:18

Hilary, Valerie or Mallory are similar.


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workshy · 14/05/2012 22:36

ellery handley

former rugby player

nothing wrong with it

PercyFilth · 14/05/2012 22:33


Stellan · 14/05/2012 22:33

Yes, according to Americans.

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