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For being pissed off about acting as "trophy" for bloke?

183 replies

SpottyTiger · 23/04/2009 18:44

When I first met the bloke I'm seeing he made some shit excuse about needing to pop into Asda for something. I followed him in and he darted straight towards the back of the store where the bread etc is and was looking around all the time. Finally he "bumped into" his old work mates and very quickly told them that I was his girlfriend. we left the shop with nothing so it was obvious the whole point of going in there was so that he could do that.

Anyway he let it slip a few days ago that he's been distributing my photo around his family and friends and they're all commenting on how "Lucky" he is because I'm "really pretty" etc (their words, not mine). I just kinda cringe when he re-tells me.

Then yesterday I'd been for a job interview, we'd been for lunch and then he said "You look so lovely today ... " (in suit, make-up etc) and he then suddenly said "oh, just remembered, I have a voucher for asda, I'll just pop in there ... "

Needless to say he headed straight for the bread part. I realised what he was doing and ducked away when he wasn't looking and headed back to the fruit, then watched from a distance, ammused as he panicked and looked around for me when he found me, he tried it again "oh, I'll just have a look down here ... (bread ailse, where his old work mates work) " and so I followed him so far then disapeared again. He finally gave up and decided he didn't need anything from asda after all.

I feel like he's treating me as some kind of trophy. AIBU to feel pissed off about it?

OP posts:
TiggyR · 24/04/2009 16:29

Oh dear BottySpottom - crossed posts!

TiggyR · 24/04/2009 16:32

Me too Boco! I was so proud of my little diagnosis and BottySpottom pipped me to the post! Choux'ed have tried harder.

Rindercella · 24/04/2009 16:35

I just reckon he sounds like a bit of a doughnut.

BottySpottom · 24/04/2009 16:36

Oh what a bloomer TiggyR - sorry for getting there first.

BottySpottom · 24/04/2009 16:38

What's his complexion like? I heard too much bread can give you grissini skin.

TiggyR · 24/04/2009 16:41

This is all cobblers anyway. I walnut halva this poor girl mocha'd anymore. I don't filo-k about it and I think she's had a rough-puff thyme.

TiggyR · 24/04/2009 16:42

Oh dear. We really are scraping the bottom of the bakery barrel now aren't we? Clearly all breaded out.

bleh · 24/04/2009 16:45

How serious is this relationship? Do you think he's ready to stop sowing his wild oats, or does he just think of you as some tart?

gagamama · 24/04/2009 16:46

Hopefully OP has scone to sort things oat.

YanknCock · 24/04/2009 16:54

I think she needs a flan plan to get rid of him.

TiggyR · 24/04/2009 16:59

I know her plan - she's planning on dumpling him. She must remember to ask for her spare quiche back.

YanknCock · 24/04/2009 17:01

IIRC, the OP had a previous thread about being called 'girlfriend' too quickly---thought she was going to get rid of him then?

Or perhaps she's a gluten for punishment?

Tn0g · 24/04/2009 17:03

That's very clever, cock

I'd give him the [iced] finger I think.

TiggyR · 24/04/2009 17:04

You git! I've been trying to use gluten all bloody afternoon. That's it. The oven gloves are off now. I mean business. I may be gone a while but I'll be bak and it will be worth it.

TiggyR · 24/04/2009 17:05

That would be back obviously.

Or maybe baklava. Hah! See? Come on if you think you're hard enough.

BottySpottom · 24/04/2009 17:07

Poor Tiggy. Don't be sour dough.

BottySpottom · 24/04/2009 17:10

Soda thread's stopped now I've said that, has it?

BottySpottom · 24/04/2009 17:17

Actually, I've changed my mind. He sounds like a pret(zel).

Where is the OP? She's probably running round the fruit isle, trying to avoid him trying to pump her.Nickel tins are best for baking bread btw.

YanknCock · 24/04/2009 17:28

The bloke sounds a bit barm-y.

I'd find it a challah(nge) to deal with being paraded around anywhere.
Gentle · 24/04/2009 17:29

I expect the OP is still checking in with a rye smile. Wheat better watch what we say.

gagamama · 24/04/2009 17:30

These puns are getting a bit stale.

Gentle · 24/04/2009 17:36

True, gagamama. I'm mould enough to know better.


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TiggyR · 24/04/2009 17:36

Can't we start on cheeses? After all there's stil-tons of time, and I'm running out of bakery ideas to brie honest. If we could do cheese I'd have some halloumi-nating ideas. Sorry, if my English is not grate, but I was never torte proper. (just snuck one in there .) I've been ganache-ing my teeth and rack (of lamb)ing my brains, I'm cream crackered frankly. I am starting to come up with SUB-standard ideas (ooh look, there goes another one - just when you think you are all out of bread) and I canape arsed any more. My children need feeding!

Well, I'd had more constructive afternoons, but it's been fun! (well, fungi actually. Sorry. .

YanknCock · 24/04/2009 17:44

I'm fresh out of ideas too. Someone needs to take my place in the roti.

Don't worry OP, if you dump him I'm sure you won't be left on the shelf!

ridingjoker · 24/04/2009 17:49
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