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To find the Daily Mail to be totally misogynistic

73 replies

lowlandlady · 25/08/2009 23:06

I mean every day they have an article saying a woman doesn't look nice, or a woman has gained wait or, Well Done! A Good Little Woman has Lost Weight! And is looking lovely again!
Oh But Nigella is looking FAT and sloppy shame on you Nigella you slattern!
Kerry Katona is a mentalist! Naughty mental fat mental Katona!
Helena Bonham Carter is nearly 50, has had two children and has an ILL FITTING SWIMMING COSTUME.
Followed by a really unflaterring photo of her. I mean how horrible are the tossers who do this?

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RumourOfAHurricane · 25/08/2009 23:54

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scottishmummy · 25/08/2009 23:55

this self congratulatory lets all be weely wight on and mock the Dm (by i know discussing it)

oh hell that will show them

look you all obviously avariciously read and glean titbits you can sniffly post on MN. in a indignant haze of well i never...

madameDefarge · 25/08/2009 23:56

I love your screams, Shiney, no one does them as well as you....

RumourOfAHurricane · 26/08/2009 00:01

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madameDefarge · 26/08/2009 00:04

music to my ears...

To be honest, I have given up trying to work out whether OPs are trolls or no...

I shall try to embrace my inner troll, and encourage everyone else to also do so!

blinder · 26/08/2009 00:05

Yes, AND racist. Two prejudices for the price of one.

scottishmummy · 26/08/2009 00:11

give y'all double to read and snort about

then fanny around on headline genorator thingy.

protesting none of you read DM. oh no siree you clever cats need to know thine enemy

aha bring down the state by in-depth knowledge of schleb tittle tattle.oh MI5 and govt quaking in their boots about what the liberal rattle tattlers (who dont read DM) will do with knowledge and headlines gleaned from DM

and hell if the MN name changers and refuseniks and de-registrants ever catch em up

oh scary biscuits

madameDefarge · 26/08/2009 00:18

Aw, do you mean we won't change the world with this thread? I am gutted, I tell you, gutted.
scottishmummy · 26/08/2009 00:22

dont sweat it someone who doesn't read DM will tell you its content and the indignant well i very never haze will rise again on MN


and the socialsciencetastic rattle tattlers can rise up and ask the working classes to take the bullet, as they are too busy monitoring and disseminating DM

pickyvic · 26/08/2009 00:27

the DM has ALWAYS been misogynistic. for ever. thats why i read the guardian!

mayorquimby · 26/08/2009 11:40

"I mean every day they have an article saying a woman doesn't look nice, or a woman has gained wait or, Well Done! A Good Little Woman has Lost Weight! And is looking lovely again!
Oh But Nigella is looking FAT and sloppy shame on you Nigella you slattern!
Kerry Katona is a mentalist! Naughty mental fat mental Katona!
Helena Bonham Carter is nearly 50, has had two children and has an ILL FITTING SWIMMING COSTUME.
Followed by a really unflaterring photo of her. I mean how horrible are the tossers who do this?"

the DM is certainly mysoginistic but you've also just described pretty much all the most highly purchased magazines by women.
i have no problem with dm bashing but if your going to hold one publication up to a cetain standard then hold them all up to it.

OtterInaSkoda · 26/08/2009 13:24

I'm sorry, I can't resist occasional forrays onto the DM website. It's like picking a scab, or poking a dead animal with a stick... Not that I do these things, you understand.

Anyway I'm sure someone posted this when it was first published, but the caption on the photograph here had me in tears of laughter...

OrmIrian · 26/08/2009 13:29

Misogynist! No! I can hardly beleive it.....

worriedaboutbuses · 26/08/2009 13:31

well it must be women being mysogynistic then

i'm sure all that drivel is written by women

worriedaboutbuses · 26/08/2009 13:32

and it's women reading it too

mayorquimby · 26/08/2009 13:37

people do realise also that by going onto the DM website and linking it here they're contributing to the DM's financial success. more website hits means more money from advertisers.

MaggieLeo · 26/08/2009 16:16

MayorQuimby, I haven't bought a magazine since January 2006. Now that I'm weaned off them, total cold turkey, never even tempted to flick through them... I stopped reading/buying them because of what we're all saying here. I thought, aren't women allowed to grow old then????? etc.

I probably look a bit stuck in my era though!!

ElieRM · 26/08/2009 16:26

My fave are some of the comments on the article linked by Otter...
'Lack of parental control (parents who are not allowed to give a smack on the backside when necessary); 24-hour a day booze culture; no real punishment with prison more luxurious than many homes.
Bring back corporal and capital punishment, bring back discipline and the means necessary to maintain it.
Come out of the EU from whence come many of our stupid rules.'
(Have they even banned smacking? Will brining back capital punishmentstop women going out to work? What has the EU and prison got to do with kids being in nursery?)
'I fully understand why women who HAVE to work to support their small children financially do so. I do not understand why those whose husbands earn a good salary do. Instead of having children, why not get a small pet? They're cheaper and not so inconvenient and can be as much as a status symbol as a child if it is of an unusual and expensive enough breed.
They're easier to toilet train and do not usually vomit over your work suit.'
'I really do not understand why these women have children. They do not want them. They do not care for the welfare of these children. They do not spend any time with them. It is time to stop all child benefits and free housing. Maybe only the people who really want children, would have them.'

OrmIrian · 26/08/2009 16:29

"these women"

Any article that refers to people as 'these' anything is usually fairly dismissable(?). Hence 'these women', 'these men', these sponging parasites' etc .

MaggieLeo · 26/08/2009 17:20

These women?! omg... writer should go to Iran. Women have to know their place there.

scottishmummy · 26/08/2009 17:22

if you all continue to link DM and yak about it you are actually supporting it

financially (hits on website=revenue)
increasing its readership (after all you all read and comment)
maintaining its profile by giving it a link to MN

as i have said, MN and DM have always had a weird relationship.universally denounced,yet daily links and encyclopaedic knowledge of its contents (past and present)

MaggieLeo · 26/08/2009 17:25

true, there is a bandwagon thing about hating the daily mail which is kind of boringly predictable, and I totally GET that,,, btu at the same time, you don't need to defend the daily mail!?

better to be predictably slagging off the mail than tolerating and colluding with their view of women.


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scottishmummy · 26/08/2009 17:49

maggie,i am not defending the DM.MN link=DM revenue

i dont read it,nor do i link it,nor do i get in an indignant haze about isn't on my radar

but all this yak yak and froth about its contents,only acts to maintain its MN presence,raise revenue

lowlandlady · 26/08/2009 23:54

Have only just managed to get on the computer since posting, will try to read all these very interesting posts tomorrow.

I think it is important to look at all the papers to be aware of what our whole society is being fed, left and right, all of us are being fed all sorts of guff from the press, media, etc etc.

I genuinely think the DM is pushing a constantly negative message to women about their physical appearance. This message is so loud and so strong that people seem to have become deaf to it. Maybe deafened by it.

I have only just had a daughter and I don't want her to feel that her only value is in her youth and beauty. I think that's monstrous. I am over 40 and do not share Madonna's and Gwynnie's tiny ickle personal trainer. And if I did the DM might be horrified by the veins on my arms.

We age, many of us put on weight. Why does the DM hate that so much. Men do the same things! They AGE, they PUT ON WEIGHT. Why is this rag so appalled? We can't all be Kate Middleton or who do they love? I don't know some winsome filly whose parents were probably siblings.....

OP posts:
lowlandlady · 27/08/2009 17:50

Oh dear, I killed my own thread!

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