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DH really embarrassed me earlier

102 replies

LeatherOnLeather · 05/02/2009 22:23

We were invited around to friends for dinner tonight. They got the wii out and we had a play around on some of their party games. We were having a really good laugh. Then when it was my turn I was doing this ski jump thing where you have to bend down and DH shouted "OPEN YOUR LEGS!" but in a really rough 'docker' type voice. Everyone was in hysterics, one was actually having trouble beathing and had to leave the room she was laughing so much and DH just kept repeating it over and over again. I tried to ignore him, laugh along and carry on with the game but I felt like everyone was laughing at me.

I didn't cause a scene there but I'm really annoyed with him. he says I'm being unreasonable and childish. Wouldn't you lot react the same way or am I making a big deal out of nothing?

OP posts:
pointydog · 06/02/2009 19:58


I thought people wrer going to come upwith many more sexually suggestive ideas for wii/virtual games

I just cannot get that really rough 'docker' type voice out of my head. I love the inverted commas around 'docker'.

vjg13 · 06/02/2009 20:14

I love the term 'porn master' and the definition. ROFL

moondog · 06/02/2009 20:18

Ooh, where was the definition?
I missed that.

My friend one gorrof with a real life docker. She said that after coitus was completed, he lit a fag and flicked ash into his big rough docker's boot by the side of the bed.

FairLadyRantALot · 06/02/2009 20:20

lol at moondogs friends experience of a "real life docker"

oh, I missed the definition to porn master...

pointydog · 06/02/2009 20:20

fucking hell.

sounds heavenly, moon

FairLadyRantALot · 06/02/2009 20:20

erm, of porn master, not to...duh

CandleQueen · 06/02/2009 20:25

PMSL at Dandy straddling friends husband!

vjg13 · 06/02/2009 20:27

Sorry, I thought it was the bit about husband shouting porno instructions and people complying, maybe that was just post dinner party wii playing definition!!

FairLadyRantALot · 06/02/2009 20:31
ScottishMummy · 06/02/2009 20:39

porn master- dominant lascivious bossy man

moondog · 06/02/2009 20:40

Sounds right up my street.

Jstbcsiamammsntr · 06/02/2009 20:45

Wigglesworth - u play World at war?

vjg13 · 06/02/2009 20:45

Would need the right accent though.

Kimi · 06/02/2009 20:46

I can not say anything better then suwoo said, /makes note of it in case ever needed.

I think they were laughing at him not you by the way

beansontoast · 06/02/2009 20:48

oh moondog...are you saying you have never even tried to pretend you are ski jumping/hurdling/bowling in someone else's sitting room?

it can be hilarious for that very reason...

picture the scene ''ooooh here i am on a wii...pretending to (insert verb here)in someone else's oh... ha ha ha.. who would have thought that i such a stuck up prig...could be having such a good time doing just that?''

you might have the time of your life ...or just a good might be really good ,and that's even funnier!

ScottishMummy · 06/02/2009 20:51

"docker" accent -i imagine it as Newcastle or scouser accent.vocal cords Thickened by fags and alchol.

did no one think op was wind up?LOL=Land of leather

moondog · 06/02/2009 20:54

Christ no BOT.
Never tried and never will.When and if I need exercise, the real thing does me.A walk or a run or a swim.

All that electrical malarkey just depresses me.

pointydog · 06/02/2009 20:55

"I such a stuck up prig"?! lol. Surprisingly, I have never thought that either

pointydog · 06/02/2009 20:56

yes, SM. . Geordie would be nice

FairLadyRantALot · 06/02/2009 20:58

scottish...didn't even look at the lol connection...and it probably is a wind up thread....who cares...

moonboots · 06/02/2009 21:02

Can I just mention that I have just joined Mumsnet and this is one of the first discussions I have read. Is this a joke or what? Is someone actually upset about this or is my plonker being pulled? Hilarious though and yes, I too have that rough docker's voice goin through my head....

ScottishMummy · 06/02/2009 21:03

hell it has been funny.the imagery of the porn master shouting "porn your legs" to ski jump wife as friends look on



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vjg13 · 06/02/2009 21:03

Noooo Geordie would be awful. I'd want Sean Connery type assertive.

beansontoast · 06/02/2009 21:07

all the wiring and configuration freaks me out too moondog...that is why it has to be in someone else's house!

(i do have a soft spot for your trad/old school ways you know ..night)

moondog · 06/02/2009 21:08
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