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To find the Daily Mail to be totally misogynistic

73 replies

lowlandlady · 25/08/2009 23:06

I mean every day they have an article saying a woman doesn't look nice, or a woman has gained wait or, Well Done! A Good Little Woman has Lost Weight! And is looking lovely again!
Oh But Nigella is looking FAT and sloppy shame on you Nigella you slattern!
Kerry Katona is a mentalist! Naughty mental fat mental Katona!
Helena Bonham Carter is nearly 50, has had two children and has an ILL FITTING SWIMMING COSTUME.
Followed by a really unflaterring photo of her. I mean how horrible are the tossers who do this?

OP posts:
EleanoraBuntingCupcake · 29/08/2009 19:48

and nigella looks gorgeous. the dm editor obviously has ishoos.

EleanoraBuntingCupcake · 29/08/2009 19:46

to the op - duh!

scottishmummy · 29/08/2009 19:41

MN links=revenue for daily mail.if no likey dont link it.quite simple really.

and all this the thick impressionable hoi polloi read it and they are so suggestible to scurrilous facts, hey but i read it and remain impervious to its hooey. protesting too much.

i dont read it
i dont link it

Nancy66 · 29/08/2009 17:14

The DM online is an entertainment site - it contains about 60% content that does not appear in the print version, notably the showbiz stuff. The website will feature people like Jordan and Kerry Katona to draw in an audience, but the newspaper would never feature then as they consider them too downmarket.

The DM online now gets close to 30million clicks a day - MN providing about half of those by my estimation.

It does well because it knows its market and caters to it. I loathe some of the Mail's news stories and features but I can't actually see anything wrong with the Amanda Platell piece.

PurplePoppy · 29/08/2009 16:48

Had a look at the original article... and this headline was on the side.

Sorry if I am being all sheltered libral and naive, but I am open mouthed in shock that a national newspaper would print a rant like that. Even the Daily Mail. I can't believe this is actually for real and not some sort of Private Eye parody.

lemonmuffin · 29/08/2009 13:44

I think it's a case of shooting the messenger tbh.

The daily mail publishes what many people want to read about, it has very high circulation figures (not sure of the numbers but i think i read something about it being one of the best selling papers in Britain) and a large number of its readers are women.

Like it or not, plenty of women do want to read this stuff about diets/weight/cellulite/ageing/celebrities. It's not my cupoftea but there is a big market for it and that aint gonna change imho.

mmrsceptic · 29/08/2009 13:22

some people on here seem to have a very low opinion of their fellow daily mail readers

as in "it's alright for me to read it, I'm clever enough to read between the lines, but everyone else will think it's true"

you are guilty of the very prejudices you claim to see elsewhere

LizzyBirdsworth · 28/08/2009 23:05

My advice to the staunchly "anti DM" contingent?

Stop bookmarking the DM home page!

LizzyBirdsworth · 28/08/2009 22:50

Scottish Mummy you're not alone. There's a perplexing phenomenon sweeping through many forums at the moment and it seems to revolve around a kind of Daily-Mailophobia. I've now quite literally, lost track of how many times I've heard that oh so familiar phrase "I don't read the daily mail but..." or "hate the daily mail its soooo misogynous, racist, facist, ..."

Like any rag, (sorry darlings that includes the "indie") it markets itself through sensationalism. All newspapers operate in the same fashion.

Loudly proclaiming that you loathe the mail whilst "never" reading it, is ludicrous. What's the crack? If you admit to reading the DM, does that somehow consign you to the realms of the congenitally stupid? Does proclaiming to (loudly) despise the DM somehow make you look more intellectual?

Y'know sometimes when I've had an exhausting day with 3 overly energetic children, I cannot face the prospect of a mentally taxing read. Ergo the DM fulfils that in that it is easy going. As an adult I'm fully capable of separating the wheat from the chaff too.

(awaits stoning from the intellectually superior "Indie" readers)

scottishmummy · 28/08/2009 20:19

times does that frequently,one story two spins

one week working mums are avaricious and damaging children

next week sahm lazy and stifling children

but just because something is in print doesn't mean it is true.we have ability to differentiate shite from fact

Tryharder · 28/08/2009 20:10

I once read a copy of the Daily Mail which contained 2 separate articles about young criminals who had been sentenced for various crimes. The first youth had been raised by his feckless single mother who didn't work, and therefore it was all her fault as she set such a bad example by lounging around the house and being on benefits.

The youth in the second article however had been raised by his single mother who worked and had a full time job and although the DM acknowledged she wasn't on benefits, it was still all her fault as she was never at home.

scottishmummy · 28/08/2009 20:08

Mn orthodoxy is to hate DM,claim not to read it (only find it in cafe)but yet be able to link list and cite its recent contents

what does a bit DM lately mean?

all the dm stuff in have seen is a few huffs, and throwing the rattle out the pram. but daily links and name checks to DM

fleacircus · 28/08/2009 20:00

Thank goodness... had been wondering if MN was getting a bit DM recently, so glad to discover I'm not alone in my ongoing hatred.

scottishmummy · 28/08/2009 19:55

if thousands read and believe the DM,do you when you read it?

is it so pernicious and persuasive that the mere presence of it is enough to sway or influence opinion

think not

MorrisZapp · 28/08/2009 14:02

MQ, it is absolutely correct that most women's magazines print all that body-loathing stuff too. But they are magazines.

The DM is a newspaper, not a magazine or comic. It sells itself as a serious paper (ie not as a tabloid) and is read by many thousands of people who think that If It Is In The Paper It Must Be True.

Tinfoil · 27/08/2009 22:43


Mumcentreplus · 27/08/2009 21:22


zebramummy · 27/08/2009 21:15

they rarely print any of the comments i post - guess why?? i would not buy it but my folks used to get the Mail on Sunday when i was young so i have an (unfortunate) habit of checking them out online - i love it when they print a pathetically racist article and you get some old fascist commenting on the artcle with about a thousand others positively rating his post - is reading the daily mail a pre-requisite for being a member of a certain 'party' then???

MrMayoNessie · 27/08/2009 19:46

btw, I'm MayoNessie's wife - my opinion, not his!

MrMayoNessie · 27/08/2009 19:44

Well I bloody love it and get it every day. I seem to be among the minority here in that I can read something and dismiss or agree with it, dependent on what I think, not what they (or any other publication) want me to.

scottishmummy · 27/08/2009 18:07

dont get this know thine enemy by buying DM do you buy sunday sport?

how would keeping the very paper you say you hate commercially viable and in circulation help any cause?

lowlandlady · 27/08/2009 18:01

Hear, hear Jee! Good for them!

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jeee · 27/08/2009 17:54

I was so proud of my Mum and Dad. They're not known for their wishy-washy-guardian reader liberalism, but decided to switch from the Times to the Mail to save money. Less than a week later they decided that the Mail was a hate-filled, bigotted paper, and reverted to the Times.

lowlandlady · 27/08/2009 17:50

Oh dear, I killed my own thread!

OP posts:
lowlandlady · 26/08/2009 23:54

Have only just managed to get on the computer since posting, will try to read all these very interesting posts tomorrow.

I think it is important to look at all the papers to be aware of what our whole society is being fed, left and right, all of us are being fed all sorts of guff from the press, media, etc etc.

I genuinely think the DM is pushing a constantly negative message to women about their physical appearance. This message is so loud and so strong that people seem to have become deaf to it. Maybe deafened by it.

I have only just had a daughter and I don't want her to feel that her only value is in her youth and beauty. I think that's monstrous. I am over 40 and do not share Madonna's and Gwynnie's tiny ickle personal trainer. And if I did the DM might be horrified by the veins on my arms.

We age, many of us put on weight. Why does the DM hate that so much. Men do the same things! They AGE, they PUT ON WEIGHT. Why is this rag so appalled? We can't all be Kate Middleton or who do they love? I don't know some winsome filly whose parents were probably siblings.....

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