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to cry in ASDA?

56 replies

bratnav · 04/06/2009 11:48

Oh hell I know I was, but pg hormones are raging and the DDs are home as their school is a polling station.

I went to do the weeks shop without a shopping list or even a meal plan in my head, and I just stood in the bakery bit trying to call DH for him to help with meal suggestions as my brain was a complete blank, when he very politely said he was in a board meeting I put the phone down and burst into tears (much to DDs embarassment)

Bloody hormones, I feel like such an idiot now

OP posts:
KERALA1 · 05/06/2009 16:25

tesco direct home delivery that £3 delivery charge is totally worth it!

BlueBumedFly · 05/06/2009 19:24

And we love 'em for it!! The can have £3 of my money any day for all the hassle it saves.

BlueBumedFly · 05/06/2009 19:25

Bratnav - I think so!! DD was a real moany today, overtired after her 'sleep' and into everything that she should not be touching.

Wine!!! Can I pour you a glass?

bratnav · 05/06/2009 19:30

Maybe I could have my weekly little glass now, mmm good idea. Got any rioja?

OP posts:
BlueBumedFly · 05/06/2009 20:01

Yup! coming your way, a small glass of course

misscutandstick · 05/06/2009 20:06

I was almost in tears yesterday at Macdonalds, and im certainly not pregnant!

why? because the kids were hungry, and the gormless F*wit behind the counter ordered each grill sarnie separate - 15mins i waited for cold food. he said he could re-order so it would be warm... what and wait another 15mins????

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